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Months have passed.

Maya bought a 6 million dollars penthouse at the northern side of the city, she gave her current car as a gift to Martha, her landlord, for leaving before her contract ended.

She bought a Tesla, you recommended the exact model.

She bought herself a new phone and gave you her current one, she gave you tasks to find her good investments, even asked you to develop some apps and stuff she needed.

As a prize for doing a good job she fed you with her dead skin and foot sweat, you loved your new job and felt such happiness every time she gave you a good word for something you’ve done right.

Once you moved to the new penthouse you had a morning routine where Maya sat in front of the view placing her feet next to the window so you can lick worship her, she called it your “morning coffee” before you start working and go on completing her tasks.

“You know Travis, I’m so happy I didn’t let Alisa crush you that day”, she told you one morning as you licked her foot, “you are definitely resourceful, it’s been almost a year, could you believe it?”

“Wow, no goddess, thank you so much for saying that”, you said and gave a kiss to her arch.

“I even forgive you for eating my lunch”, she started laughing, “remember that? Wow it feels like another life”

You joined her laughter awkwardly, “yeah, you know it was by mistake, right goddess?”

“Obviously”, she said, “it was just funny to see you squirm about it”, she paused, “it was cute, I was just messing with you, cruel me”, she giggled.

“Ah”, you replied, then giggled as well and resumed grinding your teeth between her toes.

She sighed with a nostalgic smile, “remember Tracy?” She suddenly asked.

“Y-Yes, of course goddess”

“You were really in love with her?”

You started blushing, “I.. uh.. yes goddess, I was ashamed of it because she was married but yes, I couldn’t stop thinking about her”, you confessed, it meant nothing anymore anyway.

“Hahaha… wow.. we texted not long ago, brought up memories from the office, a lot has changed”.

“Really?” You stopped licking and looked at her.

“The company was closed 2 months ago, bankrupt”, she stated coldly, “these fools were probably lost without Tim”.

“Oh, wow”

“Yeah, so happy we sold all those options in time”, she giggled and caressed her leg with her hand.

“Wh-What about Tracy?” You asked with a stutter.

“She’s a Head of R&D now, in some Unicorn startup, I even read an article about her recently, pretty impressive what she managed to do within a year, it’s like all of you guys just blocked her career in a way”.

You paused to think about it, “I guess you are right”, after a short silence you added “goddess”.

She scratched her feet together for a moment, then sighed and bent back on her chair, “don’t forget between the toes, thoroughly this time, if I spot some dirt again you’ll get grounded to your cage for a week”.

“Of course goddess”, and you kept licking and eating the toe jam, even after so long it was still disgusting, the toe jam was the only thing you hated to eat so she probably noticed that you are not being thorough like with the rest of her feet.


It’s been another year now.

Maya was enjoying her luxurious life to the fullest, every time she went on vacation she left you at home with a computer and everything you needed.

She used to scrub her feet thoroughly and leave you powder of her dead skin.

Also saved sweat from her workouts and left a glass or even bottles of it, it was funny to her, and you didn’t dare to complain in any way or ask for normal food and water.

In fact - no matter what she did and how degrading and humiliating it was you always played along, and you craved for any kind of attention.

When she came back from vacations you were excited in ways you never were in your previous life, those were the happiest days in your life.

One time you even cried from joy and just kissed her feet for a few hours while she fell asleep on the sofa, by now you loved her more than anything, you wanted to do anything to satisfy her, making her do the smallest smile would make your day.

She came back after 3 weeks in Greece, she went inside happily with a big smile, you ran to the edge of the cage and waved at her.

She placed her suitcase and yawned, then approached you.

“Goddess! You’re finally back! I missed you so much!” You jumped.

“Oh hi Travis, what’s that? you finished all the dead skin?”

“Y-Yes goddess, sorry, I was hungry”, you stuttered.

“I told you, you must ration the food I’m leaving you when I’m gone”

“Of course goddess, sorry, I’m just so excited to see you”

“Hmm, did you finish the tasks I left you? That website I asked for?”

“Yes! Everything is ready just as you described!”

“Cool, I’ll take a look later”

“W-Wait goddess, can I please welcome you by treating your feet?”

“Sorry, not in the mood”

Your heart broke, you remained silent and held the bars as she stood back up and went to shower, you were so frustrated thinking that all of her precious foot sweat is being washed away right now, you sat at the edge of the cage, depressed and sad.

When she came back from the shower she stood next to the cage and looked at you, you stood up and looked back at her.

“Travis, you want to go home?” She suddenly said bluntly, you thought you hadn't heard right.

“W-What?” You gulped.

“Just asking, you were a very good and loyal slave, I really appreciate our time together, and we’ve been through a lot, I’m ok with setting you free”, she said casually, like it doesn’t matter.

You just stood there in shock.

“I’m not joking, I thought about it in my vacation, there’s already a cure for the shrinking virus, I can easily buy it for you, grow back to your normal size, I can even set you with some money so you get back to your f-“

“No, goddess please”, you fell to your knees and started crying.

“What?” She bent down to look at you closely, “are you serious? Do you even hear what I say?”

“Yes but please, don’t send me away, I’m happy, I’ll do whatever you want, I’m begging you! I won’t disturb you I swear!” You bowed down with your entire body.

Maya couldn’t believe her eyes, “I-I don’t know what to say, ok, stop crying”, she gestured with her hand on the cage, she looked confused and helpless, “you can stay, ok? Just relax”

You looked at her with shiny eyes, “really?”

“Y-Yes, sorry, I thought it’s a good thing and you’ll be happy, if you want to stay it’s also ok, Uhh, I guess”.

“Thank you goddess! Thank you so much!” You wiped the tears off your face and made a big smile, Maya was still confused and shocked, she opened the cage and brought you to the living room, placed you over the table.

She sighed and sat on the sofa, she placed her feet on the table next to you, then turned on the TV.

You immediately ran to the closest one and started kissing her feet over and over again, thanking her for keeping you.

She pushed you gently with her foot, “just pick up something to eat and go the other side, I told you I’m not in the mood today”

“B-But I missed you”, you said pathetically and caressed her foot with your hand.

She rolled her eyes, “since when did you get so needy? Just eat some toe jam and let me watch TV in peace”, she flattened her foot in front of you and spread her toes, you climbed it and started licking the gunk away and swallowed it, then looked at her.

“Now go”, she pointed to the other side of the table and you walked there in shame, looking at her feet from afar, she watched tv and giggled from time to time, eventually you also turned around to watch the television.

You felt hurt and sad.


As time went by, Maya lost more and more interest in you. She literally did you a favor by letting you eat something from her feet once a day, you lost a lot of weight and were depressed, your health was deteriorating.

She stopped giving you tasks as she didn’t need anything from you anymore, she barely even talked to you, then one day she came smiling to your cage.

“You gotta hear this, it’s hilarious”, she said with a giggle.

You smiled ear to ear and stood up, she’s actually talking to you, it’s been months.

“There’s a new law now, people who are shrunken for 3 years are considered property”, she said and laughed.

“P-Property?” You mumbled.

“Yes! It means that starting tomorrow you will become officially my property, I won’t even need to keep you in secret anymore, I would be able to take you abroad if I wanted to”

“Oh, wow goddess, I’m so happy to hear it!” Your eyes started shining in tears.

“So how does it feel? Having the same rights as an object?” She started laughing.

“Uh.. I don’t know.. goddess can I please eat something off your feet? I’m so hungry”

She just laughed and shook her head, “Travis you’re killing me, I don’t know you are just so pathetic and cute”

You blushed.

“Here, you can have one lick, but just one, choose a good spot”

She placed her foot over the bars, you looked for something edible and noticed some crumbs, you got your tongue out and started licking, right when your tongue detached from the dirty surface she placed her foot back on the floor, you swallowed whatever you could pick up.

“That’s it, was it tasty?”

You nodded, “yes goddess, thank you”.

She laughed again, “good boy”, she replied and walked away.

Your stomach was rumbling, it’s too much, you are starving and she doesn't seem to realize that.


End of part 9



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