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last_of_workers monthly reward January 2024 

Faith, Findlay, and Haider were the main members of a touring rock band The Gathering. The band had become quite popular in the last few years, so much so that this was their third tour and each of them had already made a small fortune.

This led to them living quite a lavish lifestyle, and the night that they got to their next stop they decided to go out partying. Each of them got extremely wasted. When morning came around their tour bus was completely ransacked and each of them was passed out.

Faith was on top of the tour bus in his underwear, Findlay was naked in bed with three women and Haider was wearing all three’s clothes while sitting upside down at the steering wheel, and he had a pile of beer bottles under him.

Faith was the first to wake up that morning mostly because he rolled off the bus. Luckily he landed on something soft, the pavement. With a bit of blood coming from the back of his head, he got up walked around the bus, and got inside.

He woke the other two up and they each cleaned up and got dressed. When they exited the bus to head inside the stadium they noticed that the storage compartments for their equipment had been emptied, but not in the normal way.

Instead, the containers were still there, but none of their instruments or equipment were there. They head inside and speak to the band manager who seems really frustrated. When he saw them he started yelling at them for leaving the bus unlocked and letting people rob it.

They had no idea what he was talking about but the manager pulled out his phone and showed them security footage of them getting really drunk and pulling a few things out, then leaving the bus unattended and completely open for hours.

By the time they returned and continued their party, everything had been stolen. They didn’t really seem to care and told the manager to just order new stuff, they could afford to replace it. The manager held his face and sighed.

He told them he already did, and most of it would be there tomorrow, but begged that they try to let the new stuff get stolen, or else he’d assign them a bus manager to babysit them from now on. They agreed, mostly to make him happy.

They make their way into the concert hall where another band is finishing their first rehearsal. It was an all-female rock band, and they played similar music to theirs, the only difference is they hadn’t made it big yet, so this was their chance.

They were the opening band for their concert, and they were really good. Once they finished off their set they hopped off stage and went somewhere backstage. The trio of The gathering then took the stage and started to look out.

Findlay started talking to the drummer that was there. They didn’t have a drummer so the manager often hired one to play temporarily with them, and this woman was playing with them and the opening band since they didn’t have a drummer either.

Findlay starts going over the music they’ll be playing and Haider walks over and picks up the bass guitar that the other band had left behind. He started playing it and everyone else looked over at him confused.

They asked him what he was doing and he shrugged and said practicing. Then they asked if he knew that wasn’t his instrument, and again he shrugged. He didn’t care, they left it here and he needed to practice for the concert.

He then suggests the others join him, the instruments aren't all that feminine so their masculine pride won't be damaged using it, not that anyone is here to watch, and if someone did hear, they wouldn't suspect anything anyway, since they were supposed to be practicing right now anyway.

The other two shrug and walk over. Findlay grabs a microphone, and Faith grabs an electric guitar. They did a few quick tests and looked over at the drummer who didn’t seem to care one bit either as long as she was paid she’d play the drums.

They begin practicing their first seat, and it goes so well they head straight into their second and third. They end up losing track of time while jamming out they didn’t even notice the other band had come back in.

The group stopped playing when Findlay noticed them rocking in the crowd while watching them. She apologized for using their instruments and the other band looked confused. They asked Findlay what she was talking about.

The singer from the other band looked at them and smiled, saying they did look a lot like theirs, but then pointed to an open spot beside them that had an identical set of instruments that hadn’t been there a few minutes ago.

Findlay turned towards her bandmates confused and was met with even more confusion. Instead of her bandmates and the temp drummer, there were now two random women standing next to the drummer, and both of them seemed confused.

Findlay asked who they were, and what happened to Haider and Faith, both of them seemed really confused and turned their heads towards each other to see yet another strange girl. It seemingly hit them all at once as each of them looked down at themselves.

Each one had been magically turned into a female version of themselves. Haider hair had grown out and was now styled so she had bangs and a ponytail. His ripped jeans had turned into low-cut shorts, and she had grown two average-sized breasts, other than that, she was mostly the same.

Faith's hair stayed the same length but restyled to look more feminine and less messy. Her clothes didn’t change all that much, her jeans became skinny jeans and were now hugging her ass and thighs that had become longer, and she had a normal teeshirt covering her small new breasts.

Findlay on the other hand had changed the most. Her hair grow out a lot, she had both big breasts and a massive ass, which all aligned into a curvy figure. She had been wearing a leather jacket before, but now she had on a very tight leather dress, with thin black leggings underneath.

The three of them had no idea how this happened, they asked the drummer if she saw them change and she had no clue what they were talking about. They even tried talking to their manager, and their manager insisted that all of them had always been female, and this was a female-only band.

He also mentioned that they needed to stop drinking or taking whatever drugs had them so confused, then walked off to prepare for the upcoming event, leaving the three of them utterly confused and standing there awkwardly with their new bodies.

There really wasn’t anything they could do about the transformation, they had no idea how it happened, Haider seemed to think it was the instruments they used, she mentioned several times that she felt some strange presence coming from them, but no one believed her.

So they continued to tour around in their new bodies. For the most part, they were able to learn about their bodies and adapt, and the band was just as loved as they were before. So they continued to play for the next year until their tour was over.

That’s when Faith decided to leave the band she never fully adjusted to her body and decided to go off in search of a cure or to seek help in adjusting, either way, she didn’t want to be in the band anymore.

That left Haider and Findlay alone, and if their manager wasn’t so good at his job it would have been the end of the band. The manager managed to recruit the band that opened for them the night they all changed genders.

So now they have a singer, which is Findlay, a bassist which is Haider, a drummer, a guitarist, and a backup singer who can also play guitar. So now they were a fuller band and that helped their popularity even higher.

Nearly fifteen years later most of them are in their early forties and still rocking hard. Haider and Findlay are still the heads of the band, and they occasionally get new members or lose members who had been with them for a while.

They’re rich beyond belief, have tons of gold records, and have been at the top of the charts for over a decade. Findlay was still a hit with the ladies, and always had one in her bed anytime she was in it, and Haider had hooked up with a man and gotten married, so far it’s still the two of them.

Faith after going to therapy and coming to terms with her transformation ended up meeting a very nice man and getting married, and now she has two children, one that’s ten years old and the other that’s twelve.

Most of them have come to terms with their transformation, although Findlay would still prefer to change back, Haider doesn’t care either way, and Faith has now reached the point that she wouldn't do anything to risk her amazing family even if that meant staying a woman and having more kids.

The group had mysteriously lost the instruments that Haider insisted were magical years ago, and one day when they arrived at their next concert they met a new upcoming all-female band that had instruments that looked similar, and strangely enough they were fans of The Gathering.




Wonderful story, you were able to develop my idea very well and even added a couple of very cool details, but about the finale I can only say one thing - the show must go on!