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You were desperate for a job, no matter where you applied, they didn’t even call you for an interview, it was a daily struggle to pay the rent, and the landlord was just ruthless, a spoiled rich girl who got the place from her parents.

You knew that you were late in paying the rent and you tried to avoid her.


You stayed quiet, even holding your breath.

“Gary I know you are there, open up”


“I have keys, I will open the door, I just want to talk”

You sighed, you can’t avoid her forever, you stood up and unlocked the door.

“Hi Grace…” you mumbled.

She placed a hand over the door, “you know you are 4 days late with paying the rent?” She said with a smug.

“Look, I’m sorry, it’s a tight month”

She walked past you and entered the apartment, looking around, caressing a finger over a table and checking the dust, mushing it with her thumb, making a disgusted face.

“Pathetic”, she said to herself.

“Grace, I’ll find a job soon, I’ll pay with interest”, you followed her and excused miserably.

“You don’t even have a job now?” She asked in an irritated voice, “wow”, she added.

“It’s.. uh.. they fired all males last month, I’ll find something, please give me some time”, you begged.

“Pack your stuff, I’m kicking you out”, she said indifferently and started walking outside, “you have until evening, if you’re not out of here I’m calling the police”.

“G-Grace wait!” You followed her out, “I’m begging you! I won’t have anywhere else to stay!”

“Many lives on the streets now, looks cozy”, she giggled.

“At that time of the year I’ll freeze to death, please, have some mercy!” You fell on your knees behind her, begging in tears, she finally turned around.

She examined you in a weird way.

“What if I hire you?” She asked.

It sounds like an amazing idea, “yes! Yes I can clean the hall, your house, anything you want”

“I need a sweat rag”, she said with a smile.

You gulped in fear, you knew exactly what it meant, you saw all the posts on social media, girls kept shrunken males to drink their armpit sweat after workouts, it was a status symbol for rich girls, just a way to show off how wonderful their lives are.

Your mind was racing.

“Well? Want to start working as my sweat rag or not?” She asked impatiently.

“G-Grace, come on, there must be something else I can do”, you said in a shaky voice.

She made an irritated face and turned back to her door, “pack your stuff and get out of here”.

“Ok! Ok I’ll do it!” You panicky said, “for how long? How much will you pay me?”

She turned and smiled, “come, let’s negotiate terms”, and you followed her through the hall inside her apartment.

It was so much better equipped than yours, your apartment had almost nothing, no AC, broken TV, ragged bed, rusty radiator, while she had everything.

You sat together on the leather sofa, she smiled in a cute way, you’ve never seen her being nice before.

“Your rent is 990$, that’s your debt to me”, she said.

You nodded, approving this.

“I’ll pay you minimum wage, 2,000$ so it will cover your debt and the next payment”, she stood up and went to a desk, searching the drawer and coming back with a contract.

“Maybe you can rent the apartment to someone else meanwhile? I guess I won’t need it”

She giggled, “I doubt someone would willingly live in this shithole”.

“It’s.. not that bad…” you said in an apologetic tone.

“Maybe for someone as pathetic as you, normal people doesn’t live like that, I’ll have to refurbish the place before renting it again”

She is such a rude person, you had nothing to say.

She placed the contract on the table, it was a very long one, then she gave you a pen.

“What should I expect?” You asked.

“You will live here”, she pointed at a small cage that was on the kitchen’s table, and you immediately stood up to check it out, “I workout twice a day, jogging in the morning and gym in the evening, you will lick my armpits thoroughly after each practice, drinking my sweat and keep it dry”.

You picked up the cage, examining it from different angles, it looked like a damn toy, your eyes started filling in tears again.

“What will I eat?” You asked quietly.

“Don’t worry, my armpit sweat will be more than enough”, she said and you made a disgusted face, started coughing, it made her giggle.

“I already owned a few sweat rags, from my experience it will take you a few days to get used to it, believe me, you won’t be hungry”, she started laughing.

You hated her so much, the casual way she talks about literally owning your freedom, it made you so angry but you couldn’t say anything, you have to be on good terms with her…

“So, ready to sign?” She handed the contract in your direction, you grabbed it, scanning it with your eyes, it’s going to be a nightmare for sure.. but there’s no way you can survive in the streets, you grabbed the pen and signed it, handing it back to Grace, she checked it out with a smile.

“Great, let’s go to the shrinking center then”, she suggested and you sighed.

“Can I.. have something proper to eat before, make a call to my mother or something”


“What? Are you serious?”

“Once you sign this contract you work for me, and I do not allow that, and anyway I need you hungry I’m going to the gym soon”.

“Jesus”, you mumbled in frustration, she giggled.

You started walking to the shrinking center, it’s a 20 minute walk.

“Good, I can already feel sweat flowing in my armpit”, she said while walking next to you, “you will have an appetizer even before my training session”.

She raised her arm and sniffed her armpit, “phew”, she made a disgusted face and laughed loudly, you just blushed and bowed your head down, kept walking.

You finally got there, you never imagined you would willingly walk inside a shrinking center, you signed all the papers, Grace did the same.

They got you to a room and went through the process, it was quick, before you knew it you were already handed back to Grace inside an aquarium, she looked happy and started walking back to her house.

“Damn, it’s so hot today”, her voice boomed inside the aquarium, then looked down at you and giggled, “so much sweat, are you ready for it?”

You just looked down, sighing, she’s going to make this month terrible.


As you got home, Grace placed you on the sofa and laid down, looking at you from up close, “ready or not, here it comes”, she spread her arm up, exposing her armpit in your face, a gust of strong feminine sweat smell washed over you, it was so intense you had to take a few steps back.

“Just remember that the first time is the hardest, start sipping, try not to think about it too much”, she instructed with a giggle.

You tried to take a step closer but it was just impossible, you watched as gallons of sweat poured down on her armpit, it looked so dense and gravy, how the hell are you supposed to eat that.

“G-Grace, I can’t do it, sorry, let’s cancel the whole thing”

She started laughing, “it’s too late to regret now, you have a 5,990$ debt, and that’s your only way to pay it back”.

You opened your eyes, confused by the number you just heard, “what? Where the other 5k came from”

“The shrinking process, you thought it’s free?”

“Why am I paying for it?!” You shouted.

“All sweat rags pay for it, didn’t you know that? It’s in your contract as well, didn’t you read it?”

You held your head in anger, “fuck!” You shouted, trying to understand what it means and how much longer you’ll have to be a sweat rag.

“Want me to help you?” She asked and started reaching her other hand.

You quickly raised your hands, “no! I’ll do it!” It made her smile and she pulled her hand away, looking at you and waiting.

You sighed and approached closer, staring at a drop of sweat pouring down, you closed your eyes and sucked it, you pulled back with it in your mouth, it was as disgusting as you imagined, spoiled warm sticky gravy soup with a strong flavor of sweat…

No matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t swallow it… after a struggle you just coughed it out and fell to your knees.

Grace laughed loudly, “it’s always the same, this is hilarious”, she placed her other hand over her mouth as she laughed more, “get a hold of yourself, try again, it’s seriously going to be so much worse after gym”.

You looked at her armpit again and started crying, “please Grace, I’ll pay you back somehow, let me go”.

“Come on, now you’re just being pathetic”

You bowed all the way down.

“I’m begging you, it’s not for me”

You continued crying desperately and then you felt her fingers closing over your head, she pulled you up, you used your hands and tried to push away her fingers but you were completely powerless compared to her, you tried to shout but her fingers pinched your neck too tight.

“Stop squirming, I’m trying to help you”, she said in a giggly voice.

She smeared your face into her armpit, dragging it over the middle of it, you started drowning in her sweat, gagging helplessly.

“Start swallowing, just accept it, act like a sweat rag”, she commanded while shoving and dragging your face harder.

You had no choice, you stopped gagging and pulled the sweat down your throat, it was sticky, you had to use your neck muscles to push it down, it was disgusting in unimaginable ways, after a few more swallows like that Grace finally released her grip.

You fell over your back and coughed out sweat, caressing your tongue with your hands, couldn’t believe what you’ve just been through.

“Cute”, she said and sat down, looking at you from above, “I’ll give you a short break, but I’ll have to fine you for it”, she sighed with a smile.

“F-fine me?” You asked loudly between coughs.

“Yes, it’s an unscheduled break, it’s 50$ off your salary”

You just coughed louder, more sweat came out, you couldn’t protest, she giggled and stood up, walking away to change to gym clothes.

You were on all fours, gagging and puking, your mind was racing again, she is deducting your salary if you’re not doing a good job, this is a nightmare, it means that this month salary is 1,950$ already, your debt is 5,990$ and another 990$ will be added…

You started digesting the horrible situation you got yourself into.


End of part 1



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