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Twice a week you went to practice on a climbing wall, you were one of the best, and you kept looking for new challenges.

You started doing free climbs, enjoying the risk, you climbed on huge cliffs with no cables, your videos on YouTube were a big hit.

One day as you walked home, you noticed your beautiful neighbor sitting on her porch, you waved at her and she waved back. You thought it could be a nice opportunity to start a conversation, so you approached to her fence.

“Hey, how are you doing?” You asked with a smile.

“Good”, she nodded, paused for a moment, “you?” She remained seated.

“Oh I’m great, just came back from Yosemite, a great climb”

“Cool”, she said indifferently and kept staring at the street.

Your eyes drifted to her soles, her feet were relatively big, and you couldn’t help yourself but seeing the similarities between her wrinkles and the rocks you usually climb, you had a cool idea.

“Hmm, Evelyn, I have a funny idea”, you paused, started thinking it’s stupid and she will just laugh at you, you scratched the back of your head, “heh, never mind”.

She looked at you and started smiling, “what? What is it?”

“It’s stupid”, you said embarrassingly.

“Come on, you can tell me”, she insisted.

“I thought… your feet looks like climbing walls when you sit like that”, you started blushing, now that you say it out loud it sounds even more stupid.

“Lol, what??” She started giggling, she was embarrassed too.

You held the back of your head again, “I.. I mean… it might be cool to climb them, it can make a cool video…” your face was red, “sorry, I know it’s stupid”, you added, you turned around awkwardly, and continued to your own house.

“If you want, I’m in, sounds kinda cool”, you heard her from behind and turned.

“What? Really?”

“Yeah why not”, she shrugged.

You looked at her feet again and smiled, “I’ll prepare some stuff, tiny equipment, can you escort me to the shrinking center tomorrow?”

She made a slightly irritated face and checked her phone, “umm, I’m kinda busy so no, but they have shipping services right?”

“Yeah yeah, of course, I’ll take care of it, see you tomorrow”


You prepared everything and went to the shrinking center, explained what you are trying to do, the employee burst into laughter in your face and wished you good luck.

She escorted you to the shrinking room and they shipped you over to Evelyn.

She opened the door, still wearing Pajamas and yawned, “oh, so early?” She asked the carrier, grabbed the aquarium and walked inside, placing you on the table.

You were excited, seeing how huge everything is, it all looked challenging and climbeable, “Hey Dug, I need to eat something and do my morning jog, then we can try your gag ok?” She said and you nodded but she already turned back to the kitchen.

You sat and waited, watching her eating, then changing into sports attire and stepping over a treadmill walker she had in the living room. You waited for perhaps 2 hours and she stopped it, walking down and using a towel to soak some sweat from her face and neck.

“Phew, it’s so hot here”, she exclaimed, then grabbed the aquarium and went to the porch, sitting on the floor and placing it next to her.

She started removing her running shoes, then the socks, she made a disgusted face as she smelled the air, “ew, can’t believe you’re going to do this”, she opened the aquarium and grabbed you.

“W-Wait Eve! We need to record this!” You shouted, it would be such a waste not to use it for your YouTube channel, you pointed at a camera device that you brought with you.

“Ok”, she grabbed the camera as well and placed it in front of her, you went to the camera, turned it on and started explaining.

“Hey all, today I’m going to do something different, behind me is Evelyn, and I’m going to climb her foot all the way from heel to toes, wish me luck”.

The camera was set to live broadcast, you always did it that way.

“Ok, let’s do it Dug, I want to watch ‘the bachelorette’ afterwards”, she said impatiently.

You turned and started walking to her foot, suddenly a gust of strong smell of sweat hit your nose, her foot was covered in it.

You went back and covered your hands and feet with talcum powder, then went and touched her heel, trying to find the first cracks to hold, but the sweat was everywhere.

You didn’t want to be reckless, so you walked back a few steps, “hey, Eve, can you use the towel to dry the sweat? It’s hard to climb that way”

Eve paused for a moment then started giggling, “you know, there are people your size that actually eat it”, she said and it made you irritated, but she still reached a hand to the towel, quickly going over her foot with it, “here, let’s go”, she said again with a smile.

You looked at her foot again, she could do a better job, but at least now you can start climbing.

You found the first cracks you could use, some dead skin on her heel and started climbing. It's funny, but it’s much easier than a regular climbing wall, so you climbed it relatively quickly.

Eve started laughing, “it’s tickling, be careful”.

Her sole shook a little but you held it tight, “this is cool”, you said to yourself, you never climbed a shaking wall.

You continued to her arch, then the only crevice had some foot sweat inside, you started wiping it off using your hand but it was too sticky, then you thought about what she said earlier, perhaps you have no choice.

You raised your head to that crevice and made a miserable face, you opened your mouth and started licking it, cleaning it from sweat, then swallowed it and coughed, the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done.

You placed your hand in the crevice and continued the climb, reaching to her arch, then Evelyn yawned and placed her other foot on top of this one, she sighed.

“It’s kinda boring, are you sure people will watch this?” She said and you couldn’t respond, you focused on your next step.

You slowly reached the ball of her foot, there weren’t as many wrinkles as before, you had to calculate every step carefully.

“I wonder how high it is compared to you now, does it really feel like a cliff?”

You lost focus and looked down, you gulped, you never do that while climbing, it felt like 20-30 meters high, not like a cliff but still falling from this height will surely cause an injury, you quickly looked up again and tried to focus.

“Like, if you fall now, will you die?” She started giggling.

You tried to shake that thought out of your head and kept climbing, you finally placed a hand between her toes, not much left, it was sweaty as hell, you couldn’t use it to climb, you realized you have to lick it again.

You pulled your head up and started licking between her toes.

Evelyn burst into laughter and shook her foot, you held as hard as you could, “oh my god it’s too tickling you can’t do that!” She shouted while laughing.

You almost fell down, you grabbed the wrinkles as hard as you could, fuck, it could’ve end bad.

You shoved your hand inside the talcum and clapped the area between her toes, it should be ok now, you continued climbing, already touching her toe, then you placed your foot between her toes.


She scrunched her toes, crushing your leg immediately.

“UGHHHH” you moaned in pain, trying to keep holding but you completely lost balance, reaching your hands to grab something but you were already too far, you fell down and *THUD*, hit the wooden floor, you heard some awful cracks as some of your ribs shattered, then started coughing miserably.

“Shit! That was too ticklish! I told you to be careful!” Evelyn pulled her legs and sat on her knees, checking you out, “oh god”.

“Ugh… Eve, please, we must go to a hospital”, you said weakly.

“Your leg, it’s.. twisted, it doesn’t look good at all”, she said in a worried tone, but then released a giggle that turned into a laugh, she quickly covered her mouth to muffle her laughter, “sorry!.. sorry, it’s just too funny”, she wiped off a tear.

You coughed in pain and barely sat down, holding your broken ribs, “I need help…” you asked again, almost begging.

“Look, I’m so sorry but I can’t get into troubles, I haven’t told you but I’m in home arrest, I can’t take you to a hospital”

You were confused, what home arrest? What troubles?

“Call an ambulance”, you shrieked, trying to somehow ignore the crucial pain.

“Nah, I can’t, they might accuse me or something”, she sighed with a smile, then stood up, towering above you like a colossal skyscraper.

“W-What are you doing? Please help me!” You shouted but she couldn’t hear you anymore.

She raised her foot up and looked at you with a smile, “look, you are cute and all and it was funny, but I won’t risk going to jail for you”, and her foot started descending.



She sighed and started twisting her foot, smearing and crushing you to a pulp, like you were just kind of an annoyance and not a real person.

“Oh and that stupid camera”, she raised her foot again and crushed it as well, showing your broken remains to the lense just before breaking it.


People all over the world were mortified, couldn’t believe what they just saw over your live broadcast.

“Is he dead? What the hell just happened?” Someone wrote.

“She crushed him, oh god we must call the police”

“It can’t be real, it’s SFX or something”

People commented on the streaming like crazy, few called the police and sent the video.

At first the police dismissed it, another bug getting crushed by a woman, they are being overwhelmed with complaints every day and they can’t deal with them all, even when they investigate it always ends up as an accident, even when it’s clearly on purpose.

The only times they at least file a report is when it evolves kids.

So a few of your followers made a petition, and sent the video to every media company they could find.

Finally Fox News made a story about it, discussing the cruelty and the impotence of the authorities, and finally the justice wheels started moving slowly.

Evelyn was brought to court, she explained that it’s an accident and the video must be edited, she kept giving excuses, then people found out that she was under house arrest because she crushed a kid in the streets before and his parents saw it happen, she also claimed it was an accident and got 4 months in house arrest for it.

Finally, the judge gave his verdict:

“We can not ignore the victim’s responsibility in this awful incident, the recklessness of the risks he took and the fact that he did it willingly and asked the accused to let him do it.

And yet, the accused could do more to help the victim, she acted in a cruel way and ignored his pleadings.

Therefore, the accused will serve 4 months in jail”

When Evelyn heard it, she broke in tears and turned around to curse the crowd, “are you happy now? Damn scumbags, can’t believe I’m going to jail because of that fucking bug”.

People were furious, she cold blooded murdered someone after laughing in his face and will just serve 4 months for it, it’s a joke, if he was in normal size it would be a life sentence.

And yet, it was a very important unprecedented case in the Shrinking Virus world’s history, for the first time a woman went to jail for crushing a shrinkie.



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