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It’s been another few months, you slowly adjusted to your life as a shrunken slave.

You couldn’t forget the terrified look on Robert’s face when Alisa slammed her foot on him, the terrible sound when his lower body broke down and finally when his head popped. It was scarred deep inside your brain and there was no night you haven’t dreamt about it.

You were traumatized, and it just amplified your need to prove useful to your new owner, so you worked hard, very hard.

Maya stopped using you as an insole, she bought a keychain cage and took you out with her. It was nice seeing the outside world after so long being kept inside the apartment or beneath her feet.

The world changed a lot, all the employees you saw were females, you hoped to see Tracy but it never happened.

The only male you saw in the office was someone who cleaned and mopped the floor.

Also when Maya was shopping, you saw only women, it’s not the world you knew anymore.

It looked like in a matter of months the pandemic took over the world, it was like the apocalypse in a way but only for men.

You were attached to her purse like an ornament while she enjoyed coffee with Alisa every morning, on the hunt looking at the wall, waiting for another prey, but they talked about the option that they won’t get lucky anymore as most employees already packed their stuff and left.

Back at home, you licked and took care of her feet, whatever was stuck to her foot was your meal, you waited impatiently every day to see what edible things she stepped on, and got sad if there was nothing to eat except her foot sweat.

Every day looked almost the same, until one day while you licked her feet as she browsed her iPhone she talked to you for the first time in a long time.

“Travis”, she called you in a cold commanding tone, you immediately stopped licking and went next to her foot, standing silently and waiting to hear what she had to say.

“I’m reading an article about using tiny slaves to remove dead skin from feet”, she said and waved with her phone.

You gulped and nodded, you examined a dead skin cluster at the ball of her foot, a cluster you knew well every time you licked there.

“The slave should lick the area thoroughly and then grind his teeth until it comes off, then he can actually eat it, it’s a very good nutrition source as it has a lot of Protein”, she was reading from her phone, “so I want you to start taking care of it, that’s your new purpose now”.

“Ok, yes goddess”, you mumbled weirdly, almost forgot how to communicate properly.

You approached the dead skin cluster and started licking it, it was salty and not pleasant on the tongue like the rest of her foot, but you knew better not to disappoint her, now that things finally got better you can’t risk it.

She sighed, “it’s such a shame we couldn’t catch more of your friends, but that’s ok I guess, I became a millionaire in less than 6 months”, she pondered with herself.

You felt like the dead skin is moist enough so you started biting its edges, then it actually started to rip off, it made you so happy.

Maya bent forward to see that, she started laughing, “hey it really worked, now eat it”

You paused, a huge piece was hanging from your mouth.

“Go ahead, chew it, they say it’s healthy”

So you started chewing, felt like a dry spoiled beef jerky, then you swallowed, it was weird, definitely disgusting, but not as horrible as you imagined.

“Good boy”, she caressed your head with her finger, “you have come such a long way since me and Alisa found you”.

You smiled and nodded, happy for the attention and kind words, she giggled, “go on, continue”, and you continued eating the dead skin.

After a while her phone started ringing, Maya pressed to answer and left it on speaker.

“Maya, I got another one”, it was Alisa.

“What, who?”

“You’re not going to believe me”

“Alisa, who???”


Maya pulled her feet from you and sat on the edge of the sofa, “you’re joking with me?” She asked in shock.

Tim was the head of R&D, one of the founders of the company, your manager, you listened closely, this was big news.

“I’m not! Maya I’m serious”, Alisa said and breathed heavily, she was definitely excited, “I’m coming over”

“Of course, come”, Maya said in a serious tone, she stood up and started arranging the kitchen’s table, she looked stressed as well.

“And it’s still my turn, remember”, Alisa added.

“I know, I know, just come over already”.

Alisa hung up and Maya came back to the living room’s table and watched you from above, “Travis, if you fuck this - I swear, I’ll crush you”

She lifted up her foot in the air just above you, then looked at you, “you get that?”

“Y-Yes!” You shouted while on your knees.

“Oh my god, this is big”, she lowered her foot back to the floor and started walking around the house.

Tim was also a friend, not just a manager, you hoped he would just cooperate willingly so you won’t need to take a part in it.


Alisa walked inside holding a shoe box, “get in, quick”, Maya whispered.

Alisa placed the box on the table, she removed the lid and Maya looked inside and gasped.

“Wh-What’s going on here? Alisa? Are we in the hospital yet? Wait, Maya? What are you doing here?” Tim’s voice could be heard from the box, he sounded confused and scared.

“Hospital?” Maya giggled and looked at her.

“Yeah, I told him I’ll help him”, she replied.

“What’s the meaning of this? Where am I?!” He shouted.

Maya bent forward playfully and bit her lower lip, “oh hi big boss, sorry but it’s not a hospital”, she said in a mocking tone.

“Get me to a hospital immediat-“ *POO*

Maya spat inside the box and Tim shrieked.

“Wait, I want to do it too”, Alisa bent forward as well, *POO*

Then they both started giggling.

“Ughh.. fuck.. what the fuck.. you will pay for this” he shouted in a disgusted voice.

“Oh no, please don’t, tiny bug”, Maya said and flipped over the box, then removed it and threw it away, Tim was laying on the table, wet and coughing miserably.

Alisa opened her laptop as usual and was eagerly prepared to fill in his details.

Maya placed her finger over Tim’s head and pushed his face back to the table on their spit, “now listen little trash, you are not a human any more, you are a little toy, a bug”

He squirmed and tried to pull his head back up.

“I can kill you without a sweat, with one finger, and no one would ever know, do you understand?” She pulled her finger so he could answer.

“You fucking bitch!” He shouted and spat in her direction, “what do you want?!” He started wiping his face.

“Your options profile, password, now”.

“No way in hell, fuck you!”

Maya sighed, then smiled, “so it’s going to be fun I see”, she held him in her hand, then added some pressure, he started screaming and moaning in pain.

“Do you think you stand a chance Tim? Seriously? You better start talking, or else…” She brought him closer to her mouth and opened it, exposing her teeth and breathing on him.

“N-No!!! Y-you fucking whore!… I’m the one who hired you! How dare you!”

She started laughing loudly and threw him back to the table.

He started crawling away and then you had eye contact, he froze.


You nodded.

“Oh what a cute reunion”, Maya said, “Travis is now my loyal slave, he works for me now, isn’t that right Travis?”, she asked with pleasure.

“Yes”, you answered and looked at Tim with a sad expression.

He slowly stood up, “I’m sorry”, he said to you.

He turned back to Maya, “so you are the ones emptying the employees funds” he said in anger.

“Oh no, you got us”, she said in fake fear and they both started laughing.

“So where is Alex, Paul, Shawn, Robert”, he said slowly, emphasizing every name, it looked like he knew exactly that this was happening.

Maya looked at Alisa and stopped laughing, “well look at that…” she said in awe, then placed her foot on the table, caressing it slowly with a smile.

“How do you think they ended up? Paul’s skull left a mark here just before it burst”, she said and pointed at her big toe, giggling.

“J-Jesus Christ..” Tim said and covered his mouth, you could see him tremble from behind.

“Do you want to end up like them? Or do you want to stay alive? Like cute little Travis here”

Tim gave you a look, Maya looked at you as well, you quickly nodded just to approve what she said.

“Maya, I’m not an idiot”, he replied, “I know that you got all of their money, you still killed them”, then he looked at you to approve but you just blushed and kept your mouth shut, then bowed your head down.

“I don’t know why Travis here is still alive but it doesn’t matter, you think you can take everything and then kill me? You’re wrong, do whatever you want, you won’t get a dime from me”.

He stated bluntly, Maya gave Alisa a look and gulped, looks like their confidence is cracking a little.

It made you worried, “please just play along…” you thought to yourself, you couldn’t tell what would happen if Maya gets angry, and they are not going to give up on such a fat fish.


End of part 5



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