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You woke up inside the sneaker, looking up, trying to understand what time is it and what happened yesterday, you were slowly start to remember what Clementine said yesterday, about the fact that your innocence is already proven almost 2 years ago, about how manipulative she was in order to make you her foot slave, you started sobbing inside her shoe.

Your whole body was damaged, your neck was numb and hurt, you just laid down in embryo pose inside her sneaker and waited.

After a very long time the door was opened, you saw Clementine’s shadow forming around you, you slowly looked up and saw her looking at you from above, her eyebrows were turned backwards in a sad expression, you just shoved your head into the sole of the shoe, you didn’t want to look at her.

“Look, I said a lot of nasty things yesterday, I was drunk, believe it or not I’m truly sorry for it”, she explained with a compassionate tone, but you didn’t want to hear it, you just turned your back to her.

She plucked you out with her fingers and went to the kitchen, placing you next to the sink, she held the remote, you looked at it with teary eyes, why the hell would she use it right now?

She clicked it and *SNAP* the collar opened and fell down, you quickly started touching and caressing your neck. It's been so long since you could do it, you started crying, sat down on the marble and sobbed from happiness just from the fact you don’t have a collar anymore.

She grabbed the collar and threw it to the garbage, then the remote as well, you were shocked.

“You need a shower”, she said in an indifferent tone, then filled a tiny plastic box with tap water and placed you inside, you saw how the water around you started getting oily and black, you were as dirty as a barefoot walking outside, you started rubbing yourself, you didn’t care why it’s happening now - but you were in uphoria, Clementine grabbed her kitchen soap and poured one drop inside the water, you continued rubbing yourself vigorously, you felt how slowly your muscles are being relieved, you’ve never felt better in your life.

She placed 2 hands at the marble and laid her head on top of them, examining you closely.

“So the petition to hold you in custody for 5 years was already accepted and I can’t do much about it, so you will have to stay here for 5 years”

You didn’t believe her, and anyway, deep down you already accepted being here for the rest of your life.

“But after how I treated you yesterday I had conscious the entire day at the office, you were a good slave, always worked hard, honestly I feel bad for you now”

You looked at her for a second, trying to see if she lies, but she looked sincere to you, you continued rubbing yourself with a confused face.

“Listen, we have 3 more years to spend together, and it doesn't have to be a nightmare to you, just continue being an obedient foot slave, make me happy on weekends, and that’s all”, she smiled.

You rubbed your head, you were confused by her sudden change of heart, “y..yes goddess…” you said in quite the shock.

“Oh no need for that anymore, you can call me Clementine again”, she smiled and raised her head, “anyway, you can continue cleaning yourself I’m going to take a shower”, and she started walking in the shower direction, then paused, “oh and we won’t be needing this anymore”, she grabbed the sneaker that was your home for the last year and a half and threw it to the garbage, then continued to shower.

You froze, what the hell just happened here, you thought to yourself, why is she suddenly being so nice to you? It didn’t make any sense, you continued rubbing yourself until eventually you leaped out of the plastic box, watching from outside how murky and oily the water became, you were so glad to be clean again.

She stepped out of the shower, covered with a towel, “now let’s try a decent foot treatment, ok?” You were shocked by the fact she is asking you to do it, you just nodded, she picked you up and placed you on the sofa, then rested her feet on top of it, you approached and started licking, you were glad her foot was clean, you even enjoyed it, your licks slowly turned to kisses of honest gratitude, you forgot all about yesterday, you were happy and you wanted to thank her with everything you got, she sighed in pleasure and turned on the tv, “hey, that’s that show you were watching back then, right?” You turned to the TV and saw the Witcher menu screen on Netflix.

“Umm, yes, but I don’t remember the episode”, you mumbled.

“Let’s watch it together from the start, what do you say?”

Your eyes started to fill up in tears, “really goddess?.. I.. I mean Clementine…” you prayed it’s not some kind of a cruel prank, but then she actually played the first episode, “you can watch it with me, just lick my feet while we do”, she said and you excitedly nodded, you would do anything for her right now, simply anything just to show gratitude, you stormed the foot and licked it, she made a satisfied smug and watched the show, making comments about it sometimes, you tried to find a position where you can both lick and watch, but at some point you just gave up on the show and was completely focused at making her satisfied, licking every spot you could find.

The weekend also went well, Clementine was relaxing outside after her morning jog letting you licking her feet. They were dirty and sweaty but you were used to it already, you were so relieved knowing you are not going to get randomly electrified. Clementine couldn’t hold herself and sometimes she still called you “slave” and enjoyed herself, masturbating in the bathtub while squeezing you, and this time you were ok with all of that.

Just like a classic Stockholm syndrome, you fell in love with Clementine, you were happy being hers, at night you were contemplating about the whole experience and you thanked god the police caught you that day.


Year passed by quickly, Clementine continued getting promoted and she was more and more focused on her work, you felt like she’s losing interest in you, you were licking her feet at the office and when she got back home, at this point it felt more like she’s feeding you more than enjoying it in any way.

At some point she stopped talking to you, she treated you as some kind of a pet she just needs to keep alive, your feeding periods went shorter as she usually sighed at some point and went on with her day, some days she didn’t let you lick her feet at all, she just dropped some crumbs in your cage and left for work, mumbling something about having a busy day.

Even when she treated you like that, you loved her, and you wanted to do whatever you could to make her happy, but it seemed like she just got used to it and didn’t get any pleasure from your licks and kisses.

Then after the last holidays, when you’ve completed almost 4 years of your sentence, she stopped taking you out of the cage, she left you crumbs and water, you didn’t like that at all, you missed her foot sweat, after maybe 3 weeks of treating you like that, you seized an opportunity when she got closer to the cage to drop you some crumbs.

“Clementine please, enough with the crumbs, I want your foot sweat”, you begged.

She made an irritated face and sighed, “really? Ugh”, she paused and started thinking for a moment, “ok I’ll go jogging, I sure need to get back in shape”, she said and went out, you waited excitedly for her return.

When she came back she was soaked in sweat, you hugged the bars and pushed yourself closer to her with your tongue out, you were drooling like a mad man.

Then she got her shoes off, she pulled her wet socks and started using them to wipe off her foot sweat, then opened your cage and threw her socks inside, “here, just suck the foot sweat”, she said and walked away, you watched her going with a disappointed face, you were about to cry, you wanted to lick her feet so badly.


Since that day you weren’t licking her feet anymore, the only way you consumed her foot sweat was by sucking it from her used socks, and you still preferred it over crumbs and water, from time to time you kept begging her to let you lick her feet but she sighed and ignored it, she just focused on her work.

Then one day she finally opened your cage, you jumped in excitement getting ready to lick her feet.

“Hey Mathieu, so you were in shrunken custody for 4 years and 4 months, I’ve submitted a petition to release you early for good behaviour”

You looked at her with a confused face, “what?.. What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

She smiled, “well, it means you are free, I’m taking you to the shrinking center, aren’t you happy?”

You opened your eyes in terror, just the thought of not being at Clementine’s care anymore terrified you, “no, wait, Clementine please, I want to stay”, you begged on your knees, Clementine made a shocked and puzzled face.

“What? I was sure you are going to be happy about it”

“I… I thought you’ll keep me here forever, I don’t understand”, you started crying.

“Why would I keep you here forever? You served your sentence well, you were a very obedient and good slave, I truly believe you’ve been rehabilitated”, she explained calmly, still confused with your reaction.

“But.. I want to stay, please”, you continued crying, she just grabbed you and placed you in the tiny cage.

“Look, I’ve no idea what to say, but I can’t keep you anymore, just go back to your life”, she closed the cage on you while you were crying and went to the shrinking center.

You sobbed all the way there, and then she gave you to an employee who  placed you in the shrinking room, “I’ll wait for you here”, she waved from behind, there were beds with other shrunken men, then the process started and you slowly grew back to normal.

You sat over the bed, you felt huge and clumsy, employees came in to help you all dress up and walked you out, there you saw Clementine sitting and waiting, when she noticed you she smiled.

You went back to crying, you rubbed your eyes, Clementine got up and approached you, “I know it’s hard, but it’s ok now, you are a free man Mathieu, go back to your home and enjoy your life”, you looked at her and couldn’t understand how come you are taller than her, it’s been so long since you’ve seen the world from such a high perspective, it felt weird, it felt wrong.

Clementine waved and walked away, you couldn’t talk, you were in a shocked state, you started walking and sat on a bench outside of the shrinking center, it was all too sudden, you were there for almost 4 and a half years, being back to normal like that just didn’t make any sense.

You just sat there and cried in public, wishing this day was just a dream and to wake up shrunken under Clementine’s care.


End of part 9



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