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You woke up in your cage, still scared, confused, even terrified. You were slowly reminded by that email Alex got a few weeks ago from the agency, all of your money is gone, you are stuck as Alex foot slave, even after you’ll finally finish eating all of her dead skin - no one will take you back, you are fully dependent on her good will now…

You held your head and sobbed loudly, waiting for Alex to wake up.

It took a few hours but her alarm clock started ringing, she quickly sat on the bed like always, probably a military habit, then stretched and made a loud moan, then got up and approached your cage.

“Hey Jason, good morning, you passed out yesterday”, she said in a sore morning voice and stretched again.

“A-Alex, you have to call Jessica, she was my agent, she will help”

“Uhh… wait let me brush my teeth first”, she walked to the bathroom, you almost couldn’t breathe from anxiety, thinking that for the rest of your life you will serve these colossal massive feet made you shiver.

She came back after a few minutes, “you know her number or something? I only got her office number.. I guess it’s no more”

“N-No… look her up on social media or something ok? It’s Jessica Thompson, please Alex”

“Ok, ok, relax, look, I know you must be so worried and all that but seriously I’ll do what I can to help, I won’t enslave someone against his will, ok? Calm down”

You nodded and tried to smile but you were too nervous, “of c-course, thank you Alex, really”

“Sure, now let’s find Jessica”, she said with a smile and opened her laptop, you stood next to it and watched, she found her profile.

“That’s her!” You shouted.

“I know”, she said, then sent her a message, “hi Jessica, I got the company email, can I get your number for a quick call?” She sent it.

“Ok, can we start with the morning treatment until she answers?” She said and scrunched her lips a bit, like she hates to ask you to do that but she has to.

You quickly nodded, you must keep her in a helping mood, “yes..! Yes of course!”

“Thanks”, she grabbed and placed you next to her feet, you quickly got to a dead skin cluster on her left foot and started licking it.

“For what it’s worth, if things don't work out know that I won’t throw or sell you or something”, it didn’t calm you down at all, you continued licking.

“Oh here she sent her number, I’m calling her”, she said and grabbed her phone, looking at the screen of her laptop and tapping on her phone.

You climbed down her foot and went aside to look at her, she put the phone on speaker as it beeped, your heart was pounding like hell.

“Hello?” It was Jessica’s voice, it’s been years since you last heard it.

“Hey Jessica, it’s Alex, how are you?”

“Oh hi, I’m good, how are you?”

“I’m great, umm, so it’s about Jason, remember him? we just read that email yesterday, about the bankruptcy…”

“Oh just yesterday? It’s been almost a month now, I already started a new job”

“Yeah.. umm, Jason asked me to call you”

“What for?”

Alex leaned forward to you with a puzzled face.

“A-Ask her about my money, my account, if they sent it to my bank”

“He’s asking about his money?”

“Oh, it’s all gone of course, with the company collapsing all the slaves’ money divided to the high management and the board, those pigs…”

You couldn’t believe she just called you slaves, you never heard her referring to you like that, she always said “foot treaters”, and to think that all your money is gone, your eyes filled with tears, you worked so hard for so long. They took most of it to begin with, and now they took everything, it’s like you were a slave all along.

“Poor thing, and before I gave him to you he talked about cashing out”, she chuckled, “wow, talking about bad luck”.

They both giggled at your misfortune, Alex scrunched her toes, “is there anything we can do for him?”

“S-She convinced me to stay! I wanted out!” You shouted in frustration, but they both couldn’t hear you.

“Do for him?.. well, if you got 15k to spare you can grow him back to normal or something, I wouldn’t do it though”

“Yeah that’s a lot of money”, Alex said and nodded with the phone next to her ear.

“It’s not just that, Jason was our best foot slave, god, wish I had him for myself when the bankruptcy happened”

“Yeah he’s really good”

“Really good? He’s amazing, Alex you are very lucky, I saw his work, the customers feet were always so smooth and tidy when he was done, he’s a perfectionist, rare talent”

Alex giggled in return.

“I mean, really, if you don’t want him just let me have him, my feet could really use someone like him”, you could tell Jessica is smiling, your chest was aching, your stomach was burning, you were so mad and desperate.

“No it’s ok, he still hasn't finished with my left foot, I guess I’ll keep him then”, she shrugged.

“Good choice Alex, enjoy him, make him work hard that’s what he’s living for”, Jessica encouraged her, you were furious to hear it.

“Haha don’t worry, he’s working hard alright”, Alex replied casually.

“Oh I’m sure he is, saw your feet, I knew it would take him years”, your head was spinning again, the anger consumed you, Alex and Jessica giggled together like you were a silly joke, like your life doesn’t matter, like it’s not even a tragedy.

They finally finished talking, Alex bent forward and made a “bummer” face, “well I’m really sorry Jason, but you heard her”.

“Wait, Alex, can I please loan from you that money? The 15k? I promise I’ll pay you back”, you pleaded with tears.

“No way man, you haven’t got a dime, you’ll never make that kind of money, I’m sorry but I can’t risk it”

“Please Ale-“

“Get back to my feet, ok? I’m starting to lose my patience here”

You gulped in despair, you better just follow her orders for now, you nodded and bowed your head down, then went back to lick her foot and eat more dead skin.


It’s been another few months, you and Alex haven’t talked since that call to Jessica, you felt like she’s mad at you so you just remained silent and worked on her foot, eating out the last pieces of dead skin, thinking that you might be able to talk about it again after you’re finished.

After all - she paid for this, it’s not her problem that your agency went bankrupt.

You stepped away from her feet and looked at them, you are finally done, after more or less 3.5 years, you finally ate every bit of dead skin she had on her feet, it was the longest and hardest project you’ve ever done.

You smiled, tears started flowing out of your eyes, her feet looked beautiful now, smooth and clean, you’ve never been so proud of accomplishing anything like you feel now.

She bent forward, sipping from her beer can, “what is it? You usually don’t finish so fast”

“Alex, it’s done, look at your feet”, you said with a smile.

“Huh?” She placed the beer can down and checked her foot, “oh wow”, her smile was wide and her mouth stayed open, she caressed her foot.

“Mmmm.. oh my god…” she pressed the soft smooth flesh a few times, then held and caressed her other foot, “wow, I think my feet haven’t looked like that since high school”, she started giggling.

You reluctantly joined her laughter, just to ease things up and break the ice a bit.

“Good job Jason, that’s amazing”, she caressed her toes one by one, enjoying how smooth and soft her skin is now.

“So.. umm.. Alex.. I uhh…” you started talking, placing your hands behind your back, bowing your head a little.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I.. thought.. Maybe we can talk about that loan again?”

“Not happening”, she stated.

“Alex, I’m begging you, look at your feet, I have nothing more to do”

She started blushing, “well, I was thinking about it, to be honest”.

“Thinking about what?”

“What to do with you when you’re done”, she smiled and rolled her eyes, embarrassed, you didn’t like it.

“W-What is it? Please Alex”, you stuttered nervously.

“I mean… you aren’t an American citizen anymore, you are property and all that, right?”

You opened your eyes, you were really scared by the way she’s talking, “I’m still a human being”, you said loudly.

“Yeah but.. you have no rights, and besides, I crushed human beings before, in the war and all that”

You opened your eyes in terror, “wait, what are you talking about?!”

“Look, I really miss it, and it’s like I have an opportunity to crush someone with no consequences, I mean, you are not really a person now, and my feet are so pretty like you said there’s nothing you can do anymore”, she explained casually, like giving excuses both to you and herself why crushing you is just common sense.

You raised your hands in defense, “Alex, we know each other for more than 3 years, I’m not some… terrorist or whatever, I’ve worked for you with all my heart, you can’t be serious”

She smiled and scratched the back of her head, giggled awkwardly, “look, I know it sucks for you, after working so hard and all that, getting paid by being squished like a bug by a huge foot, but it’s not my fault your agency went bankrupt right?”

Your eyes filled with tears and you fell to your knees, “Alex!… I’m begging you! D-Don't crush me!.. please don’t do it!” You begged and cried.

She looked sideways, “oh, now you’re just being pathetic, it’s so unlike you”

“I-I don’t want to die!… please, I’ll do anything Alex, y-y-your dead skin will be back at some point! You’re going to need me again!” You stuttered in panic.

She sighed, “Jeez, look, I’m sorry ok? But I want to feel it again, sorry Jason, thank you for all of your hard work, but I’m going to step on you now”, you continued begging but she just stood up, towering all the way up to what felt like out of your atmosphere, she was more than 2 meters tall, high even for a normal sized person, to you she was an enormous legendary goddess.

You knew she can’t hear you any more, you just went on all fours and cried, you watched as her foot started to rise up, you looked at it, it was so smooth and perfect, you worked so hard on it, you ate every single millimeter of dead skin, all the layers upon layers of it, just to be squashed for some nostalgic sick fun for her.

It was huge, even if you tried to run you would never escape, it was like a little village sized foot descending over on top of you.

You peed your pants and embraced yourself as it pushed you into the floor.


It was a tiny little breaking sound underneath her Amazon form.

“Mmm…” she twisted her foot in joy, “ahh.. just how I remembered, I love it…”

She raised her foot in front of the mirror to see your tiny broken form, then took a photo as a souvenir for herself. [attachment]






Thanks, also reading it again now, wrote it almost 3 months ago so it’s like reading it for the first time 😅