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Grace came back from the gym, wearing sports clothes, she held a towel and used it to soak sweat from her body.

You looked up at her, trembling with tears, once she laid her eyes on you she started laughing, “yes, it’s time to work”, she said in pleasure, laying next to you, raising her arm again.

You were worried about being fined again, you got on your knees in front of the radiant putrid sweat and gave it a lick.

“Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it”, you chanted in your head, closing your eyes and desperately swallowing it.

“Ugh”, you started coughing again, Grace giggled.

“Good job Gary! Keep on going!” She cheered.

Humiliated, you got your face closer for another lick, she was right, it’s getting easier, like once your body realized it’s edible it became easier to swallow it.


You heard from above, you looked up and saw Grace just took a selfie, then giggling.

“Just an Insta story, hope you don’t mind”, she paused, “not like it matters, sweat rag”, she laughed.

This is your life now, you are Grace’s status symbol, you have to accept it if you want to survive this nightmare, you bent forward again and continued licking.


Days passed slowly, it was a horrible nightmare, Grace used any excuse to use you, you woke up to lick her armpits after jogging and you went to sleep licking her armpits, swallowing gallons of sweat day in and day out, you counted treatments in your head in order to maintain your sanity.

When you finished the 90th treatment you knew it meant a month was over, you thought about saying something but Grace mentioned it herself.

“Gary, it’s payday! Let’s see how are you doing”, she said with her armpit still open, holding her iPhone above you both, showing you the screen.

She entered some app, then clicked on your name and showed your balance.

“So your salary this month was 1,700$”

“What? Why?”

“Hmm, let’s see”, she changed to another tab, “you had 2 fines, and 100$ went on cage accommodations”.

“What? That plastic toy?! But I was barely inside! I don’t even need it and you don’t use it anyway!”

“You are right, I should use it more, left you in the open too much it probably made you think you can raise your voice on me”

You gulped, “I-I’m sorry”, you mumbled, she smiled.

“Anyway, you reduce your debt to 5,280$, nice”

You held your head and tried to stop yourself from crying, you were sure it’s going to be a 1-2 months thing and actually make some money but you worked like a pathetic slave for a whole month to barley reduce your debt, it’s going to be at least 7 months until you cover it, you are wasting your life away for that spoiled brat’s pleasure.

Grace caressed her armpit with her finger, “cool, look at how good you got with this, it’s so dry”

“Grace, do you think I can have a glass of water, or some crumbs from your dinner? I really want to wash it down, just this once, I promise it won’t affect the quality of the treatments”, you asked politely.

“Of course you can”, she smiled, “it will be an extra 1k”.

You looked at her with a seriously shocked face, “you are kidding, right?”

“Nope, I’m serious”, she nonchalantly replied.

“You will charge me a thousand dollars for crumbs? Why?”

She started laughing and picked you up, walking to the kitchen, “yes, because I can, and because it’s funny”, she opened your cage and dropped you in, then bent to take a closer look at you, “I’ll be honest, I love thinking that your only source of nutrition is my sweat, but if you’re willing to pay I’ll be ok letting you eat something else”, she smiled and waited for an answer.

“No, never mind”, you angrily sat down, turning your back to her, she giggled again and made herself dinner, sitting and eating in front of you.

“Mmm… it’s so good”, she said while taking a bite of her sandwich, “tastes like heaven”, she giggled.

You started drooling, even though you knew she was teasing you on purpose you couldn’t help yourself but thinking how good it must taste.

She started drinking cold water from a glass bottle, “ahhhh….” She released a breath over your cage, “nothing like a glass of ice cold water, just what I needed”, she laughed in joy and continued eating with a smile.

When she finished she stood up and started cleaning, then paused for a moment, “I will leave 5 crumbs here, in case you regret”, she placed them next to your cage, close enough so you could reach it, then also placed the bottle of water next to them, letting the hoist drip down and form a tiny pond around it, the look on your face made her giggle more, “I’ll check it when I wake up, if some of it is missing it means 1k will be added to your debt”.

“I won’t touch it, you can take it away”, you said firmly in anger, but she just laughed and went to shower.

You kept looking at the crumbs and cried, such torment, you wanted to eat them so much, something that would remind you that you are a human being, but you just laid down in an embryo position and cried yourself to sleep.


“Look who was hungry last night”, you heard Grace’s giggly voice, you woke up and looked at her face, then looked down, there were only 3 crumbs, you immediately jumped up.

“Hey! No! I didn’t touch it!”

She started laughing, “so where are the missing 2?”

You assumed she probably moved them when you were sleeping, but you didn’t want to accuse her when you can’t prove anything, “not me! I didn’t eat it! I swear, maybe a rodent, a bug, I didn’t do it!”

“Sorry, I’m adding 1k to your debt”, she shrugged.

“NO! You can’t do this to me! You can’t hold me like this forever!” You held the plastic bars, shouting at her.

She opened her iPhone and made a few taps, “so your debt is 6,280$, wow, that’s a lot of money”, she smiled.

You hit the bars in anger, “Grace! That’s not fair!”

She used her thumb to squish and pick up the other 3 crumbs, then licked it off and swallowed it, smiling in joy, “thanks for sharing, anyway, I’m off to my morning jog, get ready for your breakfast”, she went outside.

You were so frustrated, you kept punching the bars, why did she take the remaining crumbs then? You paid for it! This is nonsense! That manipulative bitch…

You took a deep breath and sat down, trying to assess your situation, calculating your remaining time again, trying not to think about the fact that your life is being wasted. Then you had an idea, maybe ask for other responsibilities, something that might increase your salary, and maybe stop arguing with her, it looks like it will just get things worse and entertain her further.

She came back, using a towel again to soak sweat from her chest and neck, she opened the cage and pulled you up, looking at your face, “so? Calmed now?”

You nodded, trying to maintain your emotions, she smiled and raised her arm, smushing your face inside her armpit, using you like a deodorant, “swallow as much as you can while I drag you”, she commanded giggling, you hated this kind of treatments, you couldn’t control the amount of sweat you sip in as it enters through every hole in your face.

You gagged and swallowed whatever you could and she finally threw you on the sofa and laid next to you with a big smile on her face. She took another selfie with you laying miserably and soaked with her sweat, trying to rub it off your eyes.

“Go on, earn your salary, my armpit is still covered in sweat”.

“Yes..” you mumbled, kneeling in front of her armpit and licking it, fully obedient, she hummed in pleasure.

“Tastes better than those crumbs, doesn't it?” She started laughing, you closed your eyes and ignored it, it’s so obvious she knows you haven’t eaten them, you kept licking for a while and then she started closing her armpit, you stepped back and looked at her face.

“Grace, I would like to do more in order to earn more money”, you firmly stated, trying to think of it as a normal career.

“Mmm? Like what?” She asked with a smile.

“I don’t know, I have skills, I have an engineering degree, I can-“

“Lick my feet”, she completed your sentence, holding off a laugh.

“Lick your feet?” You asked in a worried tone.

“They sweat too, you know, that’s actually an interesting idea”, she placed a finger on her chin.

“I want an extra 1k for doing it”, you said with a heavy heart, it sounds terrible but if it gets you out of here sooner it’s worth it.

“I’m thinking about 200$” she bargained.

“No, Grace, it’s much worse than armpits, no less than 800$”

“Hmm, 500$ last offer, my feet aren’t that bad, you’ll like it”.

“Ugh, 700?”

“Sorry, 500 or keep licking my armpit sweat for minimum wage”

God dammit, “ok.. 500”

“Good, so why don’t we start now?” She bent over and opened her running shoes.

You watched her doing it and sighed, she never wasted time in humiliating you. At least from now on you will make 2,500$, you tried to focus on that.

Her feet were in front of your face, a horrible smell that was so strong you could almost taste it when breathing from your mouth, it was so bad it burned your throat.

You closed your eyes as hard as you could and bent over to give it a lick, wondering if it was a good idea to accept the new terms.


End of part 2



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