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You made a bet with your classmate, Scarlet, a beautiful girl you also had a huge crash on since you started learning together in college.

She was a mischievous “evil” girl and you liked it, you found out that she likes to bet on stuff so you kept challenging her to make bets.

“I bet I’ll get a better score in physics”, you told her after arguing about your different answers.

“On what?” She dared you.

“If I win, you’ll come with me to the burning man festival”, you said, trying to find an opportunity to make a move on her.

She started laughing, “how is that a threat, I always wanted to go”

“Oh”, you blushed, “well, that’s my bet”.

“Hmm, ok, so if I win you will give me a long thorough foot massage”

“F-Foot massage?” You asked and gulped, does she know you have a foot fetish?

“Yes, with oil, between the toes, everything, at least 2 hours treatment”, she giggled.

You blushed like hell, “ok”, you quickly said, not adding any other word.

“Nice, let’s shake on it”, she sent her hand forward and you shook it.

After that conversation you literally prayed to have a lower score than her, giving her a foot massage? That’s like your biggest fantasy, and maybe she will still come with you to the festival.


The day the scores arrived, you got 82, it was a very high score so you were disappointed, walking in the halls and trying to find mistakes so you can ask the teacher to actually lower your score.

“Hey, Dave! Don’t try to run from me!” You heard Scarlet from behind, “show me your exam”.

You turned back, “it’s 82”, you said.

“No way, give it here”, she said and you handed it over, she examined it with a huge smile, “well Dave, looks like I’m getting the longest foot massage in my life”, she showed you her test, it was 83.

One point, you couldn’t help yourself and smiled.

“What? Why are you smiling? You lost”

“Oh, yeah shit, by one point, wow”, you faked frustration and she giggled.

“Ok, 17:00 sharp, I’m sending you the address, you’ll probably want to rest first because you’re going to work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life”

You started sweating, “yeah Scarlet sure”, you stuttered.

“What’s that? Why are you acting so weird?” She asked with a confused face.

“Haha it’s nothing”, you scratched the back of your head, “I just can’t believe you got such a better score that’s all”

“Hmpf. Anyway, see you later”, she pushed your exam to your chest with a smile, you grabbed it and she walked away.

You watched her from behind, how her feet were jumping in her flip flops, this is going to be the best day of your life.


You bought special oil and went to her address, she opened the door, wearing a tank top and pajama pants.

“Hey loser”, she giggled, “oh god you actually bought oil”, she looked at the bag.

“Heh, a bet is a bet”, you said, walking in with a chuckle.

“We can do it here I guess”, she pointed at her sofa, I’ll continue reading my book while you work”, then she got a little closer to you, “and don’t you dare to slack off”, she said with her bad girl smile, biting her lower lip, you just nodded quickly, feeling like your underwear are about to burst.

You walked after her, trying to hide your boner, she sat down with a smile and stretched her feet to a stool, then grabbed a book and coughed her throat.

You weren’t sure what to do, you got on your knees and grabbed her feet, you forgot all about the oil and started rubbing them, it was just too good to be real… you pressed different points, you never had a boner that lasted so long.

You wanted to kiss her feet so badly, even lick them, but you knew it would be weird so you tried to do a regular foot massage.

You continued massaging for perhaps an hour while Scarlet just kept reading her book and giggling from time to time, then you had a strange feeling… your boner and lower body went numb… you touched your legs and couldn’t feel a thing.

“I.. uh..” you started talking and felt that your tongue was also numb.

“Hmm? What is it?” She asked, still looking at her book.

“Don’t know…” you mumbled, then you felt like her foot got bigger, “S-Scarlet?” You started getting scared, the clothes grew on you, you looked around, the house was getting bigger rapidly, something was wrong.

“What is it? Continue massaging you were doing a good job”, she said.

You couldn’t respond anymore, you closed your eyes and had the feeling of falling down to the floor, when you opened them again - you were tiny, standing next to a pile of your clothes, you looked up and saw Scarlet’s legs stretching all the way to the stool, it was massively huge.

You caught the shrinking virus, Scarlet didn’t strike you as an enslaver, you hoped she would help you…

“What?…” she mumbled, lowering her book to her lap, “Dave?” She was confused, then she looked down and saw your clothes. Shortly after she noticed you, you covered your genitals and blushed.

“Oh my god can’t believe you caught the shrinking virus, this is hilarious!” She lowered her feet to the floor and bent over, you looked at them, you felt so tiny and insignificant, you are nothing compared to her now.

“Jeez, you are so tiny Dave!” She laughed loudly and it boomed your ears, “wait, I’ll bring you clothes”, she stood up and walked away.

This is so awkward, you went and hugged a piece of your shirt, covering yourself.

She walked back and bent over again, placing some clothes next to you.

You quickly grabbed them and wore them on behind the cloth, then walked out, “thanks… Where did you get these from?” You asked, grabbing the shirt.

“Ha, it belonged to my step brother, we have a whole wardrobe here”

“Ah, cool, where is he?”

Scarlet froze for a sec, making this face 😬, “he.. he’s somewhere else, some… dormitory… for Shrinkies”

“Oh… ok we must go to a hospital”, you said.

Scarlet made a smug face, “hey, hold on, you still owe me that foot massage, you shrunk yourself to get away with it don’t you? A bet is a bet, remember?” She giggled.

“B-But look at me Scarlet, how can I do a foot massage like that?”

“We shook hands on it! And believe me, you can”, she placed her hand next to you, you gulped and climbed it, she raised it up and placed you on the living room’s table, it made you a bit dizzy.


She placed her foot in front of you, then the other one on top of it.

“Oh, and you forgot all about the oil”, she suddenly said.

You walked next to her foot, “can you b-bring it?”.

She made a mischievous smile, “I have a better idea, use your saliva”

You were shocked, “w-what?”

“Your tongue”, she said slowly, like she is talking to a toddler, she got her tongue out and pointed at it, “I think it’s better than oil”

You gulped and looked at her foot, you tried to relax yourself, it’s actually a good thing, it's a dream come true, she is literally asking you to lick her foot like you always wanted, being shrunken doesn’t change that.

“Go ahead”, she hurried you, “there’s still one hour of massage you owe me”.

You nodded and walked to her foot, there was dirt everywhere, the smell was bad, you touched the surface and it was a bit sticky, you sighed to yourself and started licking.

It actually tasted good, you surprisingly liked it. You kept licking, swallowing the sticky substance, biting off small pieces of dead skin, you ate them too, with her foot sweat it was like eating a strong cheese, the kind you especially like.

“Heh, it’s not that bad, not bad at all”, you said to yourself and just shoved your face into her sole, licking and biting whatever you could.

All your life you were scared to be enslaved, but this is actually the best and most satisfying thing you’ve ever done, like you were born for this.

“Wow, you are doing a good job”, she said while reading, shifting a page.

You smiled to yourself and kept licking, her sweat got soaked over your shirt so you took it off, Scarlet used her other foot to caress her leg, lint and dirt fell down around you, but nothing can stop you - you kept eating and licking whatever you could find.

It’s funny but now you actually hoped that Scarlet would say something like “welcome to your new life” and enslave you forever, it’s so much better than you imagined, you don’t even want to grow back.

Scarlet closed her book and placed it on the stool next to her, then pulled her feet away, “ok, time’s up, how was it?”

She got closer and examined you, then her eyes drifted down to your penis, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, she noticed your boner.

You blushed all red and she started laughing hard, looking up at the ceiling.

“Oh my god, it turns you on?” She asked, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

“Uh.. I’m sorry”, you mumbled awkwardly.

“Listen, those burning man festival tickets, are these E-tickets? Can I see them?” She changed the subject.

“Hmm what? Y-yeah, of course”

She bent over your clothes and sifted through your pockets until she came back with your iPhone, she turned it over to you, “show me”.

She pressed the lock button and placed it on the table, you walked on top of it and pressed the numbers, unlocked it, then entered the tickets app, it was weird using your phone like that.

“Hmm, here”

She grabbed it back, checked it with a smile, “nice”, she grabbed her phone and took a photo of them.

“I’ll go with Bill”, she added.


“Oh, haven’t I told you? My boyfriend”

You gulped, you had no idea she had a boyfriend.

“He studies in Harward, so it’s kinda remote relationship at the moment”

“Hmm, ok… if you want the tickets no problem…” you said and she started laughing.

“Not just the tickets”, she made another smug, “let’s see what’s going on in your Robin Hood app”, she giggled and entered.

“What? Scarlet what are you doing?”

“Oh nothing special, just transferring your whole profile to my bank account”, she giggled mischievously, “you have a problem with it?”

“Come on, that’s not cool”, you said miserably.

It just made her laugh harder, “it’s super cool actually, I always had a feeling you had so much money invested, that’s the only reason I let you get anywhere near me, finally it was worth it”, she sighed in satisfaction, “enduring all of your stupid bets and lame jokes, lol, you are so pathetic”.

You bowed your head down, so this is it, she’s a cruel bitch, you hoped that it means she will keep you as a slave at least.

“So, let’s make another bet”, she said and locked your iPhone after she was done, “if you guess what happened to my step brother - I’ll let you live”.

“Oh god, Scarlet you can’t be serious, it’s ok you can have me as a foot slave, I’ll do whatever you want”

“Only if you guess right”, she giggled.

“Please, don’t do this”, you started having tears, “you’ll actually kill me?”

“I’ll be happy to”, she said while giggling, “but I’m giving you a chance to stay alive and lick my feet for the rest of your life, isn’t it great?” She enjoyed it so much, the smile couldn’t get off her face.

“Uh… you killed him..” you tried to guess.

She made an irritated face, “well.. duh, the question is how”

“Oh god”, you sat down and grabbed your head.


“Y-You crushed him? With your foot?”

She started laughing loudly again, “Ah Dave, it was nice knowing you”, she used her finger to pull down your pants, leaving you naked.

“W-what? Scarlet I’m begging you, I’ll do anything”, you desperately covered your genitals again

She used her fingers to pick you up from your head, holding you above her face.

“I ate him, because I love to think that after giving me everything you ever owned - you will also serve me as fat in my boobs or ass, but I’m pretty sure he ended up in my thighs”

You squirmed in her hand, “PLEASE SCARLET PLEASE!!!” You cried, but she just giggled.

“Please end up in my boobs Dave, I want you to bounce while I’m dancing in the festival using your tickets”, she slowly opened her mouth and released the grip.

You started free falling straight into her mouth.


“Ahhh…” she released a satisfied sigh and bent back, grabbed her book like nothing happened, *BURP*, she laughed a little and went back to read while you were slowly melting away inside her.


Attachment (Patreon Exclusive) - Scarlet’s face after swallowing you alive.



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