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As you and Kiara sat in her living room, she started getting closer than usual, it made you blush. You had a crush on her for a while now and tried to find the right time to say anything, she was fun to be around and more than anything you were in love with her sense of humor.

“Timmy, I want us to do something special together”, she announced.

“Special? Like what?” You asked, a bit alarmed by how close she got to you.

“Are you into this TikTok thing?” She asked and got her phone near you.

“Meh, not really”, you shrugged.

“Girls are doing hilarious stuff, look”, she showed you a video with a tiny guy sliding off someone’s belly and falling into her bellybutton, splashing water all around, then he and the girl he was on were laughing together.

“Yeah that’s kinda cool”, you said, blushing a little.

“And check this out”, she said, there was a smiling woman, she opened her mouth and a tiny man was sitting on her tongue, then he jumped out and fell straight into a water glass, he swimmed up and they cheered together.

“Oh I liked the previous one better”, you said, thinking how terrifying it was for the guy to be in her mouth, what if she swallowed him by mistake?

“Forget that, we should make something too!” She turned off the screen.

“Kiara you know I’m not shrinking, we talked about this”, she tried to convince you into shrinking a few times before, you never agreed.

“But Timmmmm...” She said with a cute voice and started caressing your chest with her finger, “it can be so fun”, she giggled childishly.

“Kiara please, my mom would kill me if she knew I’m even considering this…”

“But how come you don’t trust me? We’re friends for so long”

“I do trust you! But you know how it is, so many bad stories”, you said in an apologetic tone.

“Listen.. I’ll let you choose what we will do…” she said and looked at you with a smile, “I mean it, anything”.

You gulped and started to sweat, “y-you mean for the TikTok video?”

“Yeah, whatever you want, and I have shrinking pills right here”, she got up from the sofa and opened a drawer, taking a tablet of pills out.

“Oh wow, you have those?”

“Yeah, see? I could drug you easily if I had any bad intentions”, she smiled in an assuring way.

“Umm… yeah.. I guess”

“So what is it? Come on, what do you want to do?”

“Uhh…… you promise not to laugh at me?” You asked, your face was entirely red by now.

“I won’t”, she said and raised her pinky as a promise.

“So… uhm, Kiara, can you squish me with your titties?”

She opened her eyes in surprise and quickly covered her mouth, trying to hide her urge to laugh.

“Ugh, I knew it, never mind, you are right it’s stupid, sorry”, you bowed your head down.

“No no! Sorry you just said it in a funny way, but what do you mean squish? Like literally squishing you? I thought you like being alive”, she giggled.

“What? No, of course not, I mean just a little, gently, to make a funny video or something”

“So just to make sure, not breaking anything?”

“Jeez, no Kiara, of course I want to stay alive”, you replied with a worried face.

“Ok”, she said with a high pitched tone, taking one pill out of the aluminum packaging and handing it over to you with a glass of water.

“What? So we’re actually doing it?” You asked in surprise.

“I told you, whatever you choose, and it sounds fun to be honest”

“W-Wow, ok, thanks Kiara”, you said indifferently, still shocked, grabbed the pill and swallowed it with the water.

Kiara looked at you doing it with a smile, then she started exposing more of her cleavage, bouncing her titties a bit, checking them out.

Your eyes opened wide and you stared at them, speechless.

“Are you excited?” She asked.

“Y-Yes”, you stuttered.

“I wonder how it’s going to feel like for you, they will probably look huge”, she kept bouncing them playfully.

“Ha.. yeah”, you said, starting to feel your body going numb.

“Hmm, I wonder what would break first”, she said as she started lifting up her tank top.

“W-What?” You asked, slowly starting to shrink down, you watched her as she slowly turned to a giant colossal being compared to you.

“I mean if your skull will pop or the other limbs will get smushed first, I’ve never did it before”

“Wait!” You squeaked, now just a bug on the sofa in front of her, “you’re joking, right?!” You shouted up, terrified by what she just said.

She giggled and picked you up, placing her phone inside a led ring and on the bed in front of her.

“Oh, you’ll know soon tiny Tim”

“H-Hey! That’s not funny!” You shouted but she just placed you in her cleavage between her tits, then laid forward to start the video.

She pulled her tank top down, exposing you in front of the camera, playing with her tits, gently squeezing you.

The feeling was amazing, her boobs were sweating a little, smearing with it, you couldn’t help yourself and had a huge boner. She continued playing with you without talking, then started squeezing you from both sides, gently, again and again.

The friction with your penis was just perfect, you moaned in front of the camera, you didn’t want to come, you wanted it to last forever, you closed your eyes and just let your body be devoted to this amazing experience.

“Ah.. ahhh…” she squeezed a little harder and you came, “oh my god… fuck… that was amazing Kiar-“

She let out a small giggle and squeezed harder, you couldn’t move anymore, you couldn’t even breath.

“Mmm…” she moaned mischievously, “that was fast”, she said, laughing.

You were terrified, trying to squirm but her grip was so tight you were just sealed between her boobs.

“Now it’s my turn to have fun”, she giggled and squeezed even harder, and harder, your whole body was in pain, you begged inaudible for her to stop, everything started to crack, she pushed with all of her power and *SPLASH*

Your body burst like a little sack of ketchup, spraying all over.

She started laughing, “oh my god! What a mess!” She quickly leaned forward to stop the video, your crushed lifeless remains fell off on the bed, she looked at it and couldn’t stop laughing.

“He asked so nicely to be kept alive, I couldn’t hold myself”, she said while laughing, you were just another victim to the trend of executing tinies for more likes and followers on TikTok.

It took less than an hour for the video to go viral and get over a million likes.



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