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“So there’s a week until your birthday, anything you’d like?” You asked your girlfriend.

“In a matter of fact, I do have something specific in mind”, she giggled.

“Really? Spit it out then”, you were glad, it is always a pain to try and come up with a gift on your own, you just wanted her to ask for something and get it for her.

“A shrunken slave”, she answered bluntly.

“W-What? For real?”

“Yeah, Jenny has one, he takes care of her feet, I saw them today they are silky smooth”.

“But you know it’s.. kinda gray area”, you said.

“So what?… it’s cool”

You gulped, “I’m not even sure how to get one, to be honest”.

“Lol the city is filled with enslavers, it should be super easy to buy one”.

“Err.. wow, ok… you surprised me”, you shrugged, “thought you’d want a new iPhone or something…”

“Hahaha… if you saw Jenny’s feet you would definitely want to buy me a shrunken slave yourself”, she got closer to you with a smile, “and if you can’t buy me one, want to become my shrunken slave yourself?” She giggled.

“Not funny, and you know I’m vaccinated”

“Of course, I’m kidding, stop being so serious”, she laughed, then raised her leg and brought her foot closer to your face, “but just FYI I would’ve been a very good owner”, she tapped your nose with her big toe.

You blushed and kissed her foot, “so you’re being serious? You wish to own a slave?”

She smiled, “don’t you think it’s kinda hot? Having someone to take care of my feet before we have sex? Or maybe even afterwards?” She started laughing, “just imagine someone licks off my foot sweat while we snuggle”

You started having a boner, it was hot but definitely wrong. “Heh, as far as you’ll be happy I’m ok with it”

She approached and placed a hand over your chest, pushing you backwards, “what a gentleman”, she giggled and kissed you, it quickly escalated to making out.


The next day, you searched for enslavers online in Telegram, you’ve found a professional enslaver living not far from you, her name was Daniel, you’ve decided to text her.

“Hi, I’m interested in purchasing a shrunken slave”

She responded with a location, you went there and knocked on the door, she opened it, once she laid her eyes on you she started giggling.

“A guy? What? You came to become a slave?” She asked in arrogance.

“N-No!… I’m here to buy one”, you opened your wallet and showed the money.

“Huh, come in then”, you walked inside, it was amazing to see how from outside the apartment looks poor but inside all the furniture and decorations were top notch.

“I’ve never sold to a male before”, she said and started making coffee, there’s no way you’re drinking it, you were scared as hell, she probably has mutated shrinking virus all over the place, you felt stupid for even coming here.

“Uhh.. it’s not for me, it’s a gift for my girlfriend”, you paused, “she knows I’m here by the way”, you added quickly, lying of course, just to emphasize that someone knows you are here so she won’t shrink you.

“Ok, so what is it for? Her feet? She wants to crush someone? Speak”

“Does it matter?…” you asked unsecured.

She sighed in frustration, opened a closet and there were a dozen small metal cages with slaves inside.

“Of course it matters, my slaves have ranks, if she just wants to crush someone I’ll sell you rank D, if she wants an obedient foot slave so rank A or even S if you got the cash for it”

She turned and handed over a glass of coffee.

“No thanks Daniel”, you raised your hands all alarmed, it made her giggle, she took a sip, but you knew it meant nothing and can still contain a shrinking virus.

“Suit yourself, so what are you buying?”

“Umm, how much for rank A?”

“It’s 3,500$”

“What??? So much??”

“They are tamed old school, it’s a lot of work and patience, how much are you willing to pay?”

“I thought about 1,000… maybe 1,500 at most”.

“Heh, rank B then, here, this is Harper, fully tamed and obedient”.

You took a closer look at him, “but he’s all bruised”

“It will pass, and that’s why he’s rank B, I had to be brutal in order to tame him, even crushed his friend in front of his eyes”, she opened the cage and took him out, he was shivering in fear, at this point you just wanted to help him.

“Harper, what was your friend’s name? That rude one?” She asked him with a giggle.

“O-Oliver… my goddess…” he pathetically stuttered with wet eyes, then kissed her finger a few times.

“Ah right, Oliver, the crack he made when I crushed him…” she sighed, then placed him inside an even smaller cage and handed him over to you, you blushed and held the cage.

Then she reached her hand in front of you, “1500, cash”

With shaking hands while holding poor Harper’s cage with your arm you took out the cash and gave it to Daniel, you quickly turned to walk outside, like you are running for your life.

“Are you sure you don’t want some coffee? I can tell you would be rank A”, she giggled but you just ran down the stairs, breathing heavily, this girl had a terrifying aura, as much as you love your girlfriend you’ll never go to a place like that again.

You looked at Harper who just sat quietly in his cage, “I’m sorry”, you mumbled, “don’t know what you’ve been through but I think it’s going to be ok, my girlfriend is a good person”, you tried to cheer him up, but he just sat there and stared at nothing.


It was finally her birthday, you decorated the room while she was out shopping and placed Harper’s cage on her bed with a ribbon on it, then sat in the living room waiting for her to come home.

She came home and you hugged her, “happy birthday! I made a surprise for you”, you kissed and you escorted her to the room.

“Oh my god you really did it?” She shrieked and jumped on the bed, taking a closer look at the cage, “you rented it for the day or is it permanent?!” She asked, all excited.

You had no idea renting was even an option, “no honey, I bought him for you”.

She held the cage and laughed, “lol you still refer to it as ‘him’ that’s so cute”, she flipped the cage over and Harper fell on the sheets.

You wanted to approach but you just stood and scratched the back of your head, “uh… his name is Harper”, you said.

She started removing her shoes, “lol why would I care about it’s name?” She propped her foot in his face, then snapped her fingers twice, “chop chop slave, lick my foot sweat”, she giggled, Harper quietly approached her foot and started licking it.

It was somewhat horrible to see what became of him.

“Oh my god he’s so obedient, you must have bought a high ranked slave, thank you so much!” She smeared her foot on him, teasing him with her toes, but he just ignored all that and kept kissing and licking her sole to satisfy her.

“Hey, why don’t you come closer?” She patted the sheets beside her, “take a birthday photo of me with the new toy you got me”.

“Umm, sure”, you got your iPhone out of the pocket and sat in front of her, she smiled mischievously and made different poses while you took photos of her with Harper licking her foot, but it made you sick… you didn’t like any of it, that’s a poor human being and she treats him like an object.

“So cute”, she teased again, picking Harper from his hands and shaking him in the air, then dropping him back to the sheets.

You had to say something, “umm, listen, I know he’s a slave and all that, but he’s still a human being, he can lick your feet without all the fuss, you know?…”

“Ugh, such a buzzkill”, she made an irritated face, “just go and bring the champagne from the fridge’s door, ok honey?”

You gulped and nodded, went to the fridge and bought it, as you came back you saw her using her fingers to push Harper’s face harder between her toes, he didn’t even try to protest but she acted so brutally with him.

You sighed and tried to ignore it, just pouring the champagne to the glass, handing it over to her, “cheers love, for your birthday”, you bumped the glasses on one another and started drinking.

“To my new shrunken foot slave”, she said and licked her lower lip, looking directly at your eyes.

“Umm, yes, to him”, you replied awkwardly then sipped again, looking at poor Harper licking between her toes.

“Not him silly, you”, she giggled, then placed her other foot on your lap, you were confused but you started caressing it.

“What do you mean?” You giggled embarrassingly, she pressed her foot on your crotch and smiled sexually, then slowly climbed on you, you looked above her shoulder and saw Harper, just standing there idle where her foot was.

“Wait, get him off the bed, we might crush him by accident”

“It can take care of itself, let’s make love”, she pushed you to the bed and sat on your lap, moaning sexually, removing her clothes and yours.

You forgot all about Harper and made love, it was amazing, as you came she got off back to the bed.


“Oops”, she started laughing like crazy.

“What was that?” You asked in a tired voice, she raised her ass up and showed it to you, Harper was splattered all over her butt cheek, you started coughing and covered your face.

“Oh my god fuck”, you bent over the edge of the bed and puked, she continued laughing.

Right as you stopped puking you started having a weird feeling, like your head is being pulled back to the bed but nothing touched you.

“It’s finally kicking in”, she said in pleasure, her laughs slowly fading.

“W-What, what’s going on”, you tried to move but everything went numb.

“The shrinking virus in the champagne”

You couldn’t believe your ears, everything continued growing bigger and bigger, you ended up bug size on the bed, you slowly turned over to see the huge smiling face of your girlfriend as she looked down at you.

“Hi there little one”

“No… oh no…” you mumbled in panic.

“You are my real birthday gift, I’m not into tamed obedient zombies, I want the real thing to take care of my feet”

“Please, please wait”, you begged.

She opened her purse and threw a set of clothes next to you, you grabbed it and started getting dressed while you kept mumbling in panic.

She sat down and showed you her foot, she pointed at it, “let’s continue from where the little toy you brought me finished”.

“P-Please, I’m begging you”, you said in a terrified voice, but she just grabbed you and threw you on her sole, she was on her knees, raising her ass and showed you the crushed body of Harper’s again.

“Get on your knees and start licking or you end up like him”, she said in a giggly voice, you looked at his crushed remains with a terrified look and immediately got down and started licking her foot sweat.

Your new life as an obedient pathetic foot slave just began.


Ending scene as attachment.

If you haven’t read “Old School”, the story of Harper and how he got tamed by Daniel, click here:




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