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Drowned is one of the first giantess stories I wrote, and to this day it’s still one of my favorites.

Now that I started making collages, I’ve decided to get back to it‘s image and edit it, then to re-upload on Patreon, if you haven’t read it yet - cheers, you are going to enjoy 3 stories today.


The shrinking gene hits your bloodline hard…

Few years back, your father shrunk on work and one of his colleagues accidentally crushed him, or so she claimed.

You and your little brother were left, but he also shrunk last year at school. The rumors are that a girl from his class found him and is enslaving him. You tried to argue with her a few times but she completely denied it.

You were alone, and you knew that it’s just a matter of time before you shrunk too, and you didn’t want to end up like you father and brother, you were terrified of the moment you’ll shrink down and be helpless.

As the last of your bloodline, you inherited a nice amount of money, the kind of amount that meant that you shouldn’t really work in the seen future, so you’ve decided to prepare for the shrinking day.

You thought about it for a long time, but you’ve decided to ask your childhood friend Rotem if she can take care of you. You have known her since forever, she was the daughter of a very close friend you father had, so you practically grew up together, you knew she is the only one you can trust who has no risk shrinking too.

You shared with her your concerns and she immediately hugged you, “it must be terrible”, she said in a companionate tone, you had tears in your eyes, you felt relieve from her response

“So is it ok with you? I promise it will be convenient, we will buy everything I need-“

She stopped you

“Hey, relax, don’t worry, of course I’m ok with that” and hugged you again

“Thank you so much for this Rotem, I appreciate this so much”

“You don’t need to thank me, of course I’ll take care of you”

In the next few days you went together to buy a lot of shrunken compatible products, such as furniture, suitable electronic devices, and a structure you can live in inside her house.

You even paid for a serious renovation of her home, to suit you living in it as well.

She was fully into it, very compassionate and understanding, you felt so lucky for having her by your side…

You filled out government documents to make it official that she is “adopting” you, you were both laughing at how weird it sounds, but it was best that way so she can use your savings accounts to properly take care of you.

Finally the day came and the shrinking virus hit you, you were both watching TV on the couch when suddenly you started shrinking, she exclaimed “oh my god it’s happening”, it took several seconds and eventually you were about 2 inch tall.

It felt so weird, everything around you was huge, you felt dizzy, you looked at Rotem as she was sitting there covering her mouth with both her hands, it was clear that she was shocked

“Are you ok??? I can’t believe I actually saw it happen, wow, this is so cool” she removed her hands and you saw her smile with eyes wide open.

“Yes… I think I’m ok, just a little dizzy”

“Ok.. let’s take you to your new home” she was nervous, she placed her hand next to you, it was so big… you couldn’t believe this is happening, no matter how much you imagined the feeling it couldn’t prepare you for it, you looked up to see her face, Rotem was always a very beautiful woman, but seeing her like that gave her a different look, like some kind of a goddess, it made you blush… you took the step and climbed her hand.

She walked carefully and placed you at the entrance of your home, “welcome little guy, good luck to us” she said in a cheering voice, it was clear that she is doing it just to make you feel more comfortable, you appreciated it.

Days passed and everything was well, Rotem did take a very good care of you, she shared every meal, and left you a lot of extras on the special plate you had next to your home.

She always asked before using your money to get your permission even though she didn’t have to, you trusted her but it surprised you a lot how much she truly cares about you, you were happy… in fact happiest you’ve ever been in your life.

You started falling in love with Rotem, as she was the only female in your life and taking such good care of you… you knew you can never say anything about it, so you just peeked from the windows of your internal home, imagining you are together and masturbated, that’s the closest you can be with her.

Several months have passed, life was good, but since all you do is eat and sleep, you got fat.

On the other hand, Rotem was boxing, jogging, doing Pilates almost daily, she had an extremely healthy lifestyle and her amazing shape was there to testify.

After a while, you felt like Rotem was disappointed in you, but you weren’t sure what happened… she didn’t talk to you as much and you noticed that she used funds from your accounts without asking, she still took care of you and gave you food but you felt that she is doing that involuntarily.

You thought that maybe it’s the way you look, perhaps you should also practice and train to show her you still taking care of yourself, one day she left you food and you called out to her, asking how she is doing and all

“I’m good” she coldly responded

“Hmm so I’ve been thinking, maybe we can train together some time? We can practice Pilates or something, I want to get back in shape”

“Really? Heh, you surprised me, how about a boxing session? I planned on practicing tonight anyway”

“Oh yeah, sounds good”

You watched her practicing boxing from your home many times, she was amazing, everything was precise and at the end of the practice she was covered in sweat. It was a beautiful sight, being close to her when she was training felt like a true heaven to you.

The boxing session started, you had a small mat on the table next to her and she had a mat on the ground, she told you to just try and copy what she does and started training, it was intense…

After 15 minutes you almost couldn’t move and she kept going, at some point you just sat there looking at her, you couldn’t help it and got an erection.

After a while she turned to you, you tried to somehow cover your erection so she won’t notice, you blushed like crazy.

“Hey, can you help me with something?” She asked while breathing

“Of.. of course, w-what is it?” You stammered

“I think I got something stuck in my armpit, do you mind checking it out? I can’t see it” she looked into her armpit as she said that

“Yes why not, of course” being on her body was something you dreamed about for months now, but you dared not say anything about it.

“Cool, thanks” she picked you up, laid on her couch and placed you inside her armpit, “it’s in the middle, something must be stuck in the wrinkle there”

It was extremely hot inside, all the sweat was fresh and there were huge amounts of it, walking in her armpit felt like walking in some kind of a warm swamp, the sweat was almost knee high.

You walked towards the wrinkle, then shouted “do you think it’s here?”

“I’m not sure, can you check?”

You bent down and got both your hands deep into her sweat, moving your head over the wrinkle, you didn’t find anything, you kept looking.

Walking on her body was better in your imagination, in reality the smell was overwhelmingly disgusting, the sweat was gravy and sticky, it wasn’t fun… but after all the help she gave you it was the least you can do so you wanted to help her get it out.

“Can you dive maybe? I’m sure it’s there”

You placed your head in and dived into the sweat, pushed the sides of the wrinkle, then you felt something in there, smashed deep inside her flesh and sweat.

You hold it and pulled with all your force, it felt weird, like you are holding a hand, you were almost out of air but you managed to pull it out to the surface, you started coughing and cleaned your eyes from the sweat, you were happy you got it out, then as you opened your eyes you could see that what you pulled out was actually a body of a kid…

“R…Rotem??? What is that???”

She didn’t respond, you took a few steps and flipped the body over


His skin was all wrinkled, he died there, probably drowned in the wrinkle of her armpit when she was training, maybe today maybe before.

“Rotem!!!” You screamed and panicked, you stepped back from the body.

“Oh, it was just my sweat reliever, thought I lost him” she laughed like you never heard before

“What is going on, what have you done?”

She laughed, then she said “had enough of your stupid family, thought it will be fun to have you here but you are such a useless burden, I had enough”

“But what was my brother doing here???” You cried

“I always hated the idiot,I bought him from his enslaver months ago and tortured him since, had to show you his fate before you join him”

And before you could respond Rotem closed her armpit over you, sweat covered you as 2 walls of sticky disgusting walls of flesh closed on you, you kicked and squirmed trying to get some air but all you got is sweat.

Then Rotem stretched her armpit muscle, the soft walls became as strong as metal, crushing your bones like it was nothing, mixing your remains with her sweat.

She laid down and moaned in pleasure, opened her armpit to uncover crushed remains of 2 brothers mixed in a huge pond of sweat.

“Ahhh… should have done it long ago…”

It was a double pleasure, she became rich as she felt your body being crushed in her armpit.


I’m curious, are there other stories I wrote back in the day that you would like me to change to a collage? Tell me in the comments.



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