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And there you were again, with a tight collar over your neck attached to her ankle while she made out with her boyfriend.

You used to be a couple, years ago, you were sure that choosing her as a caretaker was the smart thing to do, and at first - it was…

But after being in enough stupid Facebook groups and following enslavers on Twitter, she slowly stopped seeing you as the human you are, and day by day your conditions degraded. It’s like her personality unleashed a dark cruel side you didn’t even know was there.

Now it’s rock bottom, your humanity is long gone, you are just a toy, used to enhance her current love life, usually her mates didn’t go with it, but that last one gets sick satisfaction from watching her tormenting you, which only encourages her to be more cruel.

They made love on the porch while you licked her sole, making sure it doesn’t sweat - that was your purpose in life now, she didn’t like her feet to sweat, so you had to lick them while she had sex.

She held his balls, “I want you to fuck me, here”, she whispered, then pulled his pants down.

“What about your toy?” He asked.

“Ignore him, I don’t care”, she breathed heavily, then started pushing her underwear down as well, she raised her leg up and you were hanging from her ankle, desperately trying to hold the chain.

He had a huge boner and they made sex, ignoring your choking sounds as you desperately try to survive.

“Harder, harder”, she moaned and held the chair, screaming to the air.

He panted and kept thrusting himself inside her, they both sweat like pigs, then he looked at you.

“Fuck, you are killing him”, he said.

“Harder, shut the fuck up”, she placed her sole on his face, you had a moment to stand on his shoulder, you used it to take a deep breath before she pulled her leg back again, “Ah, Ah, Ah”, she kept moaning in joy.

“Aammmmm”, he made a weird voice as he came, but she hugged him using her legs, not letting him go out, “no no no!!” She shouted, “are you kidding me?”

“Fuck, sorry, I couldn’t hold myself”, she released her grip and kicked him, you swindled like a rag doll, then she slammed her leg back on the table and you hit the surface hard, moaning in pain and crying, your whole clothes ripped off.

“Sorry babe”, he said and sat down, breathing heavily too.

“Whatever”, she said angrily, “and you! Go back to licking!” She shook her foot, making the string pull you from your neck, you desperately crawled, you felt like your neck was burning, your whole body was in pain.

“Maybe use him?” He suddenly said.

“What are you talking about? I am using him”, she said madly.

“No, I mean… you know…” he hinted.

“No, I don’t know, enough with the hints you make my head hurt”, she said irritatedly.

“The other day I saw a video on pornhub, of a woman using a tiny like a dildo”, he said bluntly, you shrieked and held your collar, thinking about escape.

“Mmm”, she was thinking about it, “did he survive?”

“I don’t know, I highly doubt that, but it doesn’t seem like you care much about your toy, he almost just died”, he shrugged.

You looked at her in fear and she had an evil smirk, “you know, it sounds like an interesting idea”

You desperately tried to detach your collar, but her hand started to get near.

“H-Hey, N-No! Please!” You stuttered.

“Wow it’s the first time I hear your toy talk”, he said and chuckled.

“That’s because he’s not allowed to”, she said and chuckled too, then she detached the string from her ankle.

“I’m begging you! Don’t do this please!” You begged in tears, “I don’t want to die!”

They laughed together as she pulled the string, playfully dragging you over the table as you desperately tried to hold on to something.

She held the string so her face was in front of you, you squirmed and held the collar so you won’t get hung.

“Little toy, if you don’t make it out alive, know that I really enjoyed taking care of you, but lately you are boring me anyway”, she shrugged, her boyfriend started laughing again, “try to squirm a lot”, she said in a giggly voice and started lowering you down.

“That’s so hot”, her boyfriend said, she ignored him.

She leaned backwards and spread her legs, then your legs touched her vagina, you placed them over the edges, refused to get inside, you screamed in terror.

“Want help?” Her boyfriend asked.

“Fuck off”, she said and looked at you, biting her lips, “close your legs”, she demanded.

“No! I’ll do whatever you want! Please don’t kill me!!” You cried.

“Close your legs or I’ll break them”, she pushed your head down with her finger, the pressure was too much, you closed your legs and she started pushing you inside her.

“Uhh… f-fuck yeah…” she moaned as she slowly slides you in, it was disgusting, the smell was horrible, you helplessly squirmed.

“Shit”, her boyfriend said.

“What?” She asked.

“I think I’m having a boner again”, he said as she smiled, she kept pushing you in.

“H-Hey! So you can do sex! Y-You don’t need me! Sharon! d-don’t-“ but she pushed you inside entirely, she released a majestic moan.

“Oh my god, that’s the best feeling ever”, she said as she pushed you in, “he’s squirming so hard, AAhh… oh my god”, she pushed you harder.

You tried to swim out, somehow to break free, but it was impossible, “mmmm…”

“He’s inside for too long”, her boyfriend said.

“Ahhh.. I don’t care”, she said, pushing you harder, “come here”, she said.

“W-What?” He asked.

Luckily, you suffocated and died before her boyfriend came over and started thrusting his penis inside her, she held him and they moaned together.


Your lifeless body broke inside, she screamed in joy, but her boyfriend moaned in pain.

“Keep going you pig”, she said and forced him to keep pushing, he started crying, “I don’t care it hurt you”, she said with a cruel smile.

He kept thrusting himself.

“Ah.. Ah.. Ah..” she moaned over and over again, then she started screaming, “AHHHH…” she finally came, then used her foot on his face to push him back, he was bleeding from his penis, he held it and cried.

“Mmmmmm…..” she moaned happily with closed eyes, pulling out the string from inside of her, the collar came out empty, your body was still crushed inside, she threw it out of the porch and sighed with a big smile.

He sobbed and held his penis, “you’re so evil”, he said in a whiny voice.

She giggled, “no one cares what you think, Jerald”.



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