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This story starts a few months before the shrinking virus pandemic, the idea of shrinking was science fiction.

You were dating Emily for a few months, she was gentle, kind, beautiful, by far the most perfect girlfriend you had so far.

But there was one problem, she was rather passive and not interested in sex, every time you were doing it it felt like she’s doing you a favor and just lay there waiting for you to come.

You never saw her having an orgasm and it saddened you, you tried to talk about it.

“I really want you to enjoy our time together in bed, maybe.. you have some kind of Fetish, something you especially love? I promise to try anything”, you suggested one evening.

“Jim… it’s not that..”

“Please”, you insisted.

She looked at you and sighed, then looking down in shame, “it’s… forget it, you’ll laugh at me”.

“Come on, I promise I won’t laugh or anything, we all have our kinks right?”

“Yeah but mine is stupid and can never happen”

“Maybe we can figure out a way”

“We won’t”

“Emily come on! I promise I won’t tell anyone and I won’t laugh at you, just say it!”

“Ugh, I.. well, sometimes I imagine my lovers as tiny beings”

You smiled, “sounds cool, why would you be so ashamed of it?”

“Well.. I fantasize about.. uh.. stepping on them”

“Stepping on them?”

“Hmm yeah.. crushing them with my feet, that’s my Fetish, ok? It sounds so stupid, it’s the first time I say it out loud”

You stopped thinking about it for a moment, “it’s not that bad, you have this fantasy with me too?”

“I’m sorry.. but yes.. in my mind I crushed you many times..” she blushed.

“Haha well as long as it’s not real, what is it like?”

“You cry and beg me not to do it, but you are tiny and helpless, I just place my big toe over your head, pin you down to that metallic table, I feel you squirm and I add pressure until you just burst”, she said it with her eyes close, bit her lip and released a sexual moan, you never saw her like that, it was amazing.

“You’re so hot”, you said and jumped on her, having the best sex of your life.


You bought some toys, even ordered a small 3d model in your shape, letting Emily play with it and imagine she crushed you before having sex.

It was cute, and you didn’t care much about it, that was until that evening.

You sat together in the living room, watching some stupid reality show, when suddenly it stopped for breaking news.

“This just in, a new virus was discovered in Taiwan, rumored to be highly infectious, and is causing people.. to shrink…” the reporter paused, “it’s a lot to take in, but this virus is real, and now there’s proof”.

You both watched the tv in shock, they showed a video of some Chinese man inside a little cage, he was shrunken, Emily jumped up and covered her mouth, “i-is this some April’s fool joke or something?..” she asked slowly.

“I don’t know, but… it looks real, and it’s February”

“Y-You think it’s real?!” She shrieked.

She was shaking, you looked down, her toes squeezed the floor, she was excited like never before.


“D-Do you think we can get one of those???” She pointed at the television and turned to you, there was an image of a lot of cages with people inside, footage the governments hid from the people until now.

“You mean the people who got the virus? How could we get one, even if we could, it’s dangerous as hell”

“Oh my god it must be a dream”, she mumbled.

“I don’t know what to say, it doesn’t make any sense, maybe it’s a joke for real”.


It wasn’t a joke, a few months passed by and it was clear that the virus is real and is going to change the world in unprecedented ways.

The virus got to your country, people got shrunken, many disappeared, the government was helpless, and by now it was known that only men can get infected, you and Emily were in lockdown, and you were scared and terrified while she was clearly trying to hide how excited and thrilled she is about all of this.

“Listen, remember Lucas? My high school ex?”

“What about him?” You asked while sitting all curled up on the couch, watching the news in anxiety.

“He caught the virus!” She exclaimed with a smile, showing you the screen of her iPhone, “his sister posted it, look at him!”

“Yeah.. I can see Emily, this is terrible”

She gasped with an open mouth smile, “terrible??? That’s amazing! Oh my god I want to have him so much”, she started squeezing the table with her foot.

“Jeez Emily, please stop acting like that you have no idea how terrifying it is”

“You know I can’t help myself”, she giggled.

“Emily I might get infected too”

She opened her eyes in lust and smiled.

Seeing that sent chills down your spine, you felt like she literally wanted it to happen, it’s not safe being here anymore, this is madness… but you don’t have anywhere else to go now, the whole country gone mad.

“Emily please promise me that if I get infected you’ll take care of me”, you stood up shakily and pointed at her, she wasn’t focused, still fantasizing.

“W-what?” She snapped out of it.

“I’m scared, please promise you’ll take care of me”

“I uh.. of course silly, yeah…”

You weren’t convinced.

“But I really want to crush Lucas”, she said, “do you think it’s possible?”

“Oh my god Emily please don’t talk like that, it’s practically murder”

“How is that a murder? He’s the size of a bug right now”

“But they say only the size changes! These are still human beings, with feelings and all”

Emily moaned when you said that, scrunching both her feet, “oh god, sorry I must go to the bathroom”, she quickly got up and walked past you, you noticed the sofa got a bit wet, she can’t control herself.. you prayed that you won’t get infected and this weird pandemic will end soon.


It’s been a year, women slowly started ignoring the pandemic, going out as usual, you begged Emily to stay home a few times and at first she listened to you but eventually she told you she can’t do that anymore and she’s going out.

You kept your distance every time she came back until she washed herself, you had a bad feeling about all that, and you weren’t sure she’s washing herself thoroughly, sometimes it felt like she’s just waiting for you to get infected.

One day she returned home, you looked at her and she was blushing all red.

“Emily?” You asked from afar.

“J-Jim… I.. I crushed one today”, she said in shock.

“What?” You gulped.

“It wasn’t on purpose, I just got off a bus and stepped directly on someone”, she raised her leg and showed you the bottom of her shoe, there was a blood stain and parts of a crushed body, you started coughing like a mad man and ran to the bathroom to puke.

She knocked on the door, “are you ok?”

“N-no Emily I’m not, fuck… oh my god, please throw your shoes, purge everything with alcohol, please!”

“Yeah yeah of course… calm down”, she said and you felt like she’s smiling, “I’ll make you some tea”, she suggested and walked away.

You stayed there for about a hour, seeing her sole terrorized you, thinking about this poor man final moments before Emily just crushed him like that, you couldn’t shake away these thoughts, you can’t stay here anymore, it’s just a matter of time before you get infected and there’s no way Emily will be able to control herself, you had to get out of here.

You stepped out and went straight to the bedroom, you started to pack your stuff, then Emily walked inside.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry Emily, I must get out of here”

“Huh? Why? And where will you go? There’s not a single man outside”.

“I can’t stay here Emily I’m scared”

“Again with this? But I told you I’ll take care of you! That guy was an accident!”

You didn’t respond, you just kept packing your things in panic.

Emily walked out of the room.

You finished packing your things and started walking outside, then a spray of water hit your face from the side, you caressed it with your hand, “what…” you looked and saw Emily, holding a transparent perfume bottle, her eyes were opened in shock and she was blushing, she looked serious and full of adrenaline.

“What are you doi-“ *TSS TSS TSS*

She sprayed your face over and over again, it was just water, you wiped it off your face, “Emily what the fuck!” Then you opened your eyes.

Emily was blushing all red, you looked at the bottle again, your heart sank as you noticed the crushed body laying inside.

“F-F-Fuck, fuck!!! Emily no!!!!” You screamed, she jumped on you and held you to the floor. Trying to spray inside your mouth.

“I can’t let you go! I just can’t! I HAVE TO CRUSH YOU! Become a bug!” You pushed and kicked her away, you started running like crazy to the door, it was locked, you started kicking it.


“I’m sorry Jim, there's no way you walk away from me!!! I can finally fulfill my greatest fantasy!”

You started feeling numb, you couldn’t kick the door anymore, you fell down and started crawling away to the living room, “oh god, please no”, you mumbled in panic.

Her foot slammed your head, pinning you to the floor, “it’s happening?! Are you shrinking?!” She shrieked in excitement.

She started moaning over and over again, pressing your head down hard.

“Get off me, I’m begging you Emily don’t do this”

“Ahh… oh my god.. it’s happening.. it’s finally happening..” she grabbed her pussy and looked at you with lust.

You started seeing how everything around you is getting bigger and bigger.

“This is it, oh my god, you are going to get crushed for me”

You couldn’t keep your eyes open, you were too dizzy, when you opened them again everything around you was huge, you slowly looked up and saw Emily masturbating above you, her feet all around you, she was huge, and her moans boomed from above so loud it was like a thunderstorm.

The moment you got hold of yourself you started running.

“Yes! Yes! RUN! Oh my god, try to survive my little bug boy”, she said and moaned sexually, watching you running from above.

Shadow started forming around you, “NO! PLEASE EMILY DONT DO THIS!” You screamed, then her fingers closed on you and she picked you up easily, she held you in front of her beautiful face, she was sweating and blushing, squeezing you playfully, moaning in your face, a gust of her breath engulfed you.

“I can’t believe it’s really happening”, she whispered excitedly, then placed you on the table and sat down, placing her feet next to you.

She didn’t say anything, just looked at you with a huge smile.

“Emily, come on, it’s me, you can’t do this, let’s talk about it, I’ll do anything”

She bit her lower lip, her eyes opened wide with lust again.

You fell to your knees and started crying, “please I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!” You voice broke.

“Ahhhh…” Emily released a long satisfied moan, “it’s just like my dreams, goddd”, she was literally having an orgasm just by watching you like this.

“Please Emily!… just stop and think about this! I’ll die, you will kill me, you will murder me!”

“Yesss…” she whispered, then brought her foot on top of you, squeezing your head into the table using her big toe, you squirmed and tried to somehow release yourself.

“Ahh.. I want to hear you break so much…” She increased the pressure.

“No! Please!!!” You kept screaming in terror, trying to somehow escape, you were desperate.

She released you and stood up, you started running to the edge of the table but *THUD*

Her foot landed on top of you gently, squishing you into the table, you tried to crawl underneath it.

“Mmmmmm….” She moaned from above, twisting her foot, it was clear that she tries to be as gentle as she could, but it still felt like being smothered by metric tons.

*CRACK* your legs broke, you screamed in pain.

“Oh god”, she gasped, heavily breathing, she continued twisting her foot.

*CRACK*, your right hand, *CRACK* you left hand, crushing and ripped off like toothpicks, you couldn’t squirm anymore, you couldn’t produce any sound.

“Ahh… sorry Jim, you know it’s nothing personal, I like you but you are just so much better as a stain on my foot”, she said while breathing heavily, her foot sweat started mixing with your blood, she kept moaning louder and louder until

“Ahhhhhh”, she came hard and *CRACK*, stomped you out to death.

She had the most glorious orgasm she ever had while she kept twisting her foot, crushing and pulverizing whatever was left of you.

(Check Attachment)



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