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When Maya removed her shoes again, you could see that you are inside a car, you were soaked in her foot sweat and desperately wiped off whatever you could, she sighed and picked the shoes up then flipped it over her car’s ashtray, you fell inside and shortly after Tim fell next to you, he remained laid down but you could tell he’s still breathing.

Maya said nothing and kept driving barefoot, after around half an hour she stopped the car and Alisa got in, she looked at you with a smile.

“Hey boys”, she said with a huge smile on her face, then looked at Maya, “you know the address, right?”

“Yep”, Maya said and resumed driving.

You sat at the corner of the ash tray and looked at Tim. You could tell he’s examining the girls, he slowly got up and sat at the other side, he didn’t look at you, he probably realized already that you were helping Maya and there’s no reason to make a conversation.

You know him, he’s probably the smartest person you know, and you could tell his mind was racing right now, it’s funny, doesn’t he realize that you are both powerless bugs?

“Ok stop here”, Alisa pointed to the right and Maya parked, then she grabbed her phone and called Alisa who immediately answered, “don’t hang up and make him talk”, Alisa said with a smile.

“Godspeed”, Maya answered and waved her phone. Alisa got out of the car and closed the door behind her, you could see that she’s looking at the sides and made a light run inside Tim’s Vila.

When you looked down back at Tim, you could spot half a smile, you made a confused face and when you had eye contact the smile was completely gone, you gulped and watched Maya, he’s up to something, his head is computing, what should you do?

What can he possibly do? It can only get you into more trouble, You opened your mouth to call Maya.

“Travis sit and shut the hell up”, Tim said.

You gulped, “Tim.. what’s going on?”

“I understand that you are mentally broken, you were never strong in these matters, but you were a smart and brilliant engineer, so if there’s anything left of that brain of yours - SIT. THE. FUCK. DOWN.”

He whispered aggressively and pointed at the other edge of the ashtray, you kept your mouth shut and walked there, then sat down quietly.

“Maya I’m in”, Alisa said over the phone, “what’s the code to the alarm?”

Maya looked at Tim.

“6489” he responded coldly.

“He says 6489”, Maya replied.

You could hear the digits being pressed, you looked at Tim, maybe it’s a code for help or something? Maya and Alisa are too confident to even consider something like that.

“It worked”, Alisa said over the phone.

Maya looked at Tim again, “talk, where is this lamp?”

She hovered the phone closer to him.

“Alisa, upstairs, the second door to the right, there’s a desk at the edge of the room”, he instructed her.

You remained silent and watched them, confused and curious.

“Umm, I’m there, but the lamp doesn’t move.. There's a keyhole here?”

“Yes, second drawer, get the key and use it”, Tim was calm, calculated, he explained everything in his typical authoritative manner.

“Found it, ok, I’m using i-“


You could hear it from the villa and shortly after from the phone as well, then there was silence.

Maya jumped in her chair, “A-Alisa, you there? What the fuck happened? Alisa?!”

You stood up in panic, you looked at Tim, he looked at Maya with a big smile.

“Fuck”, she looked at Tim with a terrified look, “what the fuck was that”

Tim raised up a third finger, “your friend is dead you piece of shit”, he started laughing loudly.

“Ahh…” Maya shrieked and made a horrified look, she hit the gas and drove off as fast as she could, shortly after she started crying.

“Y-You will pay for this you f-fucking asshole!..” she screamed but he kept laughing, you were shivering and stayed next to the wall of the ashtray.

“T-Tim she will kill us both now, what have you done?” You asked in a terrified tone.

He looked at you with a crazy smile, “I’ve done what I could to fight back, I have no intentions to serve her pathetically like you, and now we have leverage”.

Maya hit the brakes and both you and Tim flew off and hit the ashtray wall.

She held her head, digesting what’s happening, then coughed her throat a few times, calming herself down.

“Is Alisa really dead?” She sent her hand over to the ashtray and picked Tim up, looking at him with shiny eyes.

“Maya, she’s dead and there are cameras on my front door, it’s just a matter of time bef-“

“Shut the fuck up!” She shouted with a cry, she held the wheel forcefully and made a furious face, she wanted to crush him inside her hand right now for sure.

“No, you shut up and listen, Alisa was the brain right? You could barely test our product, even if I gave you my passwords, you can’t do shit with them, you are done, you need me now”

You observed them in shock, scared to your bones from Maya’s reaction but she just kept holding the wheel in shock and started driving slowly.

“We can close a deal”, he shouted but she ignored him, you saw tears sliding down her cheeks, she casually dropped him back to the ashtray, Tim stood up and looked at you.

“Help me put some reason in that dumb girl”, he told you and pointed at her, “snap out of it already, you are an engineer, not some dumb slave bug”

“I.. uh.. Tim, what happened there? What happened to Alisa?” It was weird but thinking about her being dead to you felt like an actual goddess just died, they were invincible in your eyes.

“Ugh, why does it matter? Be sure she’s dead, it’s a trap I placed in my home specifically for cases like that”

You gulped, “but what am I supposed to do?” You asked in fear.

“Convince her to be reasonable, it’s only a matter of time before the authorities will get to her”

“Tim, she will kill us, what have you done?” You sat down in despair, “th-that was your plan?! To kill her friend and be reasonable with her!?” You held your head in panic.

“I should’ve warned her, oh my god, fuck, she’s going to crush us with her foot now, please goddess no”, you mumbled to yourself and started crying.

“Heh, even if you are right, I prefer dying and taking one of them with me”, he shrugged and sat down, shaking his head, disappointed with you.

Maya parked the car, she was back in her apartment, she held the ash tray and got out of the car, she walked inside the building and you looked at her, she was shocked and sad.

The moment she got to the apartment she spilled you both to the living room’s table, then sat down and held her head.

You quickly bowed down, “Goddess I had nothing to do with it I swear! Please!” You begged, she said nothing.

“Ugh, Maya, snap out of it already, you want money right? Let’s talk”, Tim said, trying to sound reasonable.

She raised her head and looked at him, “are you kidding me right now?” She asked in a high pitched tone, “you know Tim, I always saw you as a heartless chauvinist privileged white trash, but I believed you were smart, but now I think that you are just a fat useless imbecile”.

She stopped and shook her head, chuckled, like she can’t even comprehend what happened, “you murdered Alis-“

“That’s right, so you have leverage on me, you can go to the authorities with it, and I have leverage on you, I’m the only one who can get you the money now”.

She paused, looked at you, then looked at him, she sighed, then suddenly bent over and picked him up, “fuck you and your money, believe me I have enough already, you killed my best friend”.

“Y-You left me no choice, I did what I had to”, he said but you could see his voice start to crack, being that close to her colossal face and being held in her hand probably made it clear to him how powerless he actually is.

Or maybe he just realized that his stupid desperate plan isn't really working as he expected.

Maya left her grip and Tim started free falling back to the table.

*Crack* *Thud* “Ahhhhhh!!!….” He held his knee, it definitely just broke, “y-you idiot! The authorities will get you! Your behavior makes no sense! You need me!”

“At least I’ll have some fun first”, she said in a serious tone, she didn’t smile, it was different and personal, you started crawling away on your back, still facing them.

She brought her finger to his broken knee and pressed it, looking at him and biting her lower lip.

“Arghhh stop!!! Stop!!”


“Stop? We are only just beginning”, she said in joy and brought her finger to his other leg, he looked completely terrified and under immense pain, his leg was smushed completely, it looked like Maya was breaking toothpicks.

“No no no!! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for Alis-“ *CRACK* “Ahhh!!!!”

Tim started to miserably cry.

“M-Maya wait!… please wait!…”

“The only thing that can make me stop are your options”, she said in a bored tone and brought her finger to his belly, pinning him down and preventing him from holding his crushed legs, it looks like she’s slowly killing a bug.

“Ok!! The password is timmyboy$81, just take it!!! Please stop!! timmyboy$81!!!”

Maya raised her finger and made a confused face, “wait, seriously?” She clearly didn’t expect him to do that.

He didn’t respond, he cried and held his legs.

“Hmm”, she got up and brought the Mac, “you are obviously lying to stall time but I’m curious”, she placed the Mac just in front of her and just stared at it confusedly, “umm.. it’s IBI right?.. fuck.. I need Alisa…” she mumbled.

“G-Goddess… yes, it’s IBI”, you stood next to the Mac and suggested.

She looked at you and then made a little smile, “wait, Travis, can you help me with this?”

“Y-Yes goddess”, you replied, a bit shaken from what she just did to Tim, afraid you might be next, willing to do anything you could to make her look fond of you.

“So come”, she held you and placed you next to her on the sofa, laying backwards and placed the Mac on her lap, you guided her to the correct website and told her what Tim's corporate email is, she typed the password and the screen started loading, then his options profile loaded, there was silence in the room, the only sound that could be heard are Tim weak moans as he slowly crawl away.

You watched the pie chart and couldn’t believe it, it was far more than you ever would have guessed, 37 million dollars.

“Oh… Oh my god.. Travis how do I sell it, holy shit I want all of it”, she started giggling all of a sudden, “Jesus and it’s all mine I don’t even need to split it”

You noticed Tim was crawling away and gulped, you turned to Maya and pointed at him.

“I couldn’t care less, tell me what to do”, she didn’t take her eyes off the screen, she was clueless and fully dependent on your instructions.

“You fill your bank account here, then just click on sell here…”

It took perhaps 15 minutes, she followed your instructions and finally all the options were sold, Maya quickly entered her bank account and slowly made a huge smile, “it’s all mine, I can’t believe it, hahahaha” she laughed like a maniac and stood up, then started jumping on the sofa like a kid, “I’m a multi millionaire!!!” She kicked a pillow and it flew right next to you, you covered yourself over the keyboard.

She took a step over the table and towered above you, she looked down at Tim, he was at the edge of the table, looking down, he looked frozen.

“Hey Timmmmm” she said in a mocking tone from above, “what is it? You want to jump?” She giggled, then brought her big toe above him, she pinned him down and started dragging him backwards, he moaned loudly in pain. She was in ophoria, like she forgot her friend died less than an hour ago.

“Yeah, I don’t think so”, she said in pleasure, “how about you give my toe a big kiss, and beg me to end your life quickly?” She said and pressed his face with her big toe.

He actually kissed it, all his ego and badass attitude from earlier was completely gone.

“P-Please…” he said weakly.

“Hmm… I don’t know”, she slowly brought her big toe over his arm, then started pressing it, he could barely move.


“Ahh… please!… no more.. I’m begging you!..” he tried to shout but you were pretty sure that only you could hear it.

She raised her foot up.

“That was for Alisa you cruel tiny shithead” She giggled and started pressing his other arm


His body squirmed helplessly and he started losing consciousness, Maya playfully brought her big toe over his face, “bye bye Tim, thanks for making me rich”


His head was smashed like a grape, you couldn’t get your eyes off of it, you looked up at Maya, she laid her head back and moaned with pleasure.

Then fell back to the sofa and laughed in joy, she gave you a look and raised her foot in front of you, you stepped back in fear.

“Look at him, a stain on my sole”, she said and laughed.

You prayed she won’t do the same to you.


End of part 7



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