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You went back to your home, everything was dusty and filled with spider webs, you took a deep breath and started cleaning the house, you kept imagining you are cleaning Clementine’s feet, and sometimes you uncontrollably licked dust off the floor, then immediately got back to your senses and saddened.

Days passed and you still couldn’t get a hold of yourself, you kept dreaming about Clementine’s feet, about the taste of her foot sweat, you were in a deep state of depression and just kept crying all day, you tried to drink water and have proper food but it just tasted terrible, all you wanted is her foot sweat.

One day you couldn’t take it anymore, you remembered her address, you went out and used public transportation to get to her place, you knocked on the door.

Clementine opened the door with a surprised expression, she wore a beautiful white dress and wore sandals, you looked down at her feet.

“Mathieu! What are you doing here?” She asked with a surprised high pitched tone.

“Clementine please, I can’t live like that, you have to take me back”, you cried, and Clementine made a compassionate face.

“Come in”, she said and you walked inside, she went with you to her garden, the place you used to lick her feet almost daily, you both sat down on the sofa, she placed her legs over it in your direction, you couldn’t get your eyes off of them.

“I know it must be hard for you, but it’s over”, she explained firmly, “look, I already have another prisoner”, she pointed over the table, you saw a shrunken man inside a cage, you gasped in surprise, it’s been just a few days, how come she already has someone else?

You looked at him, you were so jealous, you wanted to kill him and get inside the cage instead of him, “I.. I will commit crimes, you will have to take me back, I’ll ask for shrunken custody”, you mumbled quickly in panic, you didn’t know what to say anymore.

“I would really advise against that, you will be in another’s possession, you can’t be under the same owner twice in shrunken custody”

You fell over your knees, begging her, you tried to kiss her feet but she pulled it away from you, “please! Please!! I’ll do anything!” You started crying.

“Why don’t you look for another owner? I’m sure the city is full with girls who would just love having you as a foot slave, my sister is one of them, would you want me to talk with her?”

“No Clementine, I only want you, please, I need your foot sweat to survive, I don’t want to be your sister’s slave”

She sighed, the moment you said that you don’t want to be her sister’s slave she completely lost interest in the conversation, “sorry, it’s not happening”, she said and stood up, you tried to kiss her feet again but she pulled it away, “I’m going to need you to leave”, she said firmly in an authoritative tone.

You obeyed by instinct, with your head bowed down you went out.

“I’m really sorry about your state”, she said from behind you, “if you want to be my younger sister’s slave just give me a call, I’m sure her foot sweat doesn’t taste much differently than mine”, and she closed the door behind you.

You sighed desperately and started walking to the bus station, you felt like she faked compassion just to give you to her sister, you already know her well enough to notice these nuances in her, you can see through her manipulations now.

You walked a few blocks and then you saw a commercial poster:

“Were you shrunken and can’t be in normal size anymore? Can’t eat anything but foot sweat?

Shrunken Lives Matters are here for you, call now:”

You wrote down their hotline number, and when you got home you gave them a call.

“SLM here, I’m Shir, how can I help?” A voice over the line answered.

“H..hello? I’m Mathieu, I.. I was a shrunken foot slave for the last 4.5 years, I’m having a very hard time going back to normal”

She asked more questions and you shared more information about your dire state, telling the whole story, how you got framed, the shrunken custody, the way you became fully dependent on Clementine’s feet.

You told her how you can’t eat and drink properly, how everything feels wrong in normal size.

“Ok, listen Mathieu, what you have is a classic Shrunken PTSD, it’s completely normal considering how intense your slavery was.”

“What should I do?” You asked miserably.

“You shouldn’t worry, take a deep breath, I’m sending a representative to your place, she will explain everything, you’ll be ok! And in normal size, I’m sure of it, cheer up!” She said in a spirited voice, trying to lift up your spirit.

“Thank you Shir, I’ll wait for the representative”. And you hanged up.


Few hours later someone knocked on your door, a young woman came in, she had a bag on her back, wore flip flops and short jeans.

“Hi, are you Mathieu?”

You nodded, she immediately approached and hugged you, you jumped, it’s been such a long time since you felt someone touching you like that.

“First I want to tell you how sorry I am for what you’ve been through, you poor thing”, she said and hugged a little harder, then released you, you were shocked.

She sat on your couch and opened her bag, she started taking out small sealed nylon bags filled with a transparent fluid, “so let me explain, these are foot sweat bags, donated by all sorts of good willed women across the city who wants to help poor people like you”

You slowly sat down and examined one of the bags.

“It’s mainly to keep your nutrition going, you must take is slow, always mix it with water, and try to lower the amount every time, you can also use it on normal food as seasoning”

You nodded. She smiled, finished taking out all the sweat bags and placed them on your table, there were about a dozen.

You watched it and paused for a moment, “I’m sorry but.. what about dead skin?” You hesitated and blushed.

“Dead skin? You mean from a sole?”

You nodded and bowed your head down, so ashamed of asking something like that.

“Oh you poor thing, that's good feedback, perhaps we should start gathering dead skin as well”, she paused for a moment, “Hmm it’s kind of embarrassing but… perhaps I can help with that, you have a grater here?”

You nodded and went to the kitchen, returned with a grater you used for cheese long ago.

She got her foot out of the flip flop and placed it on the table, it was almost black with dirt and filled with dead skin clusters, you gulped and stared at it, you would give everything to be shrunken down and eat it away.

Aimee blushed, and started grinding her sole above your living room’s table, you just stared at it, she kept grinding for maybe 10 minutes and then switched to the other foot that was in an equally bad shape, by the end of it a pile of precious dead skin powder was on your table, she rested her foot on the sofa for a moment, checking it out making sure she removed all the dead skin, then she placed her feet back in her flip flops, handed over the grater back to you.

“I’m so sorry that’s all I have for you today Mathieu, I hope you’ll be ok”

“I understand… thank you so much…”, you said and gulped, looking at the foot sweat and dead skin.

“And here’s my number”, she handed over a card, “if you feel alone, need someone to talk with, just give me a call ok? My name is Aimee, if the foot sweat is not enough we can help you in another way, but you must not lose hope ok? We can help you get back to normal”

“Ok.. t..thank you Aimee, I.. really appreciate it”, you said slowly and nodded, she got up and gestured for another hug, you stood up and let her hug you goodbye, then she left.

The moment she closed the door you ran toward one of the bags, you punctured a hole in it with your teeth and started sucking it, closing your eyes, consuming the foot sweat, trying to imagine you are shrunken in front of Clementine’s feet. Then you grabbed a pile of Aimee’s dead skin and shoved it inside your mouth, munching and swallowing it.

It was far better than regular food or water, and yet, it wasn’t with Clementine’s special aroma, it wasn’t the same…


Weeks have passed, all you ate was the bags of foot sweat and the dead skin Aimee left you, sometimes you mixed it with water but it wasn’t good enough, when you reached the last bag, and the dead skin was all gone, you decided to give her another call.

“Hi.. Aimee? I think I need help”, and you explained your situation.

She hummed in understanding, “I see, maybe your state is more severe… perhaps we should go to SLM HQ, have a meeting with the organisation’s psychologist, she helped many poor people in the same state, even men who were enslaved for 20 years, you were enslaved for just 4 years, I’m sure she will think of a solution”

It sounded good to you, you let her schedule you an appointment.

You sucked the last bag of foot sweat and went out, used public transport to get to their HQ, they guided you over to one of the offices in the back, you sat outside an office and waited, there was a sign next to the door “Jess Stinson, Psychologist”.

Next to you were some aquariums with shrunken men inside.

After perhaps 30 minutes the door opened up, a beautiful blonde stood by the entrance, you watched her and gulped, she handed over an aquarium with a shrunken man to one of the volunteers, “humanitarian slavery, take him to Rachel”, and the volunteer quickly went away, then Jess turned her face to you.

“Mathieu? I’ll see you now”, she said and walked in, you got up and entered her office, shyly sitting on the chair beside her desk.

“Ok, so I read your file, sorry, do you understand me?” She spoke loud and slow, like she’s talking to a retarded person.

“Yes, I understand… can you speak normally please”, you mumbled, she reminded you a lot of Clementine by the way she looked.

“Ah, forgive me, I’m used to speaking with shrunken men here.

I’m Jess, I’m the organisation’s psychologist, Aimee told me all about your situation, and I read your file, shrunken custody”, she explained and you nodded.

“I’ll be honest and direct with you, I think it’s a lost cause”

You opened your eyes in surprise, “lost cause?” You asked.

“Yes, you have a serious case of shrunken PTSD, the only humanitarian thing I can do with you is make you a foot slave just like you lived the last 4 years”.

“Are.. are you sure there’s no way to heal me? And for how long?”

“How long?” She repeated after you and giggled, “for the rest of your life of course, that’s what you are now - a shrunken foot slave in a normal size, it’s not natural, we need to return you to your natural size”.

It didn’t sound right to you at all, “I.. I wasn’t expecting that” you said confused.

“Don’t you want to return to a tiny size?” She asked with a smile, getting closer to you with her chair.

“Well.. I really do, but..-“

“So why not? I’ll tell you what, let’s shrink you, let you lick some foot sweat, then I’ll let you decide if you want to stay like that or continue your struggle with being normal size”, she was very confident, authoritative, it felt like she knows what she’s doing, her smile reminded you of Clementine again.

“Ok..” you said quietly, “I guess it’s ok”.

“Great, A volunteer will come and escort you to the shrinking room then she will bring you back here, don’t be nervous, good luck”, she concluded, closed your file and placed it beneath her desk.

“Yes.. thank you Jess”, you said and got up, when you opened the door a smiling volunteer stood there, and you walked together to the shrinking room.

You were anxious and excited about returning to tiny size.


End of part 10



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