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As the world grew more accustomed to the shrinking virus, more and more women became bullies and harassed men on a daily basis.

Most men were too unsecured or scared to get infected and stayed home, but sometimes you had no choice but to go out.

Today you went to the drug store to buy some medicine you have to take, another customer kept checking you out and you didn’t know why.

She blocked the shelf with the medicine you needed.

“Excuse me”, you said and coughed your throat.

She looked at you arrogantly, “what?”

“Uh.. I just need that”, you pointed at the medicine you needed, you both used a mask so she couldn’t see you smile.

She kicked her flip flop and showed you her foot, there was a crushed man splattered all over it, you shrieked and stepped back.

“He cleaned my flip flop this morning and missed a spot, so I crushed him”

“I-I’m not looking for troubles, I just need my medicine”

“And I need a new foot slave, so what?”

You gulped, turned around and quickly walked out of the store back to your home without the medicine you needed.

It wasn’t rare, and slowly it became the new normal.



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