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You loved your girlfriend Tiffany, she was beautiful and hot and you were very attracted to her, the problem was that she was an extremely jealous girlfriend.

Every time another female just laid her eyes on you, or god forbid talk to you she would quickly grab you away, sometimes even tell the girl to stay away from her boyfriend, it was embarrassing every time.

In time, even though you loved her so much, you thought of ending the relationship just because of that flaw in her, it was overwhelming and you felt suffocated.


One day your cousin came to visit, and you saw that Tiffany doesn’t like that, she came to visit in order to consult with you about her college and what classes she should take.

While you talked in the Salon, Tiffany came to hug you from behind. It was actually a bit annoying, you were just explaining what math classes your cousin should avoid.

“Tiffany, can you give us a moment?” You asked gently, Tiffany made an annoyed face, then looked at your cousin, “can’t you see we are busy?” She told her in an aggressive tone.

Your cousin was embarrassed.

“What? Tiffany you can’t talk like that to my cousin, what’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me??? Your cousin is drooling over you like some slut!”

“What the fuck?!” You stood up and turned to her, you were absolutely pissed now.

Your cousin chuckled anxiously and got up, “I.. I think I should go…” she scratched her head and started walking out.

“Rachel wait, she doesn’t mean that”, you turned back, trying to stop her.

“Oh I sure as hell mean that, that’s right girl get out of here, and stay away from him!”, Tiffany pointed at the door and your cousin was just shocked and walked out, mumbling that she’s sorry, you turned back to Tiffany.

“Are you crazy?! That’s my cousin! We grew up together! She’s not some girl from the street! You are insane! Simply insane!” You screamed, pointing a finger at her, she kept looking at you with anger.

“I can’t stand this shit, you can’t control yourself, I’m breaking up with you, you hear me?! It’s over, I’m done!”

Her angry face quickly turned to a shocked and sad expression, “w..what?” She asked in a choked voice, she was about to cry.

“Tiffany I’m sorry but it’s gone too far, you need to treat yourself, go to a psychologist or something, your jealousy is not normal”, you tried to explain.

She facepalmed herself, then started crying, “so just because I told your bitch cousin to get out you are breaking up with me???” She sobbed louder and went to the kitchen, turning her back to you.

You actually felt bad for her, even though you were furious, it’s like being angry at a crazy person or a child, “she didn’t do anything wrong, we were just talking about her college, just stop and hear me out for a moment”, you walked after her.

She kept crying and opened the fridge, bent down and grabbed a small bottle of water from the rear of the bottom shelf, then walked past you and sat at the salon, covering her face with her hands.

You couldn’t see her like that, it broke your heart, as much as you are angry you still love her and it’s hard seeing her like that, “listen, I’m sorry for what I said”, you sat next to her and tried to give her a hug, she pushed you back, “no”, she said, then started sobbing again.

“Tiffany I really think you need a psychological treatment, just listen for a second”, you went on and gave her other examples of her unreasonable behavior, you talked for maybe 10 minutes while she kept crying and not responding to you at all, then she got up and took a breath, “I can’t listen to this nonsense”, she exclaimed, “you are just an inconsiderate asshole, you don’t care about me, you only look at others”, she said and went to the bathroom, locked herself in.

You sat there helpless, it was your apartment, not hers, you couldn’t just walk out and leave her here, you watched at the bottle of water on the table, it looked cold, your mouth was dry from all the talking and you were thirsty, you just grabbed it and started drinking, it wasn’t sealed but you figured she probably refilled it or something.

You placed it back on the table then started walking to the bathroom’s door, knocking on it, “listen Tiffany you can’t act like that, let’s talk like grownups”, you kept knocking, then you had a strange feeling, you knocked but didn’t feel it, your hand started feeling numb, you touched and examined it, “Tiffany?” You called, confused, then you started having a headache, you took a few steps away from the door, holding your head with both hands, you started feeling like you are falling down, you opened your eyes and saw how everything is getting bigger, the bathroom door was towering above you, slowly turning to a skyscraper.

You were frozen and shocked, you stood there on the floor like a helpless bug, watching the door, then a loud noise of the door being unlocked boomed all around you, the door was opened and Tiffany stood there, an enormous giantess, you watched her legs, then slowly looked down at her feet, they were the size of a house, you started trembling in fear, you looked up until you reached her face, her eyes were swollen red from crying, she started wiping them with her hands, “Roy?..” she asked, still not looking at you, then her eyes started searching the floor until you had eye contact.

She used her hand to wipe off some leftover tears from her face, then slowly started smiling, “hi Roy, I see you drank from my mutated shrinking virus”.

“The.. the what…” you were confused, mumbling, kept checking out her titanic body.

She bent down, reached her hand and picked you up, you watched her face, she slowly bit her lower lip and started walking to the bedroom, placing you over the bed.

“Tiffany, what’s going on, what have you done?” You asked in a shaky voice, still can’t fully digest the situation.

She looked inside her purse, then grabbed a toe ring with a golden chain welded to it, she grabbed you with her other hand, then placed a collar over your neck, also welded to the chain from the other side, she dragged you over to her foot and placed the toe ring.

You grabbed the collar with your hands and started coughing, laying on your back, looking up at her face upside down from below, she was smiling in satisfaction.

“Think you can break up with me?” She asked, smiling from above.

You slowly turned to a sitting position, breathing heavily, her feet were dirty and the smell was horrible down there, “Tiffany wait, can we talk about it, you are taking it too far”, you tried to stay reasonable, maybe talk some sense into her.

She chuckled, “we are done talking, you never appreciated me, always talking with other girls, we are done, period”.

“What do you mean we are done? You can’t do this”

She used her fingers to pull the string, making you fall down in front of her sole, then she used a finger to push your head into the sticky surface, smearing your face all over the gravy sweat.

“I said - WE ARE DONE, it’s time you know your place”, she smeared a bit harder and then released her grasp, you immediately pulled your head back and started coughing, trying to clean your face from the dirt and foot sweat.

“My place?! What are you talking about!” You shouted and waved your hands.

“You are MINE, and mine alone!” She shouted at you, “you are not going to speak to anyone ever again, not see anyone ever again, only me and only my feet”

You gulped and held your collar, trying to remove it with your hand, “this is crazy, you can’t be serious”, you said in shock.

She placed her finger over a dead skin cluster at the ball of her foot, “and this is your dinner, understand? The only food you are going to eat is here on my feet, and you can forget about water, my foot sweat is more than enough for a trash like you”, she was pissed, and you didn’t know what to say anymore, you couldn’t believe this is happening to you.

She placed her finger behind your head and shoved it at the dead skin cluster, “here, let me help you, open your mouth”, and you miserably obeyed, she started grinding your head over the dead skin, using your teeth like a foot scratcher, slowly ripping it off, after a few minutes she released you and you fell on your back.

“Here, now chew and swallow it”, she ordered, looking at you from above, you couldn’t do anything to protest, you started chewing the gummy disgusting skin and swallowed it, tears started filling your eyes.

“Now get on your knees and start kissing my feet while I relax, thank me for even keeping you alive, you deserve far less after how you spoke to me today”

“I’m.. I’m sorry… Tiffany please!” You begged on your knees and started crying, her strict expression didn’t change, she started sending her finger again but before she could reach you you pushed your face into her sole and started kissing it while crying.

She smiled in satisfaction, “good, you are starting to learn”, she chuckled.

Your new life have started as Tiffany’s miserable slave, for the rest of your pathetic life you’ll fulfill every caprice and desire she has. She kept you in secret, far from anyone’s eyes, she told everyone that after the fight when your cousin left you left after her and she never saw you again, she accused her of enslaving you probably, telling your family that she always looked at you funny, it was a dead end for everyone, you were presumed dead, while you are in fact collared and chained, trying to survive by eating more and more of her feet’ dead skin.



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