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Timmy had a sleepover at Lucas’s house, one morning they both contracted the shrinking virus.

“We should find my mom for help”, Lucas suggested as they went out of the room.

After walking for a while they decided to split, Timmy went to the kitchen area and Lucas to the living room, searching for stuff that might help them get her attention.

As they looked around, Lucas’s mom, Rachel, finally woke up and went to make herself some coffee, every step boomed and could be heard in the distance for the tiny kids.

As Timmy realized she was walking in his direction he started running to hide beneath the dining table, but Rachel’s huge steps were no match for him.


“Oh no, no no no, no!” She started mumbling in panic, placing her foot on a chair, “please just be a bug, god please”, she started crying from anxiety, slowly checking out her sole.

“L-Lucas?” She asked in a pitchy sore voice, she used her finger to wipe some blood off Timmy’s face, then sighed in huge relief, realizing it’s not her son.

“Timmy, thanks god it’s just you”, she said as the poor kid twitched his arms, stuck to her sole like a piece of gum, she sucked the blood from her finger and started wiping the tears off, “hey, where is Lucas? Stay with me”, she tapped his stomach and asked in determination, the tears slowly drying from her cheeks.

“L-Living… R-Room.. h-help…” he could barely speak.

“Lucas is in the living room?” She asked, just to verify she heard right.

Poor Timmy barely nodded to approve.

Rachel casually returned her foot to the ground


Not giving a second of thought that Timmy just splashed underneath her, she carefully but quickly walked to the living room. Leaving bloody footsteps behind her.

“Lucas? Lucas, where are you?” She asked in panic, getting on her knees and looking around, Lucas finally came out from beneath the sofa, she quickly grabbed and kissed his head.

“Oh my god you’re ok”, she said in relief.

“M-Mom, Timmy is in the kitchen! We need to help him!” He called to her.

“Oh sweetie, forget about Timmy ok? We need to go to the shrinking center to grow you back”, she said with an assuring smile.

“B-But mom, a mouse might catch him or something”, Lucas said, but Rachel’s face didn’t even flinch.

She stood up, another tiny *Pop* could be heard from underneath her sole, she smeared Timmy’s remains on the floor to clean herself from him, hiding the horror from Lucas as he was inside her hand far above it.

“Sorry honey, no time looking for your tiny friend, I’m sure he’s going to be ok”, she said as she put on her flip flops, grabbed the keys and went outside to the car still carefully holding Lucas.



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