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“Let me take care of it”, Maya said coldly, Alisa remained seated.

Tim stood there, he looked unbreakable, ready to die and give them nothing.

“Let’s see how you talk after eating a piece of my toe jam”, she placed a foot on the table and grabbed his head with her fingers, shoving it inside a gap between her toes, he squirmed helplessly, trying to break free.

Alisa let out a small shriek, “but Maya, don’t kill him…!”

“Alisa, let me”, she pushed harder and pinched his head with her toes, she added more and more pressure, you gulped and took a few steps back.

“Oh no, come here you useless piece of shit”, Maya said angrily, you quickly walked forward.

“Convince him to play along or you both die”, she whispered to you and released his head, he fell back, covered in her sweat and toe jam, coughing miserably.

You were terrified, you quickly went and helped him up.

“Listen, Tim, I’m sorry, you have to do what they say”, you said in a shaky voice.

He pushed you away, “so that’s the idea? They keep you to trick us? I expected more of you Travis”

“It’s not that!” You lied, “th-they don’t lie, those who gave really everything were kept alive”

“I don’t believe this shit”, he said and Maya’s foot landed on him, you looked at her and she was furious like you have never seen before.

“So why don’t I break some bones from your pathetic body”, she increased the pressure rapidly and you started waving for her to stop.

“Goddess wait!… he will do what you say just give him a chance”

“You think I care for a few more millions? We are rich more than I ever believed I’d be, I don’t need your filthy money, I better just crush you”

She looked at Tim and he moaned miserably in pain.

“Maya come on, what the fuck”, Alisa held her foot and pulled it away.

“This arrogant white trash is pissing me off”, Maya said in anger.

Alisa bent forward to Tim.

“Look, we started on the wrong foot”, she paused and giggled, “how can we assure you that you will get to live once we drain everything?”

Tim caressed his head and stood up, instead of answering her he turned to you, “did you just call her goddess? You realize how fucked up this is?”

Alisa banged the table, “look at me when I talk to you”

“There’s nothing you can do to assure that, you want to kill me just go ahead”, he spread his hands to the sides.

He was always an impressive individual but this simply amazed you.

“Fuck it”, Maya said, pushing Alisa aside and grabbed him, “you think you are such a badass”, she mumbled and walked with him to her shoes drawer then opened it, she pulled away her anti crush running shoes, it’s been so long since you saw these horrible things.

She threw him inside the right one, he screamed and tried to get out but her foot followed, pushing him back inside to serve as her insole.

“Maya, come on, what if he dies? We can’t miss this”, Alisa came closer and said with a worried tone.

“I need to break his stupid arrogant behavior”, Maya replied, she sounded annoyed, then she turned to you, “and you, you are going inside my left shoe, and I’m going to give you more opportunities to convince him to cooperate, you better do a good job Travis”

“Y-Yes goddess, I promise”, you said in defeat and she grabbed you, then threw you inside her left shoe. You tried to quickly crawl to the toe section but her foot already pressed you firmly into the insole.

It’s been a while since you’ve been in this horrible situation but you knew how to behave to make it easier, you kept breathing slowly through the insole, withstanding the horrible pressure on your back, you knew it’s better not to move and just stay calm to survive this with no injuries.

You couldn’t hear anything from outside, only a muffled argument between Maya and Alisa, then the unbearable pressure as Maya stood up, you wondered how Tim was doing, you hoped he would survive this.


It’s been a while, her foot sweat drenched everything, you had to swallow a lot of it but at least most of it got sucked into the holes at the sides of the insole, it’s impressive how these shoes are engineered in such a clever way just to keep you alive and suffering.

She sweated more than she used to, you wondered what she’s doing out there, but you waited patiently for something to happen.


After what felt like forever Maya finally removed the shoe, she placed it on the floor, “Travis”, she said firmly.

You crawled to its opening, all wet and miserable and looked at her. She was in some kind of a locker room, probably a gym. She was soaked in sweat head to toe, even her hair was wet.

You nodded to her and held the edges of her shoe.

“Don’t fuck this up”, she said while breathing heavily and started opening her left shoe, she took a deep breath and faked a smile, then removed her shoe and looked inside.

“Hey Tim, how was it? Eww… smells horrible”, she giggled, she shook the shoe a little and you saw him grab the edges and puke outside, gallons of foot sweat came out and he started crying. You’ve never seen him crying before.

She laughed and held the shoe in front of you, he was thrown at the opening, coughing miserably and trying to adjust his breathing.

“P-Please, no more, no more…” he mumbled in panic, you knew it’s your chance.

“Tim, please, just give her what she wants, this torment will never stop”, you called up to him.

He looked at you, you’ve never seen him more miserable, “I don’t even remember my password”, he called back, “I never entered to see my options, I don’t care about it”, he broke down and cried, wiping his face from all the sweat.

“So why would you care to give it to them? It will make everything easier”, you called, then Maya pulled her right shoe back in front of her.

“You don’t remember the password?” She asked him.

“I swear”, he called back, he lost all the confidence he just had back at her apartment, it’s amazing what being an insole for a few hours does to a man.

“So where is it?”

“In my house, under the desk lamp, it’s all there”, he explained.

“Ugh… fuck…” she mumbled then threw her shoe to the floor, Tim hit his face on the edges and fell down back inside.

Maya quickly got her phone out and made a call.

“Listen, he doesn’t remember the password”, she paused, “he has a note in his home, under his desk lamp or something”.

She listened to Alisa, then smiled, “heh, I didn’t think about it, so you kept it? And you’ll be able to get in?” She asked and started giggling as she heard the answer, “ok then, I’m coming to pick you up”.

She hung up and took a look at you both, making an arrogant smug smile, then closed her eyes and released a satisfied giggle.

“Alisa got your clothes after you got shrunk, she has your keys”, she paused and laughed, then started hovering her feet up and back inside the shoes

“No! Wait! I gave it to you!” You could hear Tim’s screaming just before the foot got in and sealed you in darkness again.


End of part 6



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