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Following the ministry of health guidelines, you went once per month for a “SV check”, making sure you have no traces of the shrinking virus in your blood.

So far it was negative, you weren’t sure how you feel about it, as one of the rare ones that always had a Giantess Fetish even when this virus was just science fiction.

On one hand you wanted to become someone’s foot slave, someone’s beautiful, the problem was that the girl you were in love with since high school just kept uploading photos of her enslaved tinies on social media, bragging about how miserable they are, so you could only guess what would happen to you if she laid her hands on you. As much as you love her - living like that seems too harsh.

Then there was your step sister, who promised to be a good caretaker if the need arose, but she wasn’t your type at all, even if she wasn’t lying you didn’t want to become her slave.

So on the other hand - without a caretaker, being diagnosed with the shrinking virus means you’ll be given to a government assigned caretaker, which means bye bye good care.

Then when watching the news, you suddenly saw Alma, you were learning together in high school, she was a very sweet and gentle person, and it seemed like she grew to become a beautiful young woman.

You wondered why she’s on tv, and then you saw that the news story was about her saving a tiny - none other than her college’s teacher who gave her F last semester.

In her interview she said that harming or enslaving him was never an option and that she just returned him to his family, as anyone should.

That settles it, if needed, you’ll assign Alma as your caretaker, you don't even care about getting infected anymore, you just hope it will be in the hospital so you’ll be given the option to assign her.

You thought about it every day.


About 11 months later, the day finally came, you saw the V sign on the SV check, you returned to the hospital without telling any of your closed ones about it, to prevent them from trying to stop you from picking a semi-stranger as a caretaker.

You assigned Alma, without your permission - no one can know about it, so your closed ones won’t be able to track you down.

Then you just asked them to accelerate the SV effect, you don’t want any chance to be shrunken elsewhere.

You were excited, you couldn’t stop thinking about your encounter, she’s beautiful and she must have beautiful feet. She was so sincere and genuine in that interview.


“Alma Davis?” The carrier asked her, you looked at her from the aquarium, she was wearing casual clothes and had a sweet smile.

“Yes?..” she looked at her and at you, confused.

“I’m here to deliver your protege”, the carrier said.

“My what??”

“Him, the shrunken guy, you’re supposed to be his guardian.. or caretaker, not sure how they call it these days”

“Lol I think you made a mistake”, Alma said with a confused face.

You came closer to the aquarium wall and waved at her, to explain it’s not a mistake but she was looking at the carrier.

“Hmm, the address looks good, and you are Alma Davis, look, he signed you as his caretaker, you didn’t know it? Sometimes it happens but usually with fans, you have fans?”

Alma started giggling, “fans? Not that I know of”, she leaned downwards and looked at you, “hey little guy, you signed me as your caretaker?”

You nodded and raised a thumb up.

“What? Why?” She giggled awkwardly again.

“Well that settles it, he’s yours, hope you take good care of him”, the carrier handed you over and Alma reluctantly held the aquarium.

“B-But I’ve no idea what to do”, Alma said nervously.

“You never had a pet before?” The carrier said while walking back to the car.

Alma blushed, “but it’s a human being…” she mumbled to herself.

Then walked inside her apartment, placed you on the table and scratched her head, “umm, hi?..”

“Hey Alma!” You waved excitedly, you were so excited and thrilled being this small compared to her, you couldn’t wait to be in front of her feet.

“Oh I can’t hear you”, she said and opened the aquarium, “hmm, can I.. pick you up?”

You nodded and smiled.

She tried to grab you gently but closed her hand on you uncomfortably, then placed you on the table.

“Who are you? You look familiar”, she said as she checked you out closely.

“Hey! It’s Guy, we were together in high school”, you said.

“Sorry, can’t really recall, are we friends on Facebook or something?”

“Ah, no, sadly no”, you replied, you never added each other.

“So… what’s going on? Like what are you doing here I don’t understand”

“Sorry for surprising you like that, I had no one to be my caretaker, I.. thought it’s ok…” you started feeling like a creep for doing this, but it was too late to regret.

“But why me?”

“I saw that news story about you helping a tiny, it’s hard to trust people, can you please be my caretaker?” You asked with a smile.

“Sorry for asking but what about your family? You don’t have anyone else?” She asked and scratched the back of her head again, she was clearly uncomfortable and embarrassed with this.

You shook your head and sat down, a bit disappointed with how the conversation was going.

“Sorry”, she said when she realized she’s saddening you, “it’s ok, I can be your caretaker”, she added with a smile.

“Really?” You asked and stood up, she nodded and giggled, “you won’t regret it!.. Listen, I can be useful! I want to work for your hospitality!” You’ve waited for this moment for so long.

“Work? There’s really no need-“

“I insist!” You said proudly.

“But… What can you do? I mean no disrespect but…” she shrugged.

You blushed, head to toe, “I can take care of your feet”, you hesitated.

She started laughing and blushed too, “my feet?? What? Like a foot slave???”

“N-No, I mean, yes? Is it ok?”

“But it’s so humiliating I’ll never do that to someone”

You raised your hands, “no no! Please, I just want to be useful and earn my stay here, all types of jobs are respected equally, right? A job is a job”, you were thinking and memorizing this sentence for months before getting to this moment.

She looked at you, a bit shocked, “well, I do spend quite a lot on pedicure and feet care”

“See?” You said, excited but trying to hide it.

“But are you completely sure it’s ok with you?” She asked in a hesitant way.

“Yes, don’t worry about it, it’s the least I can do”

She paused, you smiled, “ok, want to do it now?” She asked and your heart was pounding so hard you were worried about passing out, so you just nodded slowly.

She placed you on the couch and awkwardly placed her feet on the sofa in front of you.

You stood there and stared at them, it was perfect, surpassing any fantasy you ever had, they were perfect, tidy, you took a deep breath and let the intoxicating overwhelming stench inside of you, tears of joy started flowing out of your eyes, you were born for this, it was the first time in your life that everything felt right, you felt at home.

“Is… is this ok?” She asked, wondering why aren’t you getting closer.

You immediately kneeled in front of her foot, smeared your face on the soft, sticky skin, it gave you an instant boner, you got your tongue out and started licking.

The sweat was disgusting, gravy and it stuck to your tongue and mouth but you didn’t care, it was horrible in a good way, it was hard to explain but it was the most amazing thing you ever ate.

You started coughing as it was a struggle to make it slide down your throat.

“Listen I’m kinda uncomfortable with this, should we stop?”

But you didn’t stop, you got back to licking as hard as you could.

“Lol, are you sure it’s ok??? It feels weird”

“It’s perfect! Don’t worry about it! Thanks Alma!” You shouted back, not sure if she can hear you, but you were in heaven, it’s by far the best day and the best moment of your life.

“Hmm, if you’re not ok with it just say, but to be honest it feels quite good, not sure what you’re doing there but thanks”

You were so happy to hear it, thrilled and excited from your new life you kept licking as hard as you could, cleaning every wrinkle and crevice you see while Alma relaxes herself and uses her phone.

“By the way I have a guest later today”, she said after a while, “she was also in high school with us, maybe you know her”.

You stopped licking and listened closely.

“It’s Janine, remember her?”

Your heart lost a beat, know her? It’s your high school crush, the one you have feelings for to this day.

But what does Alma and Janine have to do with each other? They were never friends in high school, you never even saw them talking to each other.

Alma slowly pulled her foot to take a look at you, you quickly sat down in an awkward way to hide your boner, “so it’s ok?” She asked.

“Yes!.. yes of course, no problem”, you almost shrieked in anxiety, they were so different from each other, “I remember her yes!” You added.

“Lol, ok cool”, she slid her foot back in front of you, you gulped and got back to licking, excited and nervous from Janine’s visit.

(Don’t forget to read the WhatsApp conversations in the theme photos)




Looking forward to the next installment!


Yeah this one is cool, but unlike the others it’s totally improvised and doesn’t really have a plan. Few parts are written and it won’t be daily, if the feedback will be overwhelmingly good I’ll push myself to continue 🙂


Hey all, seeing the overwhelmingly positive feedback on this, I’ll continue working on part 5 of the story and will try to submit more of it.