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Being a goddess queen didn’t always mean you live a peaceful life with your tiny worshippers.

In some areas, kingdoms constantly collided.

Yen, one of the fiercest goddess queens, living in the kingdom of Zyrah, a cruel and demanding goddess queen which was also her mother.

Yen didn’t like weapons, “my fists and feet are my weapons”, she used to say to her sisters, her tiny worshippers bandaged her feet before battles, they treated and prepared her in every way they could, she was even feeding on the young ones for energy and good protein, they had no choice but to provide her with everything she needed, because otherwise - they would become a stain on the bottom of her foot, like happened to many others.

Today she was fighting Sheeran, another goddess queen from a neighboring kingdom.

They were fighting on top of a border town, crushing and causing havoc, hundreds of poor shrunken people trampled in the process, their homes breaking and shattering under their feet, but they didn’t care, they were focused on defeating one another.


Ah!” Yen moaned in pain as Sheeran’s fighting stick hit her right hand, *CRACK*, a terrible sound of her bone crushing, she took a step back and kneeled, holding her arm, spitting blood on top of some tinies who were just trying to escape, she wiped it off using her shoulder.

Give up, it’s over”, Sheeran said, also panting and kneeling on top of a temple, people were running outside.

Fuck you”, Yen said, half a smile on her face.

Sheeran gasped in anger, hitting her stick forcefully into a nearby school *CRASH*, it started crumbling, tiny people were running all over, screaming for help.

You think I care”, Yen chuckled, ripping off a strap and binding it over her broken arm, “this is just a pathetic small town, far from our capitol, Zyrah doesn’t even bother coming here to collect tribute”, she smiled with an evil smirk, then reached her hand to grab a running child, throwing him casually inside her mouth, *GULP*.

You girls are sick, we never wanted this war, my mother tried to pact a truce with your mad mother”, Sheeran said, panting, “just give u-

She stopped as Yen suddenly jumped, took a step over a stoned bridge and *SLAM*, kicked Sheeran’s head by extreme force, *CRACK*, her neck broke immediately on impact, and her lifeless body collapsed on the tiny homes and buildings beneath her.

Heh”, Yen smiled and caressed her mouth with the back of her hand, “mom will be proud”, she said arrogantly, then started limping back to the capitol to get treated by the tiny worshippers.

Back home, they would remove the bandages, lick the injuries and put herbs on it, everything to prepare her for the next fight.



*two versions of Yen’s powerful kick just before it hits Sheeran’s head.

*Sheeran, the goddess queen of Vera’s Kingdom, deceased.



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