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When Ben shrank down in the local pool, he was desperately looking for help, it was an extremely hot day and the pool had a lot of teenagers groups everywhere.

Scared, as he wasn’t a good swimmer, Ben remained away from the water, he saw a young woman sunbathing not far from him, his mother always told him that if he catches the shrinking virus he should go get the attention of the most matured person in the area, she told him to keep away from teenagers and young brats.

She wasn’t a teenager, and he felt like she’s not a brat, she was drinking some kind of a fruit shake and her foot was on the floor.

He went and started rubbing her foot, “E-Excuse me, miss!” He shouted up, at first she pushed him away with her foot, probably thinking it’s a bug or something, he got up and started rubbing again.

“Ugh, what the fuck”, she leaned forward, looked down and raised her sunglasses, “oh wow”, she gasped with a big smile.

“M-Miss I need he-“ she bent down and grabbed him, then opened her hand and looked at him, she was smiling quietly.

“H-Hi, please, I need help”

“Aww, you need help, you cute little thing”, she said in a mocking tone and laughed in his face.

“My parents will pay you”, he said pathetically.

She dropped him into her fruit shake, casually while still laughing, then looked at him and gently moved the glass in circles.

The shake was thick, so Ben managed to keep his head out, he kicked and squirmed, “h-help! I don’t know how to swim! Please!” He called, slapping the glass over and over again, desperately trying to hold onto something.

She couldn’t stop laughing at his misery, she even got her iPhone out and took a selfie with her drink, like Ben was some kind of attraction and not a living person.

Then she just held the glass with one hand and tapped her iPhone with the other, giggling, occasionally taking a sip from her drink, Ben swam in panic away from her lips every time she did it.

It’s like she ignored him completely.

She kept taking sips while Ben struggled to stay alive, drinking more and more of her shake while he was drowning.

He cried and screamed for someone to help him but she kept taking sips slowly, in the last one he almost got sucked into her mouth, her lips closed on his legs, he squirmed and managed to get away and fell back into the glass.

Then he realized that he could finally stand up, the shake level was shallow enough, he was panting and breathing heavily, both hands on the glass.

“Hey, how are you doing?” She shook the glass a few times and giggled, he fell into the shake and quickly got his head out, crying out for help.

“Anyway, thanks for amusing me, I needed that”, she said with a smile and reached the glass to her mouth again, slowly raising it all the way up.

Ben had no chance to get away this time, he desperately scratched the glass as he was sucked into her mouth, he could see her teeth and lips closing after him as he was sealed in complete darkness.

He gasped for air and tried to get his head out of the shake that was in her mouth, but she kept playing with him using her tongue, giggling with closed mouth as she felt his pathetic scratches and squirms inside her mouth.

After long torturing minutes, she couldn’t feel him

Fighting anymore.




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