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Ever since you’ve been 12 years old, you used to babysit the neighbor’s daughter, Mia.

Her parents were very busy and you had to babysit her almost every day, but 9 months ago the shrinking virus pandemic erupted.

Mia lost her dad to the virus, but it seemed like her mother didn’t care much about it. She kept going to clubs and parties daily and you kept looking after her daughter, who was now an annoying bratty teenager. babysitting her became a very exhausting chore but you needed the money now more than ever.

It was usually Mia’s father who paid you at the end of every shift, and now her mother always had idiotic excuses, she kept delaying your payments over and over again.

In fact you haven’t got a dime for babysitting Mia for the last 3 months, it started getting really problematic as you lived alone and had to take care of the house by yourself after your parents passed away.

It was already 2am, Mia’s mother just came home, you’ve decided to confront her.

“Mrs Hamilton-“

“Just call me Rachel”, she giggled, placed a hand over your shoulder and used her other hand to remove her heel, she looked down, she seemed drunk.

“Look, I’ve been watching Mia for 8 hours today-“

“Was she a good girl?”

“Yeah, it’s not the problem-“

“So what is it?”

“Look, the debt is growing, today is another 160$, I'm starting to get really uncomfortable with this”

She yawned and started stretching, “yeah I know, sorry”, she started walking past you, “next time, I promise, I’m just too tired”, she walked straight to her room, you stood there speechless, then just sighed and walked out to your apartment.

It was frustrating as hell, you felt so abused and pathetic… you were drowning in debts, you tried to turn on the lights and apparently they cut off the electricity, then you wanted to at least take a shower but they cut the water supply as well, you really needed the money, you thought about walking back to Rachel’s apartment but then just laid on your bed and fell asleep, it was so late and you were too exhausted and frustrated to do anything about it.


The next day you tried to make some calls to friends in order to get loans, then you got a text message from Rachel:

“Hey, left for shopping.

Mia will be home from school in 1 hour,

Watch her.”

You sighed, she acts as if she owns you, it doesn’t even feel like a request, it’s a command… you had nothing better to do and you had to charge your phone anyway so you just went there, you sat at the kitchen, charging your phone and waiting for Mia to show up.

“Hey Matt”, she said as she walked in, then placed her bag on the sofa, “watching me again?”

“Umm, yes..” you replied.

She made a confused face and came closer, “hey, why are you like this?”


“Sad, you look sad”, she said, but it lacked any compassion.

“I’m having some problems, they cut off my electricity and water supply at home”, you explained.

“Ah, lol”, she started giggling, “why?”

“What do you mean why? I haven’t paid in time so that’s what they do…”

“I didn’t know it’s a thing”, she shrugged, “can you help me with homework?” She changed the subject.

“Math again?”


“Guess I can try”, you shrugged.

She brought a notebook and sat with you, her assignment was about the shrinking virus, you searched Google for answers and you wrote a short summary of it.

“That shrinking virus, it’s crazy”, she suddenly said, “aren’t you scared of it?”

“Of course I do”, you replied, scratching your nape.

“I’m so happy it affect only males, I would freak out”, she laughed, “becoming a bug, yikes”

“But it’s not becoming a bug, we’ve just wrote about it, except from the reduction of size nothing else changes”, you explained.

“Yeah, you know, but if it happens to you I can literally squish you with my foot”, she said and raised her foot, holding it in front of you, “like a bug lol”.

You gulped and started blushing all red, “w-well I surely hope you won’t do that”, you chuckled nervously, gently moving her foot from your face, but the way she said it sent chills down your spine because you knew that it’s not only possible, she might actually do that.

“Haha, no promises”, she said mischievously and turned back to her notebook.

You looked at her, terrified, you never thought of it, what will happen if you shrink down here? Mia is going to just squish you? After knowing you literally for her entire life?

“What about your dad, we never talked about this, but he caught the shrinking virus, right?”

“Yeah”, she replied coldly.

“Do you know what happened?”

“Umm.. I can’t really talk about it”

“Oh”, her response surprised you, “it’s ok”.

She turned and looked at you, she examined you in a weird way.

“What?” You asked.

“I don’t know, weren’t you taller just a minute ago?”

You jumped from the chair, quickly checking your limbs, “are you messing with me?!” You shrieked.

She started laughing, it calmed you down, but then she pointed at you, “I’m serious! I think you’re shrinking!”

“Fuck, I can’t believe it’s happening”, you kept touching yourself, she was right, with no symptoms you just started shrinking, you had no idea what to do, you can’t pay for a cure, you don’t have anywhere and anyone to help you, you just stood there and looked at Mia with terrified eyes who just watched you all excited with an open mouth.

Everything slowly got bigger and you kept watching Mia, from a short teenager she slowly became a colossal being, barely recognisable.

“Oh… my… god…” she gasped, giggling uncontrollably, “I’ve never seen anyone shrink like that before”, her voice boomed from above like it’s a goddess talking to you.

You ended up on the floor next to a pile of your clothes, shivering and looking up at her.

“I… I have to try it”, she hovered her foot above you, her sole was enormous, she could literally end your life in a second, you trembled so hard you fell to your knees, looking at her sole from below, you closed your eyes and embraced yourself.

“Lol I’m just messing with you”, she tapped your head with her big toe, “relax”.

She laid down on the floor, using her hands to support her chin, elbows on the floor, “I’ll call mom, maybe she will know what to do”.

You gulped, what are the odds that her mom would actually help you? But you had nothing better to suggest.

“Hey, mom?”

“Hey sweetie, is everything ok there? Matt watching over you?”

“Umm… yeah.. so about that.. funniest thing just happened”


“Matt just shrunk, probably caught the shri-“

Rachel burst into laughter, “oh god”, Mia and you looked at each other, waiting for her to stop laughing and talk.

“That’s great sweetie”, she finally said as she calmed down, adjusting her breath after laughing so hard.

“Great?” Mia asked with a surprised face.

“Yeah lol, it’s probably me, I think I caught it at the party yesterday, I used him for support when I removed my heels and I probably got him infected, god that’s hilarious”

You blushed like hell, your life as you know it is over because of her recklessness and she’s laughing at it like it’s some joke.

Mia started giggling too, “wait, mom, so can I squish him?” She looked at you with a big smile, you stepped back in fear, frozen in terror.

“Yeah I guess, if you want to”, Rachel said, as you heard it you started running in panic, “ah no sweetie, don’t crush him yet”. You slipped and fell over, crawling away and crying.

“What? Why?” Mia asked, disappointed.

“I want his apartment, need him to sign something first, besides, he was watching you for like 16 years, let me at least say goodbye to him”, she laughed.

“Umm, ok mom”, she got up and walked towards you, your pathetic run and crawls was less than a step away from her, she just bent down and picked you up like some toy, then walked with you upstairs to her room and dropped you over her bed.

“P-Please Mia! I was always nice to you! You’re like a sister to me! I knew you your entire life!” You quickly started begging, she ignored that and sat down, “look at me! I’m still me! Matt!” You shouted in panic.

“Lol, I know, but… you can’t babysit me in that size anymore, what else are you good for?”

You gulped, “I.. I’ll do anything, please, I don’t want to die”, you started crying.

“Umm… ok”, she smiled.

“Ok?” You asked shakily.

“Yep, you can lick my feet”, she said cheerfully and raised her feet to the bed, then placed one of them in front of you.

“Y-Yes, ok, I can do that”, you said nervously, slowly getting your tongue out.

“What about a thank you?” She asked mockingly.

“I.. of course, t-thank you Mia”, you stuttered.

“Hmm, not like that”, she pointed down with her finger, “on your knees Matt”, she giggled.

You gulped, tears started flowing from your eyes again, you kneeled in front of her foot and nodded, “t-thank you…” you said and sniffed.

“You’re welcome, you can start licking”, she said with a satisfied smile.

You got your tongue out and caressed a wrinkle on her soft sole, it was dirty and sweaty, the most humiliating and disgusting thing you’ve ever done, you wanted to puke the sweat out but you swallowed it.

Mia giggled and took her phone out, “Matt, you were always a loser but gosh that’s another level of being pathetic”, she laughed then pointed the camera at you and started taking photos.

The door opened up, you turned back and saw Rachel, using the same heels from yesterday, she looked at Mia and laughed loudly, “already using him as a foot slave? That’s my girl”, she approached, Mia laughed as well.

Rachel bent down to take a closer look, “hey Matt, how’s my girl’s foot sweat?” She mocked you.

“R-Rachel please-“ you started begging.

“Come here”, she snatched you.

“Hey but he’s still licking my foot”

“He can continue later, I need him to sign this”, she waved with a paper, then walked to the living room, she dropped you on the table then placed the paper next to you and a tiny pen, still the size of you.

She pointed at the bottom of the page, “Matt I need you to sign here”, she explained.

“W-What is it?” You asked, afraid and shaken.

“You’re giving me your apartment, then I’ll be able to break this wall finally and expand”, she pointed at the wall behind you.

You looked at her, trembling.

“Gosh, you remind me of Phil when you look at me like that”, she giggled, Philip was her husband and Mia’s step father, you kept looking at her quietly, “I made him sign a divorce agreement after he caught the virus, got everything”

“W-What happened to him?” You asked in fear.

Rachel laughed and sat down, then removed her heels and placed them on the table next to you, “Crushed him with this heel”, she pointed at one of them, “Crack”, she started laughing, “popped like a grape… or a cherry actually, ew, there was so much blood”

You shrieked and embraced yourself, then started crying again.

She placed both her feet on the table, “if you don’t want to end up like him, sign”, she pointed at the contract.

You walked to the pen and held it, quickly signed where you needed, Rachel released a long satisfied sigh, “thanks Matty, now can you be useful and grind your teeth here?” She pointed at her arch, “got a piece of dead skin, it drives me crazy”

“S-Sure, yes Rachel”, you quickly said and ran towards it, you started grinding your teeth against it, eating whatever tears off, you were so scared you didn’t even think about the putrid sweat that got in your mouth.

“You’re such a good boy Matt”, she said with a smile, “thanks for that, feels much better”, then she turned around, “Sweetie???” She called Mia, she came down the stairs, “yes mom?”

“You can squish him now honey”

You stopped grinding your teeth and stepped back, looking at her with a terrorized stare, “b-but you p-promised” you stuttered, then looked at Mia, she approached with a huge smile.

“You’re too old for a babysitter anyway”, Rachel said to her, laughing together with Mia.

“Thanks mom”, Mia said and picked you up, you squirmed helplessly in her hand.

“Oh and make it slow sweetie, it’s not every day you get to crush someone”, she sighed with a smile and looked at the contract you just signed.

“Sure mom, thanks!” She said as she went up the stairs back to her room.

You squirmed, screamed, begged for mercy and help, but to no avail. Mia just tightened her grip and went inside her room…


Epilogue as attachment.



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