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They were headed home, it was a long and tiring day, Mika and George, attorneys in a law firm nearby. But in fact - since the pandemic started, only Mika was an attorney, George was reassigned as an intern and Mika’s assistant, he was glad to still have a job even when the pay was less than 20% of what he used to earn.

“Oh my god look”, Mika said and pointed nearby, they were close to the subway station.

“What? Oh, they probably caught the shrinking virus”, George said.

An evil smirk started forming on Mika’s face, “they sure did”.

“How are we going to help them?” He asked helplessly.

“Help them? Don’t be ridiculous”, Mika said and walked in their direction, towering above them, looking down with lust in her eyes, she raised her leg and removed her shoe.

“Mika? What are you doing?” George asked with a nervous tone.

“Oh, just releasing some stress”, she said with a cruel voice while lowering her foot, the poor shrinkies screamed and tried to run as they realized they were not getting help.

“H-Hey wait!” *CRACK* George tried to stop her but it was too late, Mika already pressed hard with her foot and started twisting it, he gulped and took a step back.

Mika started laughing, “god I love this feeling, I imagine them to be the annoying clients from today”, she wore her shoe back on, the crushed tiny bodies still stuck to her sole.

“Oh.. oh my god Mika… y-you crushed them, o-on purpose”, George said in a shaky voice, looking at her in fear.

She smiled, “yep, and I already feel much better, getting two with one step? I love it”, she continued walking towards the subway station, then turned back, “you coming or what?”

“M-Mika it could have been me”, he said in fear.

She started laughing, “come on, we are colleagues and I know you for years, I would never just step on you like that”

He resumed walking, still a little shaken, he never saw anything like that and the way Mika talked about it was disturbing.

“I’d make you my tiny foot slave attorney”, she said with a smile, “you’d like it”, she giggled.

George gulped, soaked in cold sweat, he just nodded and kept walking. That’s the world now, women are in charge, and she was right.. you have no say in it. If that was the case you’d just be grateful to be kept alive.


I’m fond of giantess lawyer stories (you could tell from “Shrunken Custody”), and that’s the kind of a photo you can’t find elsewhere.

So I’m playing a bit with the Anime AI concept. I hope you liked it, would love to hear what you think.

And I’ve added a new tag - Anime.




Amazing please keep them coming