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The first times were fun, pleasuring your wife as a bug-sized shrunken guy, massaging her feet while she relaxes and watches TV.

Giantess Sessions did well to your relationship.

Even when she pushed it too far, not taking a shower, using you after gym, you were ok with everything, it was like a sexy role play which she enjoyed a lot and you loved watching her having so much fun.

Sessions were extended over time, and she became more and more successful with her career, so successful actually that her income made yours look like an insignificant joke.

“Can you take the week off? I’m having my period and could really use a little stress toy”, she asked one Sunday evening, you should’ve gone to the shrinking center today.

“I’m out of vacation days actually”, you replied, “my boss is a little pissed at me for all of these surprising day offs”

“She’s such a bitch, right?” Your wife asked, “aren’t you sick of this place?”

“Well, in a way, but that’s my job”, you replied.

“Just quit babe, don’t want to be rude but I’m willing to give up your salary in exchange of having you fully available”, she said and laid back, squeezing her toes a few times in front of you.

“A-Are you sure about it? It’s not good to be unemployed these days”, you said nervously.

“Yeah, you know what babe? Get back to licking, we are staying, fuck your boss”, she said and rested her foot back in front of you.

You hesitated for a moment and stepped next to her foot, “I don’t understand”.

“What’s there to understand babe? You are quitting your job tomorrow, I’m not giving up my favorite toy for a minimum wage”, she said casually and dragged her sole back in front of you.

“Oh”, you said, a bit shocked, then kneeled and got back to licking.


The next day she actually did that, called your boss and quit in your name. You could hear your boss arguing about prior notice, and the fact that you have important projects that need to be handed over, but your wife just giggled and said “sue me”, then hung up on her.

She was always like that during her periods, grumpy and unreasonable.

You knew you better be obedient during these times, and she always pushed it a bit more.

She sat down back on the sofa with her feet in front of you, “wow, how could you work for this asshole?” She said and caressed her forehead, “lick harder and between all toes, she got me mad”, she pointed at her left foot, you immediately kneeled and shoved your head between the toes, filth and sweat got smeared all over your face.

“Ah, perfect, I think we made a good decision, you’re so much more useful like that”, she said in pleasure and leaned back, enjoying your licks and foot caring.


A week went by, every day looked almost the same to you, your wife went to work, came back, kicked her heels out and you were to lick, massage, and eat dead skin from her feet.

You liked the fact she’s enjoying it but living like this became far too hard. She was watching TV, clearly tired from her day, and you were eating a nasty dead skin piece next to her heel.

You went next to her foot and tapped it so she would look at you.

“Babe, hasn’t your period ended already?” You asked.

She lowered the TV’s volume, “what?”

“Your period, hasn’t it ended by now? It’s been a week”, you repeated.

“Oh, sure, 2 days ago, why?” She asked nonchalantly.

“Thought we’d go to the shrinking center afterwards”, you said.

“Oh, wow”, she pulled her feet and leaned forward, looking at you with compassionate eyes, “honey, you want to grow back to normal? Why?”

“U-Uhh.. What do you mean? Of course I am, I have a life… you know, I can’t just spend them on this table waiting for your feet every day”, you explained, a little shocked that you even need to.

“But you don’t have a job anymore honey, I thought we’d extend this session”, she replied.

“A-And we did, I’m shrunken for 10 days now”

“Aw, you count the days? That’s so cute”

“Babe… come on, be serious please”

“Ugh, I really thought we would do it for a few months, it's so convenient like this”, she replied with an irritated disappointed face.

“F-Few months?!… no, no babe I’m sorry, it was never an option”, you replied, still shocked.

“I’m managing this super stressing project at work, and having you like this when I’m back home is so relaxing, you know, all for me”, she explained with a smile, “can’t we continue babe? Please?”

You sighed, “what’s this project? How long is it going to take?”

“Thanks babe!” She replied excitedly, “it’s the new building for Microsoft, I’m in charge of all the balconies and rooftops, soooo stressing”, she explained in passion.

“But until when?” You asked, this is what you really cared for.

“Deadline is August 20th, it’s just a month and a half from now, please babe! This makes my life so much more bearable”, she looked at you with puppy eyes, the kind of face you just cannot refuse.

“Ok babe, but please, not a day m-“

“Thanks babe! I’m so lucky having a husband like you”, she shoved her foot back in your face, shutting you up, “my arch got so sore from being on my heels all day, please lick it thoroughly, thanks again babe”, she demanded without even seeing your suffering face, then raised the TV volume back up.

A bit mad, you got your tongue out and licked, you tried to avoid this spot since it was so sweaty and disgusting but now you had no choice.


Day in and day out, you were used as a foot cleaner, massager, or sometimes just a stress toy.

She watched TV and casually squeezed you with her toes.

At least she almost always thanked you for doing this, and said how much she appreciated it.

“Oh you are not going to believe this, your boss really sued me”, she said while casually squeezing your head with her toes, you wanted more details so you squirmed out.

“Wait, what?”

She looked at you and brought her toes back to your head and squeezed, “yeah, such a bitch, she wants you back at work, it’s crazy, she has some really impressive lawyers”.

You squirmed again but she squeezed harder, “ugh, babe give me a moment!” You shouted from between her toes.

“Her all case is about not giving her a month prior notice, so she claims that if you’re shrunken you are by law her property”, she chuckled, “but she’s delusional”

You pushed her toes hard and crawled out, “so we gotta grow me back to normal, we can’t risk it!” You shouted, embracing yourself as her foot landed on top of you, she pressed casually again and again, tapping your face.

“Calm down, it’s nothing”.

You didn’t calm down, but you were too exhausted to escape her grasp again.

“Besides, there are 3 weeks until the hearing, we still have time to enjoy you being shrunken”

You hated when she took for granted that you’re enjoying it when you clearly don’t, you wanted to say something but her big toe landed over your face.

“Just thinking about it got me a bit mad, can you kiss my feet for a while to soothe my temper? Thanks babe”

You wanted to scream, but you just kissed her big toe for a few times until she got her foot off of you and placed it aside, you got to your knees and kissed her soles submissively.

“Just imagine she’d actually get you”, she said and laughed, “if I was you I’d rather suicide than serving that bitch”.

You sighed and kept kissing while she relaxed in front of her casual reality show.


You really tried keeping track over the days but living like this made it impossible, every day looked almost the same, the only thing changing was your wife’s mood.

On bad days she would just place her feet on the table and you knew to obediently lick them without even getting an order, on those days she also squeezed you a lot with her toes. She continued even when you moaned loudly in pain, sometimes it even made her squeeze harder.

It was terrible, you really started feeling and thinking as an object and not a living person, but you always reminded yourself that it’s just a long session, and after that you and her are going to have a long conversation about her attitude.

In fact, today you’re going to tell her that she must stop treating you like that.

Just as you thought about it - she entered the house, again with an irritated face, another bad day, she threw herself over the sofa and *THUD* placed one foot at the edge of the table, wiggling her toes.

“H-Hey, babe? C-can we not d-“

“Quiet”, she said and held the palm of her head forward, “on your knees, head between my toes, now”, she commanded without a glimpse of hesitation.

You gulped and lowered your head down, humiliated, you walked to her foot and kneeled in front of her, licking between her big and second toe. It was extra sweaty and dirty today.

She placed her fingers on her forehead and made an irritated sigh, “lick faster you lazy bug, I’m sick of your indolence”, she said and squeezed your head tightly with her toes.

You panicky pushed your face harder down, licking as hard as you can.

“Thoroughly, today I want my feet spotless, you hear me?”

It must have been a very bad day, she never acted like that before, you gulped a piece of gunk that was stuck there and continued licking.

Today, she hasn't turned on the TV, she just sat angrily and looked at you, she seemed extremely frustrated about something.

“Just a stupid bug… ugh… I’ll get myself another one…” you heard her mumbling, “yeah, it’s a good thing… someone better…”

You had no idea what that was about.


Someone knocked at the door, your wife held her phone and checked the screen, then sighed, “ok stop licking”, she said tiredly and pushed you back with her foot, then leaned forward and took a closer look at you, she sighed again.

“This is kinda awkward, and I’m terrible at goodbyes”, she started and took a breath.

“G-Goodbyes?! What’s going on?!” You shouted, scared to death from what you’re about to hear.

“Ah, well, there’s no easy way saying this, but your ex boss won, and she’s having you”, she said with a disappointed face and a shrug.

“H-Having me?! W… What the fuck!.. and you said nothing about it!?”


“Well, wanted to use you as much as I could before she take you away”, she shrugged again, “anyway, believe me I’m as pissed as you are, I got so used to having my feet pampered after work every day, now I-“

“HOW CAN YOU EVEN COMPARE, Y-YOU…” you kneeled down and cried, gasping for air, it’s a panic attack.

“I know, that’s super suck and she’s a terrible person, I guess she’s going to just kill you somehow, she has the right to, ugh”, she acted like someone is taking her toy, not husband, like it’s a nuisance and nothing more.

“S-So why didn’t you grow me back? Maybe I had a chance! H-How could you be so selfish about it!” You cried.

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* - “hey! Open up! It’s 8PM” *GLING GLING*

“I was sure I’ll win, but she had a damn good lawyer, anyway, I should open the door, don’t want to get in trouble with the law”, she sighed and went away.

You looked around, trying to think of a way to escape or hide, but before you could even start thinking of something she already stepped in, your ex boss.

“Oh, look at him, my employee of the month, so tiny and cute”, she said with a smirk, your wife stood behind her with an impatient look.

You tried to be polite and waved at her, she bent down and picked you up, “h-hi! I’m sorry for what happened! I promise I’ll close every project that was left open!”

“We already covered up your failures”, she said coldly, her smile gone.

“Oh, s-so I’ll take new ones, I’ll do whatever I need to”, you said in a choked voice, almost crying.

“So you want to come back to the office, don’t you?” She asked with a smirk.

“Y-Yes, of course, please, just let me grow back to normal size”, you begged.

She looked at your wife and burst into laughter, “wait, I gotta do something”, she said and turned to your wife, then held you in front of her mouth, “w-wait what’s going-“ her huge tongue slowly caressed your upper body, smearing all over your face.

“Mmmmmmmm” she got her tongue in and sucked it, you were covered in her saliva.

You heard slow claps from behind, it was your wife, “bravo, very matured”, she said in an indifferent angry voice.

“I’m going to enjoy him so much”, your ex boss said with a cruel smile.

You rubbed your face, trying to wipe off the disgusting saliva, “p-please, Mia, you won, j-just please let me grow back to normal, I’ll do whatever you want”, you begged, starting to cry uncontrollably.

your wife facepalmed herself, Mia's smile widened, “but then how will you fit inside the tiny cage I bought for you?” She said and pulled out her car keys, a tiny keychain cage was attached to it, you immediately squirmed in panic but she just casually opened it and shoved you inside, pushing you in with her finger and closed it on your squirming hands.

“Ugh, just take him and go already, you got what you want”, your wife said in a pissed tone.

“Oh Lily don’t be such a sore loser”, she said with a cruel smile and started walking out. Every step making you dangle around inside the cage, you held the bars and looked around in fear.

You sent a hand out of the bars in the direction of your wife, “p-please! Help me! HELP! Do something!” You screamed, but she just looked at you indifferently and closed the door after you and Mia.

“Oh tiny Greg, you are going to serve as such a good example for all the stupid males in the office never to fail me”, she said and laughed cruelly as she stepped in the car.

You held the bars, terrified, realizing your life as you know it ended, the cage dangling back and forth, it’s hopeless.



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