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Another part to the Alternate reality series, and the final part for Martha. The finale for the whole series is next and will be about the Doc. 

“Who’s a little cutie, you are, yes you are!” Martha said as she kissed her baby. Only six months ago she was a young man helping the Doc test out his newest machine, one that let a person transfer their mind across realities and into alternate versions of themselves.

Of course, she had messed it up by breaking the remote that would have brought her home, and she wasn’t smart enough to fix it, and moving around on her own was hard due to being nearly nine months pregnant.

“Alright sweetie let’s go find Daddy, he should be downstairs making us some yummy breakfast.” She had hoped the professor from her reality would have come looking for her when she didn’t return, but as far as she knew that never happened.

She had tried to find this world's version of the Doc, just to see if her version had taken over her, but when Martha arrived, her water broke and she went into labor. Her husband rushed her to the hospital where she had a long and painful night.

In the end, she pushed out a healthy baby girl, who she fell in love with instantly. She named her baby Mary. A few days of recovering later, her husband brought her home to surprise her and baby Mary with a brand new nursery he had built while she was resting during the days.

“Hey, Daddy! Mary is starving, what did you make for her?” Martha’s husband chuckled. “Mary is hungry huh? Here I thought she was still breastfeeding.” “Well, you know how that all works, I share what I eat.”

“Oh right, here I thought you just really liked my cooking.” “Well there’s that too, I mean it is really good, I can’t help myself. It does make getting rid of this extra fat from the baby hard to get rid of.” “I wouldn’t worry about that, you still look great.” Martha walks over and gives him a kiss.

“Thanks, hun.” Martha went and sat down at the table and continued to play with Mary. She was so happy looking into her cute little eyes and watching her explore the world. Martha almost couldn't believe she tried to give this all up.

About a month after she gave birth her husband had decided to surprise her by bringing her back to the lab where this version of the Doc worked. He had taken Martha and said he would watch her while she went inside and did whatever it was she needed to do.

She thanked him and walked inside. She was quickly discovered by the security system and held in place by mechanical arms until Dr. Emily brown walked out of her lab and deactivated it. “Now who would be foolish enough to try and sneak into my lab unannounced.”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know why I’d be here? Or who I am?” The Doc put her hand on her chin. “I’m pretty sure I don’t have any appointments today, and I don’t recognize you, so again what are you doing here? Trying to steal my secrets.”

“No, I wasn’t I swear. I was hoping a friend of mine was going to be here, but it seems he didn’t quite make it.” “That still doesn’t make sense, why would you’re friend be here in my lab?” Martha started to sweat, she really wasn’t smart enough to trick the Doc, no matter what version it was.

“I uh… Would you believe me if I told you an alternate version of you sent me here to test out a machine he had made, and I somehow got myself stuck here by breaking the remote that would return me home?”

The Doc looked annoyed. “Hmmm, I suppose it’s possible. Do you have the remote you broke with you?” Martha looked embarrassed. “Uh, well I was very pregnant when I got here, and my new husband threw it away when I wasn’t around.”

The Doc sighed. “Well, without the remote I can reverse engineer it, so I’d never be able to get you home. I could probably make another one and send you to another random reality, but you could end up much worse than the version of yourself you’re in now.”

“Oh, that makes sense… I’d hate to end up as some sort of dog version of myself, or even a super old one. I suppose being a woman isn't that bad, plus my baby is very cute.” “Well sounds like you didn’t even want to leave.”

“Yeah, I suppose I don’t anymore. I guess I came here to see if my version of the Doc had taken over you, but since he hadn’t I suppose there’s no reason for me to be here.” Martha waved the Doc goodbye and left.

She got back into the car with her husband. “How did it go hun? Find what you were looking for?” Martha smiles. “What I came here for wasn’t here, but that's a good thing.” “Really? Why’s that?” Marth leans in and kisses her husband.

“It’s because I have you, and our amazing daughter Mary.” “Oh, only our daughter is amazing huh?” Marhta rolled her eyes. “Oh don’t be like that, you’re amazing as well. Now How about we get home and I’ll prove it to you while Mary takes a nap.” “Sounds like a plan to me.”

That was the true start of Martha’s new life as a home mother. Day and night for the last five months Martha has taken care of baby Mary. Changing, feeding, and even teaching her. She even started going to mommy and me classes so she could be the best mother possible.

It did take some time, but she truly fell in love with her husband and even got to the point where she slept with him, and boy did she like that. Getting fucked was even better than then masturbating in this body, and not being pregnant was a plus.

Of course that only happens rarely as motherhood is a full-time job and sooner or later the baby calls and she has to take care of her. She really didn’t mind it though, even when she had to breastfeed Mary, it was just another wonderful mother-daughter bonding moment for her.

Although those moments have become a bit challenging now that Mary is growing teeth, being bitten on the nipples does not feel great. “Ouch Mary, no biting.” Mary lets out a cute laugh. “Yeah yeah very funny.”

Martha continues to feed Mary as her husband comes walking in. “Hey Jim, what are you up to?” “Oh you know, just checking up on the two most important women in the world.” “Oh, the most important huh?”

“Yup, that’s right.” Martha smiles. “Then I suppose if I asked for a back rub, you’d probably do it since I’m so important.” Her husband smiles and walks behind her. “Of course, I’d do that.” Her husband began to rub her back.

“That feels so good. You know if the therapy job doesn’t work out, you should do this full time.” “Hmm, perhaps you’re right I’ll keep it in mind.” The two laughed and continued on. As Martha got her back rubbed she suddenly had thoughts about her old life.

She really thought about it anymore, so it was strange for it to pop into her head suddenly. She didn’t know why, but she was curious about where her original doctor had ended up. She was positive he’d have chased after her when she didn’t return, so what happened to him?

If He had made it into the body Of Dr. Emily he would have told her right? So he mustn’t have made it to this world. She hoped whatever world he was in, he wasn’t beating himself up about her being missing.

Little did she know, her Doc had made it into this world and in fact, taken over Dr. Emily’s body. What Martha would never know, was the unfortunate situation she was in due to a rouge AI duplicate of Dr Emily. The Doc now sat deep in the lab, changed to the floor in a tight latex bikini, horny and begging for more sex.



Riley Gendreau

I forgot to color the text. I will do that, but in the mean time enjoy the story.


a very sincere and sweet episode, an excellent finale to this wonderful story... and I’m looking forward to the episode telling about the fate of the doc... although in principle I already have an idea of what exactly will happen there, but it’s much more interesting to see it with my own eyes