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“Ugh, he’s filthy, don’t you ever wash him?”

Her friend, Audrey, asked, you were in the middle of painting her nails after spending 2 hours eating dead skin from her toes.

“Not really”, Janine replied, your owner for the last 11 years, after capturing you in high school as you caught the virus in the hall. She was maybe 3 or 4 years younger than you. Instead of helping you like most girls did back then - she took you home.

At first you were like a pet but in time she degraded you more and more until you ended up like this.

“And that hair, bah, so disgusting”, her friend continued.

Janine tamed you well, you knew not to talk back, and never to disrespect her friends, days of starving or being kept inside a glass box in the sun taught you your place in this world, you just kept your head down and continued painting her nails in the ridiculous pink color she asked for.

“It’s just a foot slave, why would I haircut or clean him? He gets dirty by my feet in a few minutes”, Janine replied, a bit irritated by Audrey’s comments.

“Whatever”, *snap snap*, Audrey snapped her fingers next to your head, “faster bug, is he retarded or something?” She asked impatiently, you gulped and tried to work faster.

Janine sighed, “he’s just trying to be thorough and not go out of lines, give him a break”. It warmed your heart hearing her defending you like that, you couldn’t remember it happened before.

Audrey made an annoyed smirk, “we will be late”, she said impatiently.

“They will wait, why are you being so nervous? They are horny as fuck”, Janine said, only now you understand that you are preparing them for a date.

“I don’t know, Terry is hot, don’t want to mess it up”, Audrey said with a dreaming smile.

Janine rolled her eyes, “be so stressed and you’ll mess it up for sure”.

“What about Jack don’t you think he’s hot too?” Audrey asked, leaning closer to Janine.

“Meh, not really, I’m doing it for you actually, they both kinda disgust me”, Janine replied and looked aside, with a slightly disgusted expression.

Audrey made a confused face, “what? Disgust you?”

“Want me to say it? I think Terry is pathetic, and Jack?” She paused and laughed, “oh Jack, if I could - I would squish him with my foot and twist so hard his guts would spray all over my sole”.

Audrey was shocked.

“Yeah but they are both vaccinated, such a shame”, she said and sighed, slowly stopping laughing.

“Wow”, Audrey said and looked at you, “this is sick”, she said, but then giggled too.

“What’s funny?”

“Just imagined Jack getting squished by your foot”, Audrey said and they giggled together, you just finished painting the last toe, you took a few steps back and bowed down your head silently.

Audrey held her toes and checked them carefully, it was like she’s trying to find a defect just as an excuse to demean you.

“Hmm, good job actually”, she said, you stood idly with your head down.

*Snap*, Janine snapped her finger and coughed her throat. You immediately fell to your knees and bowed down in front of her friend.

“Thank you!” You shouted.

Audrey giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, “oh my god so he CAN talk”

Janine pointed at her foot, “of course he can, he’s just not allowed to without my permission”, she explained nonchalantly, you quickly went and kneeled in front of her foot, kissing it obediently.

“Have you ever considered becoming a professional enslaver? I mean seriously, I think I’ve never seen anyone so obedient before”, Audrey said in awe, checking her toes again and smiling.

Janine giggled, “hahaha… no, not really, tame guys like that? It took me years making him the obedient puppy he is now”, she tapped your head with her big toe, you gulped and nodded, when she lowered it again you immediately started licking between her toes.

“That’s a lot of money though, my cousin Daniel is a professional enslaver and she makes tons of money”, Audrey said.

“Yeah and how exactly will I get tinies to tame?” Janine said in a cynical tone.

“Girl, Jack for example - he’s drooling all over you, I’m sure that if you dare him to shrink for you or something he’s going to do it”, Audrey said excitedly.

Janine sighed and shook her head, “there’s absolutely no way someone would do that, it’s suicide”.

“Janine! Guys do it all the time! How do you think shrinking centers make profit?!” Audrey was now on her knees, looking at Janine in shock.

“By growing those bugs back to size, I guess”, Janine shrugged.

“No! Silly! That’s like just 20% of their income! Are you kidding me?!” Audrey paused to gasp, “Kacy just convinced her boyfriend to shrink and she considers not to grow him back!”

Janine made a confused face and giggled embarrassingly, “what? You talk about Tom?”


“He shrunk for Kacy? What the fuck”, suddenly her toes closed on your head, squeezing a bit, you squirmed in pain and pulled it out.

“Wow Janine you live in a cave”, Audrey said and shook her head, then checked her phone, “ok let’s go down they are here”.

“Oh it’s already 8?” Janine asked, getting up, you looked at them silently.

“No, they are early”, Audrey said.

Janine paused for a moment, “so let them wait”, she said and picked you up, walking to the kitchen with you in her hand.

Audrey followed her, “what? Why?”

Janine made a smirk and shook her head, then sighed, “ugh, can’t believe I’m doing it”, she placed you on the countertop and opened a closet, then took a bowl out and filled it with water and a few drops of soap.

“I don’t understand”, Audrey said.

Janine placed the bowl next to you, “get in, clean yourself”.

Your whole body was shaking, you looked at her in shock, waiting to get another approval, just to be sure.

“Stop ignoring me!” Audrey shouted.

“I said let them wait! Stop being so easy to get. I'm trying to help you!” Janine replied in an irritated tone.

Audrey gulped, then looked at you, “I think he’s waiting for your permission or something”

“Ugh, I said get in! Stop looking at me like a stray puppy”, she pointed at the bowl again.

You miserably removed your trousers and climbed into the bowl, trembling as you feel the cold water on your sore body, you have no idea how many years it’s been since the last time she washed you.

You couldn’t hold back, you started crying quietly as you scrubbed the gunk, sweat and dirt from years of foot slavery.

“You say I’m easy to get?” Audrey said quietly, offended.

“Look, guys are like that - if you chase too much they will run off, you gotta humiliate them a little, let’s go down around 8:20, you’ll see they will wait and even thank us for showing up”, Janine said with a smile, “besides, let my foot slave wash himself, you are the one who said he needs it”

Audrey looked at you, suddenly she made a gentle smile, “what’s his name by the way?” She asked.

Janine paused for a moment, she made a confused face.

“What?” Audrey asked.

“Wow, I just realized I can’t recall”, Janine said, “hey, what’s your name?” She asked and they both looked at you.

You stopped scrubbing and looked at them helplessly, not sure what to say. You forgot your name years ago after being kept inside a box for 2 days as punishment for painting her skin by mistake during a pedicure.

“I asked you a question, bug”, she demanded.

“S-So sorry g-goddess”, you stuttered in fear, afraid to be punished for it, “I can’t remember, please forgive me”, you said miserably in tears, you didn’t want this shower to end now, you’re still dirty, you wanted to wash your hair.

Janine sighed.

Audrey started laughing, “I can’t believe it, so he actually doesn’t have a name now”

You felt ashamed, but when Janine started laughing too you allowed yourself to keep scrubbing your body, and then dipped your head inside the water.

“I guess you are right, maybe it’ll come back to me at some point, but honestly? He doesn’t really need a name, he’s a bug, my bug”, Janine said with a smile.

Audrey checked her phone again, “he’s asking what’s the holdup”.

“Ignore him, let them sweat”, Janine said and looked at you.

“God you’re so good at this, I feel pathetic” Audrey said and placed her phone on the countertop.

Janine made a smug face, “you done?” She asked, you were shocked, she was never that kind to you. You looked at her and slowly nodded, afraid to waste even a second of her precious time.

She held your trousers, then shook her head and threw it into the garbage, she walked to her room and you were left with Audrey.

You sat in the water silently.

“You really don’t remember your name?” She whispered, “you can tell me, I won’t tell her”, she giggled.

You shook your head, she shrugged.

Janine came back with new clothes in her hand, she dropped them next to the bowl, you carefully climbed out, then you even noticed a towel, you quickly held it with shaking hands and dried yourself.

“What about his hair though?” Audrey asked.

“Nah, I like it long, it’s cool, like he’s a bug rockstar or something”, Janine giggled.

You quickly dressed up.

“Yeah now that’s it clean I guess you are right”, Audrey nodded to confirm, then brought her finger and raised your hair a little with her fingernail.

Janine paused for a moment, then opened a closet and took out a cookie, she started crumbling it in her hand, making rains of crumbs in front of you, you fell to your knees and opened your eyes wide, you didn’t understand what’s going on, this is by far the best day of your life, you don’t deserve it.

“Ok we made them wait long enough, let’s go down”, Janine said and went to bring her phone.

Your eyes got swollen, you watched the crumbs around you, for so many years all you ate was sweat, dead skin and foot gunk.

Rarely there were edible crumbs stuck to her sole, let alone cookie crumbs, and now you have so many in front of you, more than you ate ever since she first captured you.

Audrey picked up her phone and followed Janine out of the apartment.

You looked around you, shocked, you are not in your cage, she never left you in the open like this.

You held a crumb with both hands and gave it a bite, “mmm”, it was the tastiest thing you’ve ever eaten in your life, you continued eating in joy, you didn’t know what was that generous mood she was having but you prayed for more days like that.



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