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“S-Steve there’s a bug here! COME QUICK HELP!”

Your girlfriend screamed from the bathroom, you ran as fast as you could and opened the door.

“That’s ok I handled it”, she said in a cute voice, you smiled at her but then she raised her foot and exposed a pulverized body stuck to her sole.

You were mortified, staring at it in shock.

She grabbed a toilet paper roll, “can you clean it off please? It made such a nasty crack, and I think it was screaming? Probably just my imagination”

“S-S… Stacy.. it’s.. it’s not a bug.. it’s Gary..!” You stuttered in panic.

“Gary?” She made a confused face.

“M-My roommate! That’s probably why he wasn’t answering me today!…” you looked around and saw his clothes thrown near the toilet, you thought he just threw it there but apparently he shrunk down earlier.

“Oh”, she said and looked at it, then you heard a weird snore, she held it back.

“Oh my god I can’t believe you stepped on him like that”, you said, almost about to cry.

Then she burst into laughter, ripped off a piece of toilet paper and started cleaning him off, you looked at her in shock.

“Lol I’m sorry!… you gotta admit it’s funny!…” she said and spread her legs and pushed poor Gary’s remains inside the toilet, engulfed inside toilet paper, then stood up and flushed the water.

You were stunned, you just watched the paper spinning around until it was drained inside, leaving the water with a faint red color.

She washed her hands and looked at it too, then started giggling, “hahaha, it looks like I got my period or something”, then walked past you outside, “you coming? It made me horny”

“W-What?” You asked and gulped.

“I mean squashing your roommate like a random bug, it’s empowering, I liked it, let’s have sex”, she walked to the bedroom.

You also started having a boner, “s-sorry Gary”, you mumbled and followed her to bed.



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