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You shrunk down a few days ago just outside of your house, somehow managing to survive on scraps and avoiding getting crushed by almost anything.

You knew it’s just a matter of time before you die if you don’t get any help, but no matter what you’ve done you couldn’t get anyone to notice you, it was winter and everyone had closed shoes.

Today was a relatively sunny day, you waited on the sidewalk for an opportunity to get someone’s attention.

The moment you saw an open shoe, you just ran like crazy towards the foot and started scrubbing it with a tiny piece of cloth you’ve found earlier, you were nervous and shaken.

“Heh”, a sound from above, you raised your head to see a beautiful woman looking at you, lifting up her sunglasses.

“P-Please lady, help me! I’m begging you!” You shouted up.

She pushed you back with her foot, “get this thing away from me”, she scorned you.

You gulped and threw the rag away, “I’m just trying to survive”, you explained nervously.

“Why do you think I have time to waste on helping the likes of you”, she took a look at her smart watch, “I’ve already wasted too much time on you”, she said and started raising her foot up.

You screamed and ran away, she slammed her foot down behind you, you fell down and embraced yourself, holding your head, your whole body trembling in fear.

“Ugh…” she made a disgusted sound, then she bent down and raised her sunglasses, checking you out, “pathetic… you want my help? You’ll have to work for it”.

“P-Please!.. ok! I’ll do anything! Please don’t crush me!” You begged miserably.

She sighed and returned her sunglasses, then grabbed you and threw you inside her pocket.

As she continued walking you just laid there, wondering what’s going to happen, does it mean you’ve just got yourself into a life of slavery? But at least you will live, you wouldn’t have survived on the streets for long, you were hungry, thirsty and exhausted.


She threw you over the floor and sat on the sofa with her feet down, she didn’t have the shoes anymore, she raised both her feet and exposed her soles, she removed her sunglasses and placed it next to her, then coughed her throat.

You looked up at her, “e-excuse me-“

“Worship, lick, I own you now”, she explained arrogantly and turned on her tv.

You looked at her feet, they were dirty, the smell was awful, you sighed desperately and walked towards her soles, then got on your knees and started licking.

Words can’t describe how filthy, humiliating and disgusting you felt as you kept swallowing whatever horrible gunk got stuck to your tongue, but you did whatever you could to make her satisfied.

At some point she started lowering her feet so you ran away from being squished under her soles, she bent down with her smug face to take another look at you.

“On your knees bug, kiss these beautiful toes”

“Ah.. ok, yes, of course”, you quickly said and got back to your knees, bent down and kept kissing her toes over and over again.

“Heh..” she scoffed, like she’s not satisfied with your reaction, “what a joke”, she mumbled.

You didn’t know what it’s about, so you just kept kissing again and again, you even pushed your face between her toes, you’ve done whatever you could just so she will show any sign of satisfaction.

She pulled away her feet and you fell with your face to the floor, then you slowly got up and looked at her, she had a furious red face.

“W-What’s the matter? Have I done anything wrong? I’m sorry”, you had no idea what you’re apologizing for.

“*Tzk*, that was a mistake”, she mumbled and stood up, then walked to her room.

You had no idea what’s going on, you just stayed there, waiting for something to happen.

Then she came back with knee-high leather boots, you gulped and looked at her.

“P-Please miss, if I’ve offended you somehow, I’m so sorry, can we please ta-“

Your breath was gone as you saw her boot ascending over you, you looked at its sole from below, trying to understand what’s going on.


She slammed it down over you, then stomped again, just to make sure you are dead.

Your lifeless body remained stuck to her boot, you had no idea why, no idea what you’ve done wrong, but it was over, you had no chance to survive this.



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