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Day in and day out, you felt like you’re making insignificant progress, her feet were just so big… you couldn’t believe Jessica convinced you to take this job.

You cried almost every night, no matter how much you pushed yourself you felt like you had years of hard work ahead of you. Alex mainly joked about it casually, saying how embarrassed she is for having someone like you at her feet. At least she wasn’t cruel, you always comforted yourself at that.

It’s been a few months now, you stopped crying, you’ve decided to “man up” and just work as hard as you could to be done with it and grow back living your life with a significant sum at the bank.

You were licking beneath her right foot’s toes, an annoying dead skin cluster you’re eating for the last few days, every time you thought you’re going to finish it there was another layer of dead skin, her monstrous feet are just overwhelming.

“Oh my, that spot reminds me of something”, she suddenly said, you continued licking, trying to make it soft enough for you to rip it off.

“I crushed an afghan kid using this foot, god he was stuck there for days!” She said in a voice like she’s succumbing a giggle, you immediately pulled your head back and started coughing, you quickly climbed down.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to disgust you lol”, she said and took another sip from her beer can, “for what it’s worth he was a terrorist, not an innocent kid, he carried a bomb, we caught and interrogated him for a while”

You didn’t want to hear it, but it was like that, sometimes she just shared horrible stories from her military service.

“He talked and snitched so many other terrorists, not sure why I stepped on him at the end, guess we just didn’t have powers for the whole growing back procedure, it was easier to just step on them at the end…” she sighed, “it must sound so terrible to you, but it was war, we had no time feeling sorry for them, it was for our great country”, she took another sip from her beer and kept watching TV.

You managed to stop yourself from puking, you took some deep breaths and looked up, there’s no way you’re climbing it again, you sighed tiredly and started licking her heel, such a waste of time, you must teach yourself to ignore these horror stories, you must focus on making progress.


(Few months later)

“You know, I envy your dedication, you would’ve make a really good soldier”, you were licking between her pinky and fourth toe, trying to ignore all the toe jam and grime and focus on a dead skin spot.

“Seriously, it looks like my feet' condition is so important to you, I’m impressed, I would freak out over how impossible this is”, she said, you could see her face from between her toes, she looked at you and smiled, you tried to ignore it and keep licking.

“Our country would’ve been so much better if everyone took their jobs that seriously”, she looked at you and nodded, you stopped licking for a second and nodded back awkwardly, you didn’t know what her point was, but she mostly didn’t have any point when she talked.. it’s like she talked just to feel like she’s not alone.

“Jessica was right, I’m sure you are one of the best foot slaves they have”, she said with a smile, but it annoyed the shit out of you.

“I’m not a slave”, you raised your head and looked at her.

“What’s that?” She asked and leaned forward.

“I’m not a foot slave! I’m a foot treater!” You shouted, a bit sorry for being drugged into a discussion but it was important for you to make it clear.

She placed a hand over her mouth, “oh my god, so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that”, she said in an apologetic tone, “umm… sorry for asking though, but what’s the difference?”

“It’s a job! I’m getting paid for this!… there’s a huge difference, I chose this!”, you explained, she nodded in understanding.

“Oh, I see, ok, good for you!…” she said in a way like she’s cheering you on, then laid back and browsed on her phone again.

You kept working, covered in foot sweat, toe jam and grime, a bit frustrated for this wasted minute.


One night you woke up from a very loud *THUD*, you opened your eyes and saw her huge foot pressing against your cage, so hard it made the bars creek, you quickly crawled to the corner of the cage and screamed, embracing yourself and shaking.

“Filthy terrorist! WHERE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!” She shouted, she sounded angry.

“I will fucking crush you! Little bug!” She never acted like that before, you didn’t understand what’s happening.

“H-Hey! Alex, stop! It’s me!” You shouted even though you knew there’s no way she could hear you, her foot finally stopped pressing the cage, then she bent down and looked at you, she looked confused.

“Jason?” She asked in a sore voice.

“W-What’s going on?!” You asked in fear.

“I.. I don’t know, are you ok?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.

You gulped, it was sleepwalking, “y-you stepped over the cage, you almost broke it”, you stuttered nervously.

“Oh my… thanks god you’re ok, sorry, it’s my PTSD”, she opened one of the drawers in the room and took out an orange tube of pills, she took two pills out and swallowed them, “it happens to me sometimes, sorry”, she said again and climbed back to her bed.

Your whole body was shaking, she could’ve killed you just now, it’s not safe being here… but you are so far from finishing treating her feet, you had no idea how much time you’ve invested already but you weren’t even half way there.


It’s been a very long time, you had 2 Christmas holidays already, so you knew you were Alex’s foot treater for at least 2 years.

She had a few more PTSD attacks, luckily it always ended up with pressing your cage and shouting a little, you wanted to just finish the job already, and you started getting close to it.

You finished another long treatment, then stepped back, watching her huge feet.

Her right foot had no dead skin anymore, and there were few clusters left on her left one.

You smiled, she noticed that you were finished and bent forward to take a closer look at you, “hey, are you done for the day? Should I place you back in your cage or do you want to stay on the table for now?”

“Alex, can you tell me how long I’ve been here?” You asked, trying to understand how long more you have until you’re done.

“Umm, wow I don’t know, it’s been so long right?”

“Erm, yes, can you check please?”

“Umm… let’s see.. it’s April… When did I get you? June right?” She scratched her head.

“Don’t you have the company’s app? It will tell you exactly the number of days”, you suggested, but in your mind you realized it’s about 2 years and 10 months, it’s almost the time you worked for the agency until you became Alex’s foot treater, you made almost 100,000$ during this period of time, and now you’ll make just 8,000$.

“Oh right”, she said and grabbed her phone, then made a confused face, “that’s weird, the app doesn’t work”

“Maybe the servers are down..” you sighed.

“Ah! That reminds me, I got an email a week ago, I didn’t understand it so I thought I should ask you and forgot about it”

“An email?” You asked.

“Yeah, let me check it… here”, she turned her phone to you, you looked at it, it had the company logo and everything.

Dear Alex,

We have good and bad news.

Starting with the bad news - “Foot treaters inc” declared bankruptcy and will close tomorrow, we apologize to all of our customers who used our services over the years, but we won’t be able to provide you with new foot treaters starting today.

You stopped reading, it reached the end of her screen, you blushed and got dizzy, you held your head, everything was spinning, what does it mean? Did you lose all your money?

“Are you ok?” She asked.

“Alex, can you please read the rest?” You asked her, “I’m a bit dizzy”

“Yeah.. sure..

Umm, but we won’t be able to provide you with new foot treaters starting today.

As for the good news - if you currently own a foot treater, he is officially yours now, permanently, keep him as a complimentary parting gift from us.

If you choose to relieve him of his duty - you can cover his enlargement procedure at a shrinking center, or relieve him in any other way you see fit. He is your property now.

You should know that no matter what your foot treater may say, they are your property by law, they are not US citizens and do not have any human rights, you can read more about the new amendment here.

The ‘here’ is written in blue.

Umm, and that’s it, it’s actually the first time I’m reading it, I don’t understand, so I like.. own you now?” She asked and then started to smile a bit.

Everything was spinning, you couldn’t even digest what you’ve just heard.

“Doesn’t it officially make you a foot slave? I mean, if they gone bankrupt you’re not getting paid anymore”, she placed a hand over her mouth and giggled quietly, “sorry”, she mumbled.

“Alex.. I.. I don’t feel so good”, you replied, your mouth went dry, you gulped and passed out.


End of part 2




Love where it’s going, you really nailed this one.