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2 stories today, I know some of you miss a good one part story, so that’s a gift to you, enjoy 🎁


You were kidnapped and tamed by a professional shrinkies enslaver, Tina, you were very easy to tame, you were always a shy, weak and nerd person, that’s probably why she chose you in the first place.

Still, she had a hard time selling you. Women who came to her improvised home “shop” always took a look at you and moved on, eventually buying another.

It made Tina angry, “I’m taking care of you for over a year now, I’ve never had a pathetic slave here for so long, I don’t know what to do with you, such a waste of time and effort”, she sighed in anger, you just bowed your head down, not sure what she wants you to do.

Tina made a phone call with a customer, putting it on speaker, she walked away from your cage and sat in the salon, “Hey Alice, it’s been some time since you’ve been here, what’s up?”

“Hmm yeah, I don’t know, all my dead skin was removed and my last slave actually starved to death”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, haven’t you given him something else to eat?”

“Ugh, no, I think this slaves thing is not for me, I’m just not good in taking care of them, wasted so much money already, couldn’t get even one to survive more than a week”

You saw Tina starting to smile mischievously, “listen, I might have something for you, I recently caught and tamed a very obedient slave, he’s strong and capable of surviving harsh conditions, highly resilient!”, she said smiling, sneaking a look at you.

“You think?” Alice asked in a hesitant voice.

“Oh yeah, he’s amazing, I barely feed him”


“Since you are one of my favourites, I’ll even make it half price”, she added, trying to push her to close the deal.

“Ok I guess, but can you come over and bring him here? I’m kinda busy relaxing today”

She immediately stood up, “oh yes of course, coming right over”

“I’ll pay for the taxi don’t worry about it, bye now”

The call ended, and Tina was making a proud excited face, “Yes!” She punched the air up, shrieking in joy, she quickly went and picked up your cage, “you are finally getting out of here trash”, she said with a big smile and ordered a taxi.

“Oh my that’s excellent, this client is so rich I overpriced her in the first place, half price is still more than I usually sell slaves, you get that? You are actually being sold for more than usual!” She burst into laughter as she walked out, you just kept bowing down, holding your collar with your hands, slowly twisting it around your neck, not sure how to respond.


As she reached her place, it was a big impressive Vila with an impressive gate, Tina got in and rang the bell, a butler opened it.

“Hi, I’m here for Alice” she said and the butler showed her the way, when she got there you saw a beautiful woman relaxing with a glass of wine in her hand, wearing a robe and reading a book.

Her feet were propped up on some kind of a marble table.

“Hey Alice!” Tina said with a smile, Alice nodded in courtesy, Tina placed the cage on the marble, Alice raised her head and took a look at you.

“Joffrey, please give the lady 7,000$ from the change jar, thank you”, she said, “oh and add 100$ transportation fee”

“Oh thank you Alice that’s kind”, you’ve never heard Tina so submissive before.

“Can you tie him to my toe ring’s chain?” She pointed at her feet, playing with her toes, Tina got you out of the cage, stuck you closer to Alice’s feet and then attached the golden chain to your collar, your face was shoved into her sole.

“Thanks Tina, I appreciate it”, she said and flipped a page in her book.

“Oh no worries, I’m sure you’ll enjoy him, he’s one of the best I tamed, he’ll do whatever you want him to”, she excitedly explained and Alice just responded with a faint hum, “anyway, stay in touch!” Tina said and went to get the money from Joffrey.

You were hanging there, trying to get a hold of her foot’s crevices so the collar won’t hurt your neck too much.

“Well? Shouldn’t you start licking?” She asked impatiently.

You immediately started licking her sole, trying to cover whatever area you could while being chained like that.

After a short while, she sighed, “can you lick a bit harder? I can hardly feel it”, you gasped, finished swallowing another ounce of foot sweat, not sure how you can go harder, you already strained so much, you tried to shove your head to the area beneath the toes as you knew it’s a more sensitive spot. But you didn’t hear any satisfaction signs from her, you just kept licking the best you could.

“K go in between my toes, at least clear the grime”, she sighed impatiently, “I can’t believe this is how she tamed you, that’s embarrassing”.

You felt so humiliated, you were scared she might ask Tina for a refund and return you, you knew it means Tina will just exterminate you, you used the chain to climb up and shoved your face with every strength left in you in between her toes, licked and grind your teeth, swallowing nasty grime and foot sweat that was stuck there, you even squeezed it from within the small crevices.

“Hmm, that’s better”, she said and sighed in satisfaction, you were relieved, she turned back reading her book and you kept crawling and shoving yourself all over her toes, you’ve never worked so hard in your life, you left every gap between the toes spotlessly clean, when you were finished you went back licking the ball of her foot.

A long time passed and Alice kept reading her book, sipping from her glass of wine from time to time, then she sighed and stretched, started lifting her feet from the table, you realized she forgot that you were there, hanging from the chain in the air beneath her foot.

Her feet started descending to the ground, you started climbing the chain and tried to touch her foot just to remind her you are there. You felt the floor beneath you and her sole kept descending.


Her feet gently landed on the cold marble floor, crushing you beneath them completely, you had no chance to survive.

She quickly raised her foot back, your crushed lifeless body was hanging from the small chain.

“Oh god, not another one…” she removed the ring and examined you closely, then she sighed in disappointment, “surviving harsh conditions”, she imitated Tina mockingly, “useless bitch, it’s the last time I’m buying a slave from her”, she proceeded to the bathroom, then detached your collar and made you fall inside the toilet, she removed her underwear and sat down, peeing on top of your remains then flushing the water.

While washing her hands she also washed the toe ring and the chain from your blood, “such a waste”, she mumbled.



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