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It’s been a few months, now that you are officially Maya’s property she used to set up different photos for her stories on social media, it amused her.

She even took videos where she explained how she treats you and how obedient you are, you had no idea where she posts all that but she always read and laughed at comments.

She took you for granted, you played along with any idea she had, as long as you had what to eat you didn’t care anymore.

“Travis, oh my god!” She shrieked one day, she was watching tv and browsing her phone in parallel, you were on the table as well, she bent forward with a huge smile.

“You’re not going to believe who just commented on my post!”

“Hmm?” You stood up and looked at her with anticipation, still chewing pieces of her dead skin.

“Remember Tracy???” She pulled her feet and you took a step forward, like in a weak attempt to stop her from doing it.

“What was her comment?” You asked what you thought she wanted to hear.

“She didn’t know that you’re alive, it seems like it’s funny to her, wow, I wouldn’t expect someone like her to be in a group like that!”

“Umm, group like what?”

“Haha, never mind, I’ll reply to her”

You nodded, so Tracy knows you are a foot slave now, that’s weird.

Maya suddenly burst into laughter, “holy shit she wants you to lick her feet!”

You started blushing like hell

“Between her toes, specifically! Wow, Tracy is also into that stuff! Oh god it’s gonna be epic”, she tapped her phone rapidly.

“W-Wait goddess what do you mean?”

“I’m inviting her over, lol it will be such a funny reunion, you were in love with her”

“B-But it was so long ago, goddess are you sure it’s ok?”

“Of course it is, just serve her feet a little, what’s wrong with that?” She laughed, “you were working together for how long? 5 years?”

“I don’t remember, to be honest”

“I’m sure you will like it”, she replied and watched back at her screen, “she will come in the evening for a drink, get your belly ready you are going to eat a lot of foot sweat today”, she giggled and got up, walking to her room while tapping the phone.

You stood there on the table, wondering what Tracy is like today, it’s been so long. You were best friends and shared everything with her, how come she’s ok with making you lick her feet? Anyway it doesn’t matter, you’ll do whatever Maya tells you to.


You’ve waited impatiently while Maya organized the house for a guest, then someone started knocking the door, your heart started beating fast and you turned towards it.

Maya walked casually and opened the door.

“Such a long time!” It was Tracy’s voice, she hugged Maya and you could see her face, you were frozen, you haven’t seen anyone but Maya for such a long time, it was weird seeing another human being let alone in huge size and someone you had a crush on for years.

Tracy looked around, “wow, you won the lottery or something? This place is amazing”

“Something like that”, Maya replied with a giggle.

They walked together to the living room and sat down, “so where is he? My feet have been itching since I saw your post”, Tracy said excitedly.

“Haha, in his cage, over there”, Maya pointed at you, Tracy turned over and gasped, then started giggling with her mouth still open, she stood up and started walking to you.

“Oh my god Travis, been such a long time”, she said while walking, then turned to Maya, “we’ve been a good friends back then”

“Yeah I know”, Maya replied.

Tracy bent down, you looked at her and your mouth went dry, you forgot how beautiful she is.

“Hey Travis, how life’s been treating you?” She asked with a smile.

You looked around you, she laughed, “not very well I read on Maya’s post”, then turned over to Maya, “can I pick him up?”

“Yeah go for it”

Tracy reached her hand inside the aquarium and grabbed you, then walked and sat on the floor, dropping you by her feet, you just stared at them, and then turned over and stared at Maya.

“Hey don’t look at me, Tracy wants you to treat her feet, go ahead, looks like you have plenty to eat”, she said and giggled, Tracy joined her giggles.

You turned over and checked her feet, it took you less than a second to realize Tracy don’t own foot slaves, her feet had a lot of dead skin, looks like she washed them before coming here but they already got a bit dirty and sweaty.

You approached her closest foot and started licking, as you swallowed the sweat you realized how different it is from Maya’s. It was a bit hard to adjust to the new taste and swallow but you were used to doing things reluctantly.

“Oh wow”, Tracy smiled towards Maya, “it feels good, you trained him well”.

“Yeah, I know, he’s great”, Maya replied, “Travis, start eating her dead skin”, she commanded from the sofa.

“He does that???” Tracy asked.

You started biting off a piece and started chewing it.

“Of course he is”, Maya said and Tracy started laughing.

Their conversation drifted off to other subjects, about Maya's latest vacations and Tracy’s career.

You continued licking her foot sweat and eating her dead skin, a bit amazed by how it tasted differently, but at least finally some proper food, you were starving and Tracy’s visit is definitely a blessing.

“You know, I never got to tell you, but Travis had a crush on you”, Maya said at some point during their conversation.

“Crush on me?”

“Yeah, when he shrunk down he was looking for you, but I found him”, she said proudly with a smirk.

“Haha but I was married back then”, Tracy said.

“Was?” Maya asked, confused.

“Lol, haven’t I told you? My husband caught the shrinking virus”, Tracy bent over.

“No way, so now he’s your foot slave?” Maya asked her excitedly.

“Haha, I wish, but back then I just handed him over to his family and we got a divorce and I ended up getting everything as he was no longer considered human”

“But there’s a cure, you can easily purchase it, right?”

“His family sure wants me to do it, but I feel like it’s stupid wasting that much”

“I agree, he was trash anyway, not nearly in your league”

“You think?”

“What was he working at? Logistics right? That’s lame”

“Yeah I guess you are right”, Tracy let out a sigh and then looked down at you, “so what, you had a crush on me?”

You started blushing, then nodded slowly.

“That’s cute, I kinda had a feeling but never said anything, continue licking, you are doing a good job”, she commanded and you quickly went back to bite off another piece.

“Wait, really? You knew??” Maya asked.

“Haha, he was always laughing at my jokes, changed his whole team seats to sit next to me, but I liked him too so I was ok with it”, then she pointed at the foot you were licking, “see how life turned out, hilarious, isn’t it?”

Maya started laughing, “yeah I guess, and he looks rather happy treating your feet”

“Feels like it, good for him”

“To be honest I don’t give him much attention as of late, too busy with other stuff, he’s rather lonely I feel bad for him”, Maya said in an apologetic tone.

“Oh really? But he’s so obedient and cute”, Tracy giggled and scrunched her toes.

“He is, but after so long it’s just not that interesting…” Maya paused, “Tracy maybe you want him?”

Your heart skipped a beat hearing this, you quickly turned to Maya, she was sitting at the edge of the sofa, looking at you with her little finger between her teeth, her thinking face.

“What?? Really?? Of course! I would love having him!” Tracy smiled ear to ear.

“I just think both you and him would like it”, she stood up, you took a look at her feet and gulped, you hoped she’s just kidding.

“Oh my god Maya it sounds great! I promise to take care of him!” Tracy had a huge smile, then turned her gaze down to look at you, “aren’t you happy?” She asked in a thrill.

You blushed, partly angry and disappointed, you felt like it’s some kind of a weird dream, it’s happening too fast, you are used to this place, you can’t imagine yourself anywhere else at the moment.

“I’ll pack his cage and some more stuff, I’m going on a long vacation in a week and I wasn’t sure what to do with him anyway”

“Oh where are you going?”

“Various places, Singapore, Japan, Maldives, it’s a mix”

Maya started packing your stuff, you couldn’t get your eyes off of her, how can she give up on you so easily after all you’ve been through…

Then Tracy’s finger tapped your head, you looked at her, “hey, get back to licking buddy”, she smiled in satisfaction.

“W-Wait, I want to talk with Maya about th-“ her finger pushed you back to her sole, you coughed and squirmed.

“Is everything ok?” Maya asked.

“Yeah, just teasing him”, Tracy chuckled and released her grip.

“Anyway, here’s everything”, Maya handed over your cage with various furniture you had around the house, all thrown inside.

Tracy stood up, both girls towered above you, she took everything with a smile.

“Here, I’ll place him inside for you”, Maya bent over and reached her hand to you.

“Maya wait! I don’t want to go!” You pleaded but she grabbed you with her fingers, you punched it and cried, “please! I’ll wait here for you! Don’t do that!” You squirmed between her fingers.

Maya made a confused face, “why are you acting like that?”

“He’s probably just excited”, Tracy suggested with a giggle.

“I don’t want to go Maya!” You shouted.

“Oh it will be ok, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it”, Maya said indifferently and placed you inside the cage, you kept waving and begging.

“Thanks Maya”, Tracy said and they hugged, “it was nice seeing you”.

It was so unlike Tracy, how much did she change during the last 3 years?

“Take care of him for me”, Maya giggled.

“Enjoy your vacation, cya”, Tracy walked out with the cage in her hands, you looked at her, starting to digest that now you have a new owner and you’ll have to learn everything from scratch, you already knew exactly how to satisfy Maya, what makes her angry, everything.

Just as the door closed, her smile disappeared, she looked down to the cage and you had eye contact, it’s like her whole aura changed, she looks more like the Tracy you used to know, her eyes seemed worried, and she smiled again, but it was a different smile, more sincere and reassuring.


End of part 10



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