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Leigh’s kingdom was vast, she was beautiful, young and fit, but she had no siblings and her mother passed away, her people begged for her to reproduce, afraid to be left alone without a goddess queen if she passed away.

One day she announced that she’s ready, and summoned every capable male in her kingdom to kneel in front of her palace. They all showed up.

They prayed, chanted, and waited for her to come to them, then at some point she came out of her palace and approached them, all soaked in sweat, she raised her foot and placed it next to them.

All the guys nearby covered their faces, struggling to breath in the horrible sweat clad that was forming around her foot, suffocating.

She giggled, looking at all the miserable crowd.

So, you really thought I’d let a bunch of pathetic bugs like you get me pregnant?

Everyone looked at her in fear, some crawled away to get some distance from her foot. One of them was calling up to her.

“G-Goddess, it’s the only way, w-we need a goddess to survi-“ *CRACK*

She squished his head with her big toe, twisted it a few times, everyone started running away in panic, she laughed and chased them.

*THUD* - she stomped some as they were running with her right foot, then *CRACK* - she stomped others with her left, they were all running in panic, knocking on random doors - begging to get inside and hide.

Pathetic little bugs, aren’t you honored to die like that to amuse me? Isn’t that your whole purpose?” She laughed maniacally, continued chasing them with tiny steps and crushed more and more of them until she had enough.

She stood up with her back to her palace, the whole town was in front of her feet, “if I ever hear anyone even whisper again about this reproducing thing - I swear I’ll crush every male in this stupid kingdom, kids included, I’ll smash you all”, she said in anger and walked back inside her palace, leaving bloody footsteps behind her with hundreds of smushed bodies.

Until her last day, the population never mentioned her need to get pregnant again.




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