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After being enslaved for 10 years, your owner started having a conscience and just dropped you at the closest SLM branch office, they made sure you don’t have shrunken PTSD and then just returned you to normal size.

You maintained a perfect mental health even with the harsh conditions, your memories were completely intact, it was extremely rare but that’s who you are, you were always mentally strong.

You realized the world is nothing like it was when she first found you and made you a foot slave. Your past life skills were useless now, you tried looking for people you once knew but they were nowhere to be found anymore.

As you desperately looked for any kind of a job, society pushed you into working as a “foot treater” which by description sounded exactly like what you’ve done for the last 10 years…

You went to an agency and offered your services. An employee got you in her office to make an interview.

“Why do you want to be a foot treater?” She asked even before you sat down.

“It’s.. it’s practically what I’ve done in the last decade.. and I’m just trying to make money”

“It’s not an easy job”

“I know… believe me..”

It made her giggle, “10 years huh? I’m surprised they didn’t made you a humanitarian slave”

“A W-What?”

“Never mind, here are the terms”, she took a page and slid it to you, you started checking it out.

“I’m not sure I understand, I’m getting 4,000$ per patient?”

She sighed, “we pay for your shrinking and growing process, it’s 5,000$ that you need to pay us back, so the first patient is just to return this debt”

“How long does it take?”

“You stay with every patient until her feet are smooth”

You tried to remember how long it took with your previous owner.

“Someone like you, with your experience, I’d say 2-3 months”, she explained because she saw you’re confused.

“S-So after the second patient, I’ll get 3,000$? And then 4,000$?”

“So smart”, she laughed, “that’s right, when do you want to start?”

“It’s.. it sounds very low for such a long period of time, and this is very hard work”, you hesitated.

“That’s the normal rate, today women can buy a slave for less in the black market so we have to be competitive, during this time you don’t spend any money so it’s a net salary to your savings, besides, do you have anything better to do?”

Your mouth went dry, she was definitely right, “ok…”

“Ok what?”

“If it’s ok, I would like to start as soon as possible”

She smiled and handed over a contract, you signed it.


It’s been 3 years since that day, your productivity was amazing, you got the “golden foot” prize from the agency for 2 years straight.

Normally employees were stuck on each patient for 4 maybe even 6 months while you finished eating all of the dead skin in 4-6 weeks. You made tons of money for the agency and they were very satisfied with you.

The girls who bought the service were nothing like your previous owner, they were mostly kind and gentle with you, they were the kind of girls who wanted a professional foot treatment and didn’t want to enslave anyone, they were even willing to pay extra to have a “free man” treating their feet and not just get a shrinking virus victim and force him to do it.

You started thinking about cashing out, you already made about 90,000$

You were back from your last satisfied patient who now has silky smooth feet, you were inside an aquarium in the manager office.

“Amazing work jason, it took you just 4 weeks, you had an amazing year”

“Thanks Jessica, how much have I earned so far?”

“Let’s see”, she opened her computer, “wow, your balance stands at exactly 99,000$.

ready for your next patient?”

“Umm.. to be honest I thought about cashing out”

“Really? Why? You’re so good at this! And you’re so close to having 100k, this 99 doesn’t bug you?” She asked, surprised, it’s like your resignation was the last thing she would expect.

“It’s not easy, I want to give a normal life a shot”

“Umm… look, there’s actually a patient we saved just for you.. she's waiting for a week now, umm, she came here especially today because I told her you were finished with your patient”

“For me?”

She sighed, “she’s what we call an Amazon”

“An Amazon?”

“Exceptionally large feet, and she was in the army, her feet are a mess”, she paused, “but for someone like you it should be a walk in the park, you can really help her”.

“Jessica I’m not sure…”

“She’s kinda a war hero, she sacrificed the smoothness of her feet for the country, as a citizen I think it’s the least you could do”.

You sighed, “look, I don’t mean to disrespect-“

“You’ll get extra payment for this, 8k, because of her foot size she paid extra, US army funded it”

“Uhh.. ok I guess I can do that, but that’s the last one, ok?”

“For sure, I’ll even arrange your papers, thanks Jason, you’re the best”, she pressed a button to broadcast to the secretary, “Sarah, you can let Alex in”.

The door opened up, you turned back, a colossal woman just walked inside, she had to bow her head down to walk through the door, Sarah was standing behind her, she looked like a midget compared to her, she gulped and closed the door.

“Hi Alex, meet Jason”, Jessica said, presenting you.

“Hey, that’s the star you told me about?” Alex asked, smiling, she actually had a cute voice.

“That’s him, and he will help you with your feet situation, as I said he’s by far our most capable and talented foot treater”, Jessica explained.

You looked at Alex and gulped, even as a giantess she looked huge, you were used to feel like a bug in front of women but here it was something else entirely, you felt less than a speck of dust, something in her calmed aura even made her more majestic, you started trembling just by her look.

“And you sure he doesn’t need assistance? They paid for 4 foot treaters, 40k, right?”

Your jaw dropped, so the agency gets 10k for every foot treater, you are getting just 40% for doing all the hard work while they sit here in the AC.

And not only that, they got paid for 4 foot treaters and Jessica offered you payment for 2, you felt so ridiculously abused, how much money did they make out of your hard work already?

“Yes, don’t worry about it, Jason is one hell of a foot treater”

“Ok I guess”, Alex giggled, “good luck to you Jason”, she shrugged.

Jessica picked you up and placed you inside a normal plastic cage, you were used to that ceremony, being given to a patient and returning only once her feet are smooth. Alex held the cage in just one hand, she shook Jessica’s hand with the other.

Jessica waved to your cage, “goodbye Jason, see you soon, take good care of Alex’s feet”, she also always did that when you were off to the next patient.

Then Alex left for home.

Your mind was still thinking on the numbers, you couldn’t stop thinking about how much money the agency was making all this time when you literally gave everything you got for this job, it frustrated you so much. How come they get more than half, this is outrageous.

And now for treating Alex you’re going to get just 20%!


Once she got home she placed your cage on the kitchen’s marble, then stretched, you sat down and looked at her, she was as tall as her fridge, you’ve never in your entire life met someone so tall.

“So.. Jason, I’m kinda hungry, so I’m going to eat something, then we will move on to the treatment”, she started taking food out, she drank an orange juice straight from its tank.

You haven’t drank orange juice ever since you were a kid, you held the bars to take a closer look, she got her dish out of the microwave and it was enormous, she sat down and ate while watching her phone, you kept watching and drooling, it looks so much better than dead skin, you wished you could have a bite.

Once she finished, there was plenty still on her plate, but she just got up and casually threw it to the trash, then made a burp and giggled, she went to your cage and opened it, “now it’s time for your meal”, she said as she walked with you and dropped you on the sofa, then removed her boots.

You looked at her in awe, then both her feet blocked your sight, the sight took your breath away.

Her soles were simply covered in rough, shells of dead skin, the surface was vastly huge in ways you can’t even comprehend, it was like the dead skin amount was of all of your previous patients combined and then even more.

It can take years, it can’t be a job for one person, no matter how talented he is, even 4 aren’t enough, you didn’t even know where to start.

“Well? Shouldn’t you begin the treatment?” She asked with an awkward smile.

“A-Alex”, you called her name, but even when sitting she was so far away she couldn’t hear or know you say anything, you just approached the closest foot and started grinding your teeth.

“Mmm.. I can barely feel it”, she giggled, of course she can’t, it’s like her soles have soles of dead skin, you started crying while grinding your teeth, you wanted to cash out but now you’ve found yourself in the most demanding impossible job of your life.

“Haha you’ll have to pick up the pace Jason”, she said and laid back with both her hands, giggling to herself, “I can’t believe an actual human being is eating dead skin off my feet, this world is wild”

You miserably kept eating, ripping off just the first layer of what seemed like a very deep tissue, after about 30 minutes you couldn’t eat anymore and stepped back, you couldn’t even see the entire surface, but you could tell that what you’ve just ate isn’t even 1/1000 of the dead skin she has left.

She sat down and checked her sole, “that’s it?” She laughed, “I’ll die of old age by the time you’re finished”

You waved your hand at her, “what’s that? You want to say something?” She asked with a smile and bent towards you, you gulped and trembled, it’s going to take you a while to get used to her size.

“I’m.. I’m sorry Alex, but it’s really not a job for one person”, you shouted with a shaken voice.

“I know right? I told her”, she exclaimed smiling.

“Maybe you can call the agency and-“

“We already shook hands on it”, she cut you off mid sentence, “I guess we will need to figure it out somehow”, she added.

You were too scared to keep arguing, so you just silently nodded.

“It’s going to be fine, but we are going to be together for a very long time, hope you’re ok with this”, she grabbed you and placed you back inside your cage, “I know my size is intimidating, and it’s the first time I actually own a foot slave”, she paused, “so far I only stepped on you guys”

You took a step back, “not on purpose, I mean, not in the US”, she said like it should calm you down but it didn’t, then just got up and walked away.

You sat in an embryo position at the edge of your cage and started crying, for the first time in a long time.

You’re going to spend the time you would for maybe 20 patients for just 8k, you felt so frustrated and humiliated, and so angry at yourself for not insisting to cash out when you had the chance.


End of part 1




In love with this story and the direction it might take