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It’s a little sharp detour from the usual content I publish, I’m trying something different, a set of stories taking place in a future, far away reality, in this post I’m going to give “Kingdoms” the needed background.


It happened almost a thousand years after the shrinking virus pandemic.

As resources went thin, and all attempts to inhabit other planets came to ruin, wars took over, “The Shrinking War” was the one that changed everything.

As a new mutation capable of shrinking women was found, engineered weapons took rise, and countries tried to shrink down the population of other countries, under the excuse of “saving the planet”.

A domino effect, like the most dire visions of a nuclear war, ended up with an apocalypse of sorts - almost the entire population shrunk down, and those who haven’t - quickly caught up the virus and joined the others, it was inevitable.

It was back to the Middle Ages, just in tiny size, when humans were no longer at the top of the food chain, they had to hunt bugs and get creative in order to survive in the ruins of a fallen giants civilization.

It’s been years of struggle, but slowly people heard the rumors of the “Giantesses”, some young women who were immune to the virus and had to survive this apocalyptic reality on their own, surviving on whatever was left, many perished, but some survived.

The tiny people who were lucky enough to see a giantess, worshiped her, served her however they could, they were slowly known and named as “Goddess Queens”.

Some of the goddess queens used tiny men to reproduce, the chances weren’t high and they had to use hundreds of them in order to get enough sperm to get pregnant.

It was always a girl, a heiress to the current goddess queen.


Generations later, kingdoms started forming, every kingdom belonged to a goddess-queen family, and every shrunken soul in this territory worshiped them as goddesses.

Their quality of life depended only on their goddess, if she was cruel - they lived a life of misery, getting trampled under her feet, begging for food and water, and mostly dying to amuse her.

If she was kind - they lived a good life, worshiping her feet, never getting hungry and celebrating their good fortune.

Some goddess-queens were hungry for more, they wanted more territory, more worshippers, more power, so yet again - humanity fell to wars.

Tiny worshippers worked years on creating armor and weapons for their goddess-queens, kissing their feet and wishing them good luck in battles.

It was bloody fights where the tiny people couldn’t do anything about their fate, who they were going to worship next was solely up to their goddess queen, whether she won and owned more tinies, or lost everything. The best they could do was to prepare better gear and pray harder for her to win.

Even if she was cruel, they wanted her to win, as they couldn’t know if the new goddess queen would be even crueler.


In the theme photo you can see Zyrah, a cruel goddess queen who just slaughtered Kimberly, a lonely harmless and kind goddess queen who only tried to defend her people.

After the battle, Zyrah walked towards Kimberly’s Capital town, the people were devastated to see that the giantess was not Kimberly, they knew exactly what it meant.

Emerald, an important figure in town and a top worshiper, ran out with his worshiping bell, he clanged it a few times, a sharp sound that can be heard by the goddess-queens.

She stopped and looked down.

“Goddess! We welcome you!” He shouted and bowed down in front of her, to show her that all of them are going to be obedient and respect her claim of the land.

Hmph”, she replied in arrogance, then removed her metal boot, placing her sole in front of him.

It was covered with sweat, a strong smell of iron and leather.

Emerald didn't think twice, he ran straight to her sole and started kissing it.


She flattened her foot on top of him, the people in town screamed in fear and closed their windows, Zyrah twisted her foot a few times, leaving nothing but a tiny red crushed pulp, then placing her foot back inside her armored boot.

Kimberly is dead, all of you belong to me now”, Zyrah said, her voice boomed in every citizen’s ear, mothers hugged their young ones, shaking in fear.

Once a week, I will claim half of your supplies and 10 children to be used as toys for my daughters.

Fail to provide - and your beautiful city will get crushed underneath me, there will be no survivors”, she announced with an arrogant smile, no one dared to protest.

I will come back next week”, she said and walked back to her territory, to celebrate with her family the expanse of their kingdom.


Second Photo - Kimberly and her kingdom, before the battle.

Third photo - an overview of Zyrah main kingdom.


I would like to know how you feel about this concept, as I know it’s different from my usual content.

Would you like to see longer versions of “Kingdoms”, with more photos used as main posts? Or should I keep it as something more suitable for secondary posts?

If you liked it, I would love to get some questions about this alternative reality, it will help me to sharpen the details.

Personally, I enjoy writing some “fantasy” stuff that at least theoretically combines with my usual stories. I enjoy creating this art more than I thought I would, and it lets my imagination expand to themes I couldn’t write about before.



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