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Violet and Terry were on a beautiful Cambodian island for their honeymoon, chilling on the beach.

“Oh shit”, he suddenly gasped and jumped a little.

“Hmm? What?” She turned around and smiled at him.

“Th-There’s someone stuck to your foot”, he stuttered and pointed at it.

“Huh?” She held her foot and turned it to her face, “wow, I never actually saw one in real life”, she giggled.

“Is he ok? He’s covered in sand”, he asked.

She tapped his back a few times, he moved a little and they both gasped, then she scratched him off her foot and he fell on the sand.

“You think it’s dangerous?!” Terry asked and crawled backwards.

She tapped the tiny’s belly a few times and he started coughing out sand.

“Poor thing…” she said, “I don’t think it’s dangerous, they probably don’t have vaccines here”.

“Wow, so he just shrunk down and survived here somehow?” Terry asked, surprised.

“I guess, maybe surviving in nature like that isn’t that far from his normal life in this third world country”, she shrugged, “I didn’t even feel him”, then bent down closer to him, “hey there, do you speak English?” She said loudly and slowly, like speaking to an infant.

He squirmed in the sand and covered his ears.

“Hey don’t speak so loud it’s probably painful to him”, Terry said and placed a hand over her shoulder.

“Oh”, she placed a hand over her mouth and started giggling, “oops…”

They looked at him as he slowly stood up and caressed his head, trying to dust off sand from his hair, then waved and shouted in Cambodian.

They looked at each other, Violet smiled and opened her eyes wide, she looked excited.

“Hey, sorry little guy, we don’t speak Cambodian, you from here? You from Koh Pong?” She said slowly again.

“Koh Pong, Bat! Bat!” He shouted and jumped.

Violet couldn’t help herself anymore and she started laughing.

“What? What’s funny?” Terry asked, he still looked worried and confused.

“I mean, we probably look like gods to him, isn’t it funny?”

Terry gulped and blushed, “but he looks scared, how can we help him?” He asked her.

But she just looked at him and bit her lower lip, then placed her foot in front of the tiny Cambodian.

“What are you doing?” Terry asked.

Violet took her phone out, she entered a translation app and talked to it, “lick the sand off my feet if you want to live”, she said and burst into laughter.

“Oh my god Violet that’s not cool”, Tery said and tried to stop her, she giggled and pushed him playfully then placed the phone next to the tiny.

“លិទ្ធខ្សាច់ចេញពីជើងខ្ញុំ បើអ្នកចង់រស់”, the translating bot said.

The tiny looked at them confused, Terry tried to take the phone but Violet playfully held it out of his reach until they fell down on each other.

“Stop! Stop, he's licking!” Violet screeched and laughed.

Terry got off her, sat down and watched the tiny Cambodian as he licked her sole, it made him gulp, “Violet this is so wrong”.

Violet remained laying there and bit her lower lip again, then released a small moan, “Terry shut up, I’m a goddess”, she said and giggled mischievously.

The tiny licked for his life, he looked desperate and scared, who knows how long he’s been trying to survive on his own out here, Terry felt bad for him.

“Stop feeling so sorry for him, he’s probably poor and miserable in normal size, I’m sure it’s better for him like that, worshiping a goddess”, she explained and used her other foot to push Terry’s chest gently, like to snap him out of it.

Violet looked around, “it gets me so horny, can you just come here already?” She gestured with her hands.


“He’s enjoying it! Just imagine his sad and miserable life here in this third world country, I’m sure that’s the most meaningful thing he’s ever done, just relax and enjoy it a little!”

Terry sighed, she’s enjoying it so maybe you should just go with it and try to help him later, so he leaned on top of her and they started making love while the tiny one is at Violet’s feet.

In the middle of the act she flattened her foot on top of him, playfully pushing him into the sand and making him crawl out of her grasp just to press on him again.

Violet never felt anything like it, it really made her feel like she and Terry are gods, making love in front of a miserable mortal.

They started to remove their swimsuits and made sex on the beach, it was a lonely private spot so no one was around to disturb them, eventually Terry came and laid beside her.

“That was so good”, he mumbled.

Violet continued moaning, she was thrusting her vagina with her hand.

“Wait, where is he?” Terry asked, confused, sitting down and looking at her feet, the tiny wasn’t there, then he looked at her hand and saw her pushing him in and out her vagina.

Terry’s mouth went dry, he was frozen, shocked, he never knew Violet could be so cruel and inhumane. Just imagining going through this suffering sent chills down his spine.

“Ah… oh my god yes…” she moaned, continuing to thrust him like a sex toy.

He didn’t know what to do, she seemed to enjoy it so much, but there’s a human being used as a dildo and can die at any moment just for her pleasure.

“Ahhhhhhhhh”, she came, then quickly pulled him out and threw him on the sand, “fuck… I always wanted to do it…” she said while breathing heavily, then started dressing up again.

Terry followed her lead and put on his swimsuit, looking at the tiny thrown on the sand, not moving.

“Vi.. I think you killed him…”

She looked at the tiny indifferently, “really?” She used her foot to push him a little with her big toe, seeing him not moving made her moan a little.

“Aren’t you sad? Even just a little?” He asked, his voice a bit choked.

“Why? He gave his life for such a higher purpose, he should be proud”, she giggled.

Terry sighed and looked at him again.

The tiny suddenly started squirming and coughing out Violet’s vagina fluids, getting on all fours and puking.

They both exclaimed in surprise.

“Oh my god, so cute!” Violet said and got closer to him, then looking at Terry, “do you think we can take him home?” She asked excitedly.

“H-Home??” He stuttered.

“Yes! We will do him such a favor, his life have no meaning here, he wouldn’t have survived without us, it will be like saving him!”


“I mean it, he should be so grateful to us, let’s let him worship me for the rest of his life as thanks, please?”

“I’m really uncomfortable with this, don’t they have shrinking centers here or something? He probably have a family and people who cared for him here” Terry asked while looking at the tiny gasping for air.

Violet started laughing, “shrinking centers? They barely have cars here, I’m sure that most men who shrink here gets squashed, with us he can live”, she said excitedly.

“I guess you’re right…” he sighed.

“So we keep him?”

“Well, if you enjoy it so much and it means we will have more sex like that…” he mumbled.

Violet picked up her phone again and unlocked it, then recorded another message, “I am your goddess now, and for the rest of your life you’ll worship me, or next time I won’t pull you out of my vagina”, she said and giggled.

Terry shook his head in disappointment as Violet played the recording next to the tiny.

Reluctantly, the tiny got to his knees and bowed down to Violet, crying and mumbling begs for someone to help him and take him back to his family.

Violet had a big opened mouth smile, she looked at Terry, “see? He likes that”

“I don’t know about it”

“Of course he does, imagine their lives here, so meaningless and redundant, most of them are living only to serve us anyway, even in normal size”

“That’s a really cruel thing to say”

“But it’s true! What’s the big difference between serving me a cocktail to worship my feet?”

“There’s a big diff-… you know what? Ok.. whatever you say Violet…” Terry gave up, it’s pointless arguing with her.

“That’s how I like you”, she giggled and placed her toes on the sand in front of the tiny, “lick”, she commanded, saying it loud and clear.

The poor tiny crawled to her toes and started kissing them, worshiping his new goddess.

She started giggling, “well, at home we will have to teach him simple commands, I wanted a lick but that feels nice too”


Afterwards, Violet took him to their room, playfully making him worship her and licking her feet from the grains of sand. Terry tried to just ignore it and let her do whatever she wants, the last thing he wants is to sadden her during their honeymoon.

Later, in the airport, she hid him inside her underwear, leaving his head out so he could breathe, it worked and they got through security without any issue.

Then she just placed him inside her purse until they got home.

The tiny spent the rest of his life as a foot slave and a sex toy for Violet, humiliated, missing his family and absolutely obedient.

She was so overjoyed from having a shrunken slave when it’s so rare, now that everyone is vaccinated.

Terry got used to it eventually, every time they were sitting in the living room the poor tiny was licking and kissing her feet, worshiping her, sometimes it even sounded like he’s praying, and as long as it made Violet so happy Terry just ignored his misery.



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