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It’s been months, maybe even a year, you couldn’t tell.

You worked 7 days a week, 12-14 hours a day, your arm slowly healed and Noa brought a doctor to remove the fixation.

Noa stopped talking to you altogether, in the first weeks Dana talked with you from time to time making sure you are ok but her summer break ended and she was back in college.

Many times you wanted to protest your working hours, the fact you never get a day off, but you never had the chance to do so, Noa spent literally no time checking up on you.

With no other choice, you made a decision to just dive into your work, provide for the family, you tried to overcome the terrible way Noa treats you and just focus on making clients happy.

And you were getting good at it, real good, you could hear the amazing compliments and tips the clients give Noa on their way out, there were teenagers, mothers, young women, all kinds of clients and in time you knew just how to satisfy any type of client.

You missed your kids, you wanted to see them, you even heard one of them asking about you once but Noa told him you are on a long business trip, it made you sad. But that was your reality and time kept moving on.


One evening after the last customer left, you could hear Noa tucking the kids to sleep at their beds, then she quietly went inside the Clinique and turned the lights on, she had a mischievous face, she wore pajamas and was barefoot.

She sat down on the Clinique chair and opened your cage, “I had such a rough day”, she said and sighed, it was the first time she talked to you in a very, very long time, “it’s so hard dealing with the kids alone”.

You got out of the cage and stood in front of her toes, “Noa, I want to see them”, you said loud enough so she could hear.

She chuckled and placed her big toe on your face, pushing you back, “don’t be ridiculous, they can’t see their father bug sized”, you fell on your but.

“Is there any news about a cure? How long has it been?” You tried to get as much knowledge as you can before she walked out and who knows when will be the next time you could talk.

“Not that I know of”, she yawned, “go on and lick my feet will you?” She raised both her feet and exposed her soft soles that had various dead skin clusters around them, you wondered why she is not using your services, almost never.

You sighed and approached her soles, started licking, easily swallowing her foot sweat and biting off a cluster of dead skin.

“Ahh..” she sighed in satisfaction, “you really got good with this…”

You continued working silently.

“We are doing very good, the business is blooming and we are constantly over booked, we should’ve expanded long ago”

Too bad there’s only one me, you thought to yourself, Noa stopped talking, she laid back and sighed, enjoying her foot treatment.

“I desperately need a vacation”, she said, it got you ferocious how shameless she is, “as much as this business is profitable so it is life consuming”, you continued licking her soles in anger, adding force to every lick like you are punishing her but it actually made the treatment better.

“Just haven’t figured out who would watch over you and the kids, I can manage the business remotely, I just need someone to watch over the clients, you know, make sure they don’t break your arms”, she said and laughed.

You continued working in silence, licking between her toes, kissing each of them, a signature ceremony of closing the treatment.

She grabbed a foot and checked her sole, she made an impressed face, “amazing”, she checked the other sole, “we should make it a daily thing, closing each day treating your wife, what do you say?”

You looked up and shrugged, knowing your opinion doesn’t matter anyway, it made her laugh, “that’s how I like you”, she stood up, “silent and obedient, it suits you so well”, she laughed again and left, turning off the lights behind her.

You walked back to your cage, closed it and went to sleep.


Tomorrow was normal, client after client, some time mid day a beautiful blonde came in, she said her name was Emma.

“I want it all licked”, she raised her foot and pointed at the arch, you just nodded, used to the humiliation.

You approached her foot that was placed on the chair and while on your knees you started licking between her toes.

“So I don’t understand, you like doing this?” She asked casually while you worked, you ignored it and kept licking, “I asked you a question”.

You sighed and raised your head, “no, but that’s my job”, you replied involuntarily, then went back to licking.

“So why don’t you use the cure?” She asked with a puzzled face.

You raised your head back up in surprise, “use what??” You thought that maybe you haven’t heard right.

“The cure, they are giving it for free for weeks now, they cured my father with it”

You gulped in shock, she gave you the impression she is stupid but not a liar, “you mean he was shrunk and went to normal given the cure?”

“Well duh”, she replied and rolled her eyes, like she’s talking with an imbecile, “anyway let’s not waste time”, she pointed at her toes.

You couldn’t believe what you just heard, you continued licking but your mind was racing, there is a cure, shrunken people have grown back to normal and Noa hasn't said anything about it, even yesterday when you asked about it directly, she is hiding it from you!

What is she thinking?! That you’ll work like this forever? It drove you insane but you had to keep working, Emma left and another client went in, hour after hour you treated more clients only thinking about the cure until it was dark and the final client went out, you waited impatiently for Noa to come.


She tucked the kids to sleep again, and then the lights turned on, she yawned and went in, “time for my daily treatment”, she giggled, the moment she got close and opened your cage you pointed at her in anger.

“You lied to me!” You shouted, she raised an eyebrow in confusion, “there is a cure! And they are giving it for free!!!”

“Oh that”, she made a disappointed face, “I guess one of the clients told you”

“What does it matter! You have to bring it here and grow me back!”

She sat down and sighed, “I don’t have to do anything”, she stated in an irritated tone, “cure or not, our family is finally making enough money to save for kids for college, to buy a decent car and to have family vacations”.

“Noa! I’m a slave! I’m working 7 days a week, you made me work with a broken arm, my tongue hurts all the time! I haven’t had a decent meal in forever, I’m living off strangers dead skin! That’s enough, there’s a cure, do you hear yourself?”

She placed her whole foot on top of you, pinning you down to the towel that was on the chair, “you will do as I say, understand? I didn’t want you to know about the cure so you’ll forget all about it”, she was angry, you tried to push her foot away from you.

“No! I won’t do it! That’s it! I’m not working anymore!” You squirmed and screamed from beneath her foot.

“Tomorrow the first client will come and you will eat her dead skin or you’ll starve to death you hear me?” She said in a mean voice, increasing the pressure with her foot, causing you to moan the pain, then she twisted it a bit, you felt like you were going to rip apart, then she finally pulled her foot away.

You started breathing heavily, she looked down at you from above, probably waiting for a defeated approval but you weren’t going to give it to her.

“So I’ll starve to death, that’s it I’m done”, you said between breaths, “I’m not going to work for you anymore, kill me if you want to”, then you raised your head up and watched her face, she was furious, she kicked you inside your cage and locked it.

“We will see about it”, she said in an evil low tone, it sent chills down your spine, you were terrified.

You stood up and held the bars as she went out, “you can’t do this to me!” You shouted but she just turned off the lights and went out.

You sat in your cage, desperate, scared, realizing it’s not going to be easy and you had no idea what Noa is going to do, but you were determined - you are going on a strike, no more feet licking.


End of part 7



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