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This is the last Patreon’s month overview before the freeze 🥹

So the biggest thing that happened is the early access that started rolling out this month, currently 48 players are enjoying Shrunken At Home DLC (Secrets Unveiled) and the feedback is overwhelmingly good ❤️

The game also supports Checkpoints and other cool features now, based on players’ feedback.

About the content that has been published during June:

Big Titles:

  • For Science 🧪 (5 Parts) ✅
  • Colleagues (9 Parts) ✅
  • Good Care - Part 6 ➡️ ongoing

Short Stories:

  • Shoe Cleaner
  • Perfect Fit
  • Abducted
  • Neighbors Dispute
  • Toy 🧸
  • Invaders
  • Chess ♟️
  • Finally
  • Shared

Super Shorts:

  • Shopping Spree
  • Couple’s Argue

Social Media / WhatsApp:

  • Israeli Tourists
  • Stepping on Shit
  • Between Sets
  • Her Sister
  • Pranks
  • Trash


  • The Reveal
  • The Worst Kind

About July:

July will have content up to the 15th of the month.

Until July 5th there will be stories that are a bit longer than usual, including first chapters of “Janine”, an eBook I started writing. (Yes, it’s about the character from “Good Care” series)

Then from the 5th to the 15th are going to be social media posts, random stuff, no stories behind them, kind of a way to slow down and help you adjust to a reality without a daily post 😝

Shrunken at Home: Secrets Unveiled:

The Alpha release will begin next week, every Patron with 40$+ lifetime support is going to get a personal invitation to the game.

Around mid-end July the beta release will start, and no more personal invitations, it will be either requesting access in the discord server or buying a ticket in the ticket store. In this case it’s just too many people for me to reach personally, sorry about that.

In August, I expect the DLC to be fully released and move on to my next project.

About the Future:

Disclaimer: this is the current plan, but plans might change, so it’s not an obligation.

August - I’m going to work on the engine / infrastructure of an entirely new project, without support and without investing money other than keeping the site running + Midjourney + PS licenses. I hope game tickets will cover all that with some change for this project, I guess the more funds I’ll have the more open I’ll be on hiring models and make it more special, like happened in the DLC, which from something small became even bigger than the main title, mainly because of the amount of tickets sold to the main game.

If you’d still want to support you can always increase your pledge here on Patreon as you see fit or even better - buying a ticket on giantess-interactive.com , any support is greatly appreciated no matter how you choose to do it. It does not necessarily need to be in money either.

I will also be active in Discord and occasionally post in DeviantArt and on my website.

September - Stories are back, one every 2 days, same hour as they are being published here now. Just on the website and without email notifications.

Without subscriptions (free access to site members) as I want people to get used to my website and reading in it, so far the stories that were published there were originally created for Patreon - you are going to see a big difference now that they are written for the website instead.

These are one part, long stories with a lot of collages and stuff. I'm really enjoying the experience there and how images can be shown at the exact moment of a story, it enables me to do many great things I couldn’t do here on Patreon or anywhere else.

After that - at some point subscriptions / tiers will be available on my website, and all posts will be available only to supporters, same as Patreon works, in a way.

But a lot is going to change, I’m rethinking the whole tiers thing, for something that will fit my website better, sharing with you my current thoughts:

Tier 1 - “Watcher” 3$

Access to all theme images of stories.

Tier 2 - “Reader” 7$

Access to all stories, including comics, specials, and so on.

Tier 3 - “Player” 20$

All of the above and a temporary ticket to the interactive games, it means as long as the plan is active the subscriber can play and have access to “Unlocked Endings” gallery.

This won’t include the DLC.


This is just a draft, but I would appreciate feedback on this direction and what you think about it. And in general about my plan.

And this is everything, thank you everyone for the ongoing support 🙏 and I hope you’re going to miss my stories 🙃



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