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You’ve been waiting for this double date all week.

You and your friend Terry were waiting in the car to date Janine and Audrey.

To say you had a crush on Janine would be an understatement, ever since you saw her on the first day of university you fell in love with her. But no matter what you did to impress her or get her attention didn’t work out. Many friends, including Terry, told you to leave it already, that she’s not interested, but today you’ll finally have your chance.

3 days ago Terry did you a solid by asking Audrey for a double date, and apparently Janine agreed.

“What’s the holdup? Please send her a message”, you told Terry, it’s 8:07 and you should’ve picked them up at 8:00.

“It’s women, give them a second”, Terry said, browsing his phone.

“But maybe something happened, what if Janine had second thoughts or something”, you said nervously, tapping the car door’s handle.

“Then she’s doing you a favor”, Terry chuckled, “seriously bro, this girl is bad news”.

“Just check with Audrey for a second, ok?” You insisted.

He sighed and sent her a message, “here, happy? You make me look like a fool”.

You scoffed and looked through the window at the entrance of her building. You've been here many times, waiting outside just for a chance to see her, acting like you’ve been here by chance, lying about meeting another friend.

“They get prepared”, Terry said, “your crush will show up”.

“Ugh, she’s not my crush, it’s more than that”, you replied.

“You’re being obsessive bro, it’s not a good thing”, Terry looked at you seriously, like he’s giving you friendly advice.

“Falling in love isn’t being obsessive, I’ll marry this girl you’ll see”, you said in determination.

“Ok here’s your future wife then”, he pointed at the entrance, you turned your head and saw her, perfect as ever, the love of your life, escorted by her friend.

They entered the car.

“Hi girls”, Terry said casually.

“Hey, what’s up?” Audrey asked in a giggly voice, Janine just sat down and looked through the window, “sorry for the holdup we needed to feed Janine’s pet first”, Audrey explained.

“It’s ok, thanks for showing up”, you said, looking at Janine from the front seat but she didn’t look back, Audrey giggled for no reason.

“My family also has a cat, or is it a dog you have there?” You asked but no one replied, “Janine?”

She slowly looked at you, confused face, “huh? You were talking to me?” She asked.

“Yeah, your pet”, you said with a smile.

“What about it?” She made an irritated face, looking at Audrey, looks like she’s angry Audrey mentioned anything about it.

“Cat or a dog?” You asked.

Janine sighed, “cat… I guess”, she finally stated.

“Cool, used to have one as a teenager, stayed at my parents home, old whiskers”, you said and she just nodded with an indifferent face, “what's its name?”

“It doesn’t have a name”, Audrey answered instead of Janine, who just seemed irritated by this whole conversation.

“Just ‘cat’ then?” You chuckled, trying somehow to break the ice.

“Yeah, something like that”, Audrey said and giggled, you nodded and looked forward.

You were driving in silence for a few minutes.

“Where exactly are we going?” Janine said in a tired voice.

Terry fixed the mirror and looked back, “my cousin’s bar, it’s a good one”, he said.

“Free drinks I hope”, Janine said with a smirk.

“Haha, maybe one or two, yeah”, Terry said, you chuckled too just to feel a part of the conversation.

“Love this place”, Audrey said, “you’re gonna like it”, she told Janine.

“Could use a drink for sure”, Janine said and sighed.

“No worries Janine, my treat”, you said.

“He just said the drinks are free lol”, Janine looked at Audrey and they laughed together, you blushed.

“K we are here”, Terry took a turn on a thin asphalt road and parked in the VIP area.

“Nice”, Janine said looking at the VIP sign.

“Very important people”, you said and giggled.

“It’s personnel”, Janine corrected you.

“It’s just person actually, and it’s me”, Terry joked, both him and Audrey laughed, you all got out of the car and walked in, you walked after Janine, Audrey quickly got next to her and whispered something in her ear, Janine shook her head but Audrey giggled, you were dying to know what was that about.

You got in and had your own table. It was a short table with couches around it, lower than the height of your knees. Terry brought drinks for everyone, even some special cocktails.

Although Janine systematically ignored you, you all had a great time, and you even enjoyed just looking at her drinking and talking.


After perhaps an hour of drinking, you were all a bit drunk by now, Janine just shared a story about a professor who caught the shrinking virus and how someone she knew from high school helped him.

“And I’m like, you’re crazy”, she said, rolling her eyes up and taking another sip from her drink.

“Lol what did you want her to do?” Terry asked and laughed, hugging Audrey by his side and she placed her hand over his chest.

“I don’t know, squish him?” She said and started laughing together with Audrey.

You gulped, Terry also didn’t like it, “you mean, if you’ve found him you’d just step on him?” Terry asked.

“If he’s a terrible person why not?” Audrey intervened.

“He would’ve deserved it, I got an F for his class just because he’s a dick”, Janine said.

“Yeah but it’s still a person, you can’t just step over someone like he’s a bug just because you don’t like him”, Terry said in a concerned voice, looking at Audrey.

“What do you think?” Janine suddenly asked, she looked at you, you gulped.

“Me?” You pointed at yourself, you were quiet for a while now.

“Yeah, like, who else is here?” Janine laughed and took a sip.

“Umm..” you looked at Terry and Audrey, then back at her, “I think you are right”.

“What?” Terry asked in shock, “did you even heard what she said, crushing someone just because he gave her an F”

“It’s not only that, she says he’s a bad person, if he got shrunk the human laws and rights aren’t applying on him so if she wants him squished it’s kinda her right”, you explained, Janine smiled ear to ear and sipped from her drink.

“The man probably has a family, this is sick”, Terry said, “well I’m glad that friend of yours found him first”, he added calmly, trying to change the subject probably.

“You’re such a good person”, Audrey giggled and caressed her his chest with her finger, “wanna go fetch another drink?” She suggested and bit her lower lip, they went together and you were left there with Janine.

You were embarrassed, not sure what to say.

“Thanks for taking my side”, she said with a smile, she never smiled at you before.

“Haha, sure, you were right though, some people really deserve that”, you leaned forward.

She giggled and twisted her drink gently, “yeah?” She kicked her flip flop off and placed her foot on the table, “you think if I crushed him with my barefoot like that, it’s justice?” She laughed.

You looked at her foot and gulped, blushing all red, you’ve never seen a foot so tidy, and her toenails were painted perfectly.

You chuckled and scratched the back of your head, “it’s cruel, but in a way, yeah”, you replied.

She laughed and sent her head back, “you know what Jack, maybe I was wrong about you, you’re kinda cute”, she said and your heart almost burst hearing it.

“Thanks, you’re cute yourself”, you said and chuckled.

“Yeah? I’m just cute? Thought I’m hot”, she said mischievously.

“Hehe yeah, super hot”, you said awkwardly.

“Can we talk freely for a moment?” She suggested, “like, without all this charade and date thing”.

“W-What? Yeah of course we can, always”, you quickly replied.

“You have a crush on me? Or what’s that exactly?” She asked nonchalantly.

It caught you off guard, you coughed a few times, choking on your drink, “what do you mean?” You asked in a choking voice.

“Come on, you've been wooing me for 2 years now, and you don’t give up, why?” She asked with her perfect smile.

“It’s.. uh.. it’s not a crush Janine it’s a little more than that”, you confessed.

“More? How?”

“I don’t know, I’m thinking about you a lot, all the time actually, I was never that much… umm…”

“That much what?” She asked, drinking another sip with a smile.

“Well, in love”, you said and looked at her, Terry and Audrey just came back and took a seat. Audrey’s hair was a bit messed up and Terry’s shirt’s lowest button was open.

“Anything interesting?” Terry asked and looked at the both of you, your whole face was red, Janine looked down at her drink with a shy smile.

“Just casual-“

“Jack just confessed being in love with me”, Janine cut you mid sentence and giggled.

You were shocked by how casually she revealed it.

“Oh”, Terry said with an awkward face.

“Awww Jack! That's so cute! Congratulations!” Audrey said in a pitchy voice, “So what now?!” She looked both at you and Janine.

You just gulped and caressed your head.

“Let’s talk about something else?” Terry suggested, probably trying to save you from this awkward moment.

Janine looked at you with a smile, “yeah but I’m just wondering how far Jack is willing to go”, she said, her foot still on the table, she looked at it.

“Ooohhh a challenge?” Audrey asked.

“What are you talking about?” You helplessly asked them both.

Audrey quickly leaned forward, leaving Terry’s hug, “Jack you really love Janine?” She asked with a dreamy smile, her head a bit close to Janine’s foot now.

“Please, you’re embarrassing him, sto-“ Terry started saying but you cut him mid sentence.

“I do”, you said, trying to see where this is going.

“How would you prove it?” Janine asked.

“W-What? Proving it?” You asked nervously.

“Yeah, like, how can I believe you? My ex also said he loved me, but clearly all he wanted was sex”, Janine said.

You gulped, not sure what to say.

“Can I suggest a way?” Audrey asked with a huge smile, looking at Janine and then at you, “sign her as a caretaker”.

“I don’t like this, Jack-“ Terry leaned forward too.

“Ok”, you said without hesitation, “of course I will”.

Janine giggled, “really?”

“Yeah I don’t mind”, you said the truth.

“You’re just saying that because you're vaccinated”, Janine said and waved with her hand like you are full of shit.

“Not my fault I’m vaccinated lol”, you shrugged.

“Ok girls you had your fun let’s-“

Terry started talking but Audrey placed her hand over his chest and cut him mid sentence.

“Ok so I want to increase the wager here”, she started talking with a smile, both you and Janine looked at her, “don’t ask me how, but my cousin have the kind of shrinking virus that works even on vaccinated guys”, she said quietly, you all opened your eyes in surprise.

“T-The mutation they talk about in the media?” You asked and gulped.

“Exactly”, Audrey said with a spark in her eyes.

“Audrey, that’s enough”, Terry said, Janine giggled, and you were helpless, they both looked at you waiting to hear what you had to say.

“I don’t understand, you want me to shrink for you?” You asked with a confused tone, looking at Janine.

“I’m not saying that, but Audrey is right, it would definitely prove your love, like, I admit that”, she sipped again from her drink.

Terry raised his hand and marked a waitress to bring the bill.

“Wow, it would be so romantic”, Audrey said in a dreamy voice, placing her hand over your knee.

“This is so not cool”, Terry said and Audrey quickly pulled her hand.

“Ugh, give us a break, we are just teasing him”, Janine said and shook her head, “no one’s going to shrink”, she added.

You gulped, a little relieved, you leaned backwards.

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

“It’s obviously just a stupid crush”, Janine said and shrugged, “if he really loved me he would’ve done it already”.

Audrey giggled, your mouth went dry, and Terry just scoffed and shook his head, the bill arrived and both you and him placed your credit cards on it, the waitress went to bill it.

“Don’t be ridiculous Janine”, Terry suddenly said, “even if someone does that to prove his love, what happens next? You become his giantess girlfriend or something?”

Audrey and Janine laughed drunkenly, then Janine looked at her foot, and then at you, “can you imagine being the size of my big toe?”

Your face blushed even more, “if there was a cure or something, I would’ve done-“

“But they are working on it”, Audrey said with a smile, “everyone says it’s a matter of a year or two”

“So he’s supposed to be shrunken and under her care until that happens, just to prove what exactly?”

“That I love her”, you said and looked at her big toe, gulping again.

“He’s not supposed to do anything… like honestly? I don’t even want that, why would I take care of anyone”, Janine shrugged, Audrey gave her an intense look to shut up, “oh enough with that, it was a fun tease, that’s all”, Janine said and stood up, the credit cards are back, the rest of you got up and went to the car.

Terry grabbed you and walked with you, “dude, they are just messing with you, you know that, right?”

“Uh?.. yeah, yeah sure…” you said, looking down, you couldn’t stop thinking about this situation, having Janine as a caretaker.

“She would step on you or something, like she said about that professor, you have to keep your distance from her”, Terry said and walked fast to hug Audrey from behind.

How can you keep your distance? That’s ridiculous.

You entered the car and you drove, dropping Janine at her building first.

“I gotta admit that I had a good time”, Janine said, taking one leg outside the car, then she suddenly placed her hand over your shoulder and your heart was pounding rapidly, “sorry for teasing you Jack, but you and me? It can never happen, hope you understand that, not in the same league”, she said with a smile, then left the car, it devastated you.

Terry sighed and shook his head as he started driving again, “bro, don’t mind her, so arrogant and egocentric, ugh, sorry Audrey I know you’re friends but she’s an awful person”, he said, looking at her from the mirror, “no offense”, he added.

“Non taken”, Audrey said from behind, giggling.

You had tears in your eyes and you looked sideways.

“Jack what you said back there was really cute, I know Janine can be a bitch sometimes”, Audrey said, also placing her hand over your shoulder, trying to cheer you up, “can I give you a friendly tip?”

You nodded silently.

“Just do it, shrink for her”, she said.

“What?!” Terry snapped.

“I mean it, you love her right?” She asked and squeezed your shoulder gently, “so just do it, what can go wrong?”

“She could  c-crush him! Or worse, Audrey what the fuck!”, Terry said loudly.

“Nah, she wouldn’t, this girl is all talk, and besides, Jack, you say you love her, wouldn’t you take this risk for her?” She said, Terry scoffed in anger.

“Dude, don’t you even think-“

“Audrey, your cousin lives nearby? The one with the mutated shrinking virus?” You asked, slowly wiping away your tears.

You made up your mind, if that’s what it takes, you will shrink for Janine.



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