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You woke up hearing whispers and loud sounds of moving objects, by the sound of it - huge moving objects.

It was pitch black and you had a massive headache, you had no idea where you were.

The last thing you remember was going to sleep, everything was normal.

You caressed your body and realize you are dressed with clothes you don’t remember wearing, you touched the floor and it was some kind of cardboard.

You freaked out, are you shrunken? Are you being kidnapped? All sorts of thoughts jumped to your head as your heart was pounding rapidly, you started walking forward and then you hit something that was on the floor.

“Oww.. what’s… what’s going on…” it was your wife, she moaned in pain and slowly got up, so she’s here too? You’re not shrunken then.

“I don’t know, I woke up here too”, you said nervously.

“I feel so weird…” she said, “where are we?… what are these noises?”

“I was sure I got shrunk or something, but you are here”, you said, finding her with your hands and supporting her.

“B-But babe, what if-“

Suddenly a blinding light made you both cover your faces, it was really cardboard and it was just opened, a silhouette of 2 huge persons could be seen far above you.

“Awww so adorable they are hugging!” One of them said, a young woman, the other one was laughing.

Suddenly a colossal hand picked you both up, snatching you out of the cardbox easily and dropping you on a vast table.

You had no idea what’s happening, how come Lauren is shrunken too? Women can’t shrink, it didn’t make any sense.

A finger tapped your head a few times, you still saw blurry and tried to adjust your eyes, you could hear Lauren screaming in fear.

“Hi, James? We need the code to the safe please”, she said in a giggly voice, you coughed a few times and raised your head, it was a blonde young woman, wearing a mask and a hat, she held Lauren like she’s a toy, she was squirming helplessly in her hand.

Then you turned over and saw the other one, she also wore a mask but you recognized her immediately, it’s Amber, your intern.

“A-Amber?! W-What’s going on?!”

She giggled and removed her mask, “lol I knew you’d recognize me”, the blonde one looked at her as in ‘what are you doing?’

“What? He knows me, it’s pointless”, Amber said.

“Yes but the girl, aren’t you worried about getting infected?” The blonde asked, waving with your wife like she’s an object.

“She already told you it doesn’t work like that, it’s only with the syringe to the backbone, does she have a syringe?” Amber asked rhetorically and looked at the blonde like she’s stupid.

“I don’t know, I’m not taking chances”, the blonde replied.

“Suit yourself”, Amber shrugged with a smile, then looked at you, “hi again James”.

You gulped and looked around, the house was a mess, looks like they took anything valuable, and your safe was also on the table.

“Amber why? I was always kind to you!” You shouted, almost crying.

“Hmm, yes, you have”, she smiled, “but what can I do? I love money”, they started laughing.

“I paid you far above average for an internship, this is how you thank me?!”

“That’s how I knew you were rich silly”, she giggled, “so can you give us the code to the safe? My friend here gets a little cranky”

You quickly looked at the blonde, she squeezed Lauren harder, she screamed in pain.

“OK! OK STOP!” You screamed and they giggled, “it’s 6285 please let her go!!!”

Amber casually leaned to the safe and clicked the digits.


It opened up.

“Oh my god that was so easy”, the blonde said and nonchalantly dropped Lauren to the table, you quickly ran to her.

“I told you he loves his wife, aww, so romantic”, Amber mocked you, then they both started depleting the safe into their bags.

Lauren cried in your hands.

“I don’t understand what's going on”, she said in tears.

“She’s an intern I got to work almost a year ago, I don’t know why she’s doing that”, you paused, noticing your hands are shaking, you wanted to tell her it’s going to be ok but you couldn’t, you just watched as they happily got everything out.

“Ok Amber, you got what you want, please, we won’t say anything”, you called to her.

She paused and gave you a look, “aw James, really? You are smarter than that”.

You and Lauren looked at each other in fear, then you looked back at Amber, “what are you going to do with us?”

She smiled cruelly and placed a finger on her chin, “let’s see how you are at foot treating, ok?”, she giggled and picked you up, dropping you to the floor. Lauren was calling from behind but got silent quickly.

Amber’s foot got in your face, you pushed it with your hands.

“Hey, you don’t want Ashley to squish your wife, right?”

“Oh my god you told him my name!” Ashley shrieked.

Amber looked at her indifferently, “seriously? Why do you care? They are both bugs now”

“Ugh”, Ashley rant and sat down on the floor too, she dropped Lauren and started removing her leather boots.

“James, start licking”, Amber commanded and pointed at you, you could hear Lauren crying.

The smell was awful and her foot was extremely sweaty, but the adrenaline was high and you didn’t want them to harm Lauren, you got your tongue out and miserably licked off her sweat.

“Ah, perfect”, Amber rested her head back and sighed in satisfaction.

You looked to your right, a huge foot landed in front of Lauren, still crying, she did the same as you.

“Never had a girl licking my foot sweat before, this is so cool”, Ashley said.

Amber sniffed her sock and made a disgusted face, then giggled, “I haven’t showered in two days, ew”.

“I can smell our feet from here, just imagine how awful it is to them”, Ashley said, clearly smiling behind her mask.

You got to your knees and cried, but you didn’t dare to stop licking.

“So sad we can’t keep her though”, Ashley said after a while.

“Shh idiot”, Amber tried to hush her.

You quickly ran to the side of Amber’s foot and looked at both of them in fear.

“Ugh, you ruined it”, Amber said in an irritated tone, shaking her head and looking at you.

“Oops”, Ashley said and scratched her head.

“W-What do you mean?! What are you going to do with her?!” You shouted, looking at Lauren, her whole body was shaking but she was still licking Ashley’s sweaty sole.

Amber made a fake compassionate face, “it’s effective for just 24 hours, so sadly we can’t keep your wife although we’d really like to, sorry James”

“Should I do it then?” Ashley asked and looked at Amber.

“Yeah go ahead”, Amber said calmly, then Ashley stood up.

“N-N-No hey! Hey AMBER NO! I’m begging you don’t harm her!!!!” You begged in panic.

Ashley giggled and hovered her foot above Lauren, she screamed and embraced herself as Ashley’s foot slowly descended on top of her.

You started running towards her but Amber’s foot pinned you down, you reached your hands forward and tried to crawl out of her grasp.

“We have more money! Please don’t do this!” You screamed in tears.

Her foot landed on Lauren, flattening her to the floor, then she started adding pressure.

You screamed and screamed until


Her body gave up under the pressure and burst on Ashley’s sole.

“Owwww snap, what a breaking sound she made!” Ashley exclaimed and Amber giggled, it was like she was nothing to them.

You desperately pressed against the floor, crying in disbelief.

Ashley twisted her foot a few times, then raised it up, you couldn’t help yourself - you had to look

[attachment 1]

You deeply regretted it and quickly lowered your face down to the floor, shaking and trembling.

Amber released her grip but you didn’t move anywhere.

Ashley grabbed a tissue from your desk and wiped Lauren like she was casual dirt, cleaning carefully between the toes and around her arch else.

Amber sighed, “aww James you know it’s not personal right?” She said and brought her face closer to you, you turned your back to her and curled up, shocked and devastated.

She giggled and picked you up, throwing you back inside the cardboard.

“So we bring him to her, right?” Ashley asked while cleaning her foot.

“Yep”, Amber said with a smile, “easiest money ever”, she giggled.

“Can’t believe we are rich now”, Ashley said in awe.

The cardboard closed behind you, it was lifted up and twisted, you flew around and hit the walls, probably shoved into her bag together with all of your valuables.

You had no idea what they were talking about and you didn’t care anymore.

Few minutes later, you collapsed and passed out.


You woke up, no idea where you were, you moved a little and realized you are collared, both from neck and waist, you had a metallic string attached to it and to some metal pole, you caressed your face and looked around, it was a living room, no one was here, you looked through the window - it was daylight already.

You slowly stood up, you had different clothes now.

Suddenly you started to recognize the place, you’ve been here once, years ago, you could swear it’s Tatianna’s apartment, your co-founder of the company, you tried to pull the string harder but it didn’t help.

“Finally woke up”, a voice boomed, you quickly turned your head and it was really her - Tatianna, your co-founder and best friend.

“T-Tati?… what’s.. what’s going on… what have you done…” you asked in a sore voice, sore from all the screaming yesterday.

“Oh James, so pathetic”, she sat down on the sofa and placed her feet in front of you, “I’m taking over the company, it’s all mine now, and all you can do about it is licking my feet”.

You stepped back, the string stretched from the pole, she bent forward and pulled the string, making you kneel in front of her foot.

“Y-You killed Lauren”, you said in shock.

“Always hated the bitch, hope they tortured her a bit first”

You sobbed.

“Honestly James I don’t care doing the same to you, squishing you like a bug, but I know you, your will… pushing forward no matter how hard it gets”, she giggled in pleasure, “and your only way to survive now is by kissing my foot and call me your goddess”.

You had no idea how she could be so cruel, you know each other for years, you’d never imagine she’s capable of any of it.

She pulled the string again, your face touched her skin, the collar hurt your neck.

Desperate, you got your tongue out and licked in defeat, submitting to her, you didn’t want to die, you’d take any chance you have to stay alive, who knows what happens in the future, if you’d find a way to escape, if you’d be saved somehow, any hope would do.

Tatianna sighed in pleasure “good boy James, finally in your real position, thank me now”.

You gulped an ounce of foot sweat and nodded.

“Say it”, she demanded.

“Thank you”, you said shakily, anger almost consuming you from within.

“Goddess, say it”, she smiled ear to ear.

“Argh”, you rant, she pulled the string hard and made your face hit your ground. Her big toe pressed your head, she twisted it a few times and you moaned in pain.

“Thank you goddess!” You called in pain.

She released her grip and let out a long satisfied sigh, “perfect, keep licking”, she laid back happily as you continued serving her feet like she’s a goddess.

Your life as you know it is over, you are nothing but a foot slave, while she’s enjoying the fruits of all of your hard work and life project.

[ending scene is attachment 2]




Will there be a part 2 of this tati seems cruel but sexy


Really dig how women are vulnerable to the virus now too.


It’s a special super expensive engineered mutation only people like Tatianna can afford