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When you caught the shrinking virus in the college’s library you hadn't been thinking much - you just wanted to get help.

You ran around like crazy and touched the first pair of feet you could see, you couldn’t see who it was since she was sitting in one of the reading spots.

She stopped reading and looked down, when you saw her colossal face from miles above, you almost shit your pants - it was Natasha, your ex girlfriend, the one you cheated on and broke up with almost a year ago.

This was by far the worst person you could see when you’re so vulnerable, you started running in the opposite direction.

“Oh my god, is that really you?” Her voice boomed from behind you, she got up and reached you in one step, then picked you up from the floor, holding your leg and looking at you upside down, her smile sent chills down your spine.

“W-Wait! Natasha I’m sorry! I’m so sorry I swear!” You shouted helplessly, dangling in front of her face.

“Oh, you’re sorry”, she said cynically.

“Y-Yes! Please! P-Please don’t hurt me!” You started crying, you felt pathetic, but you were so scared.

“You know? I think the universe decided to finally give me closure”, she walked back to the reading spot and dropped you on the table, you hit your head hard and held it, crying and sobbing like a baby.

“So you want help?” She asked and sat down.

You fell to your knees and held your hands together, “yes! I am begging you!”

She smiled and paused, “hmmmmm”, she looked sideways and started laughing.

“Please Nat, I promise I’ll compensate you”

“Ok, I’ll help you”, she said with a smile.

“Oh my god, thank you, thank you Nat”, you sighed in relief and bowed down in gratitude.

“But first - you deserve a punishment for what you did to me, I hope you’ll take it like a man, but you probably won’t, because you’re a pussy”

You gulped in fear and looked up at her face again, she had an arrogant smirk.


“Yes, I’m going to TRX after this, and you’ll be between my toes while I train”

“Oh n-no, Nat”, you gulped, every time she came back from these sessions she was soaked in sweat, there’s no way you’ll be able to survive.

She giggled, “well no one really asks you”, she shrugged and picked you up again, throwing you into her bag and leaving the library.


When she opened the bag you were in the gym’s lockers room, and she was wearing sportswear, she pulled you out and casually dropped you inside a sock, you squirmed and tried to crawl out but then her foot pushed you all the way to the edge, smothering you against the fabric, and then sealing you inside the shoe.

Her toes pressed you hard, you squirmed helplessly as she started the practice, and quickly the fabric got soaked with her foot sweat, you pushed her toes and tried to get fresh air, every breath was excruciatingly painful, the air was toxic and putrid, sweat kept getting inside your mouth and nose, you gagged and gasped for any piece of oxygen you can get inside of you, crying and screaming.

At some point, your body couldn’t take it anymore, you slowly lost consciousness and passed out.


When Natasha was finally back home, she removed her sneakers, giggling in joy, she started to slowly remove her sock to reveal you.

(Rest is a comics)



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