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Hey, not a story this time just a post with some dictionary, I feel like there are a lot of concepts that have been explained in stories and I would like to sum some of them here:

1) Professional Enslaver

Is a woman who either find or kidnap shrunken man, she either trick them somehow into shrinking or just find them like that.

Then she will tame them into a certain role, foot slave is the most common one.

A good enslaver can tame a shrunken man usually within a few days, an excellent one can do it in a few hours.

Once she feels like they are ready, she sells them.

The common price for a shrunken tamed slave is 5,000$ but prices varies depends on the slave age, mental state, and other factors.

It means that the enslaved should notice not to completely break the victim mentally, it’s not an easy craft.

2) “Shrunken Lives Matters” (or SLM)

A non-profit organisation with the sole aim to help shrunken slavery victims of all kinds.

Either by taking action in saving them from enslavers homes, or try to get the authorities to do something about it.

They also help rehabilitate shrunken slaves who suffers from trauma of being enslaved.

Although mainly operating on volunteers, a small group of women at the center of the organisation is getting paid handsomely and in general have a lot of political power.

3) Shrinking Centers

The first one opened 14 years after the shrinking virus pandemic outbreak, it’s mainly a business, a place where you can pay a significant sum in order to shrink down in a supervised environment.

You can also pay in order to grow back.

In the first years you had to come with someone to accompany you, later shipping services started establishing so you could actually come alone and shrink yourself, then use shipping to get you wherever you want for the right price.

4) Shrinking Virus

No one knows it’s origin, a weird highly infectious virus who specifically took effect only on males, sometimes it kicks in quickly, sometimes it takes up to even 2 hours. Infectious men always end up 3-5 inches tall.


- Intense dizziness / Headache.

- Blurry view.

- Fingers and other limbs go numb, sometimes the whole body.

4.1) Cure / Vaccines

It took humanity just a few years to come up with a vaccine to the disease, vaccine means it only prevents men from getting infected.

Few years later, humanity also came up with a cure, it’s a fluid that if you drink while being shrunken you will grow back to normal just like how you shrunk.

4.2) Mutated shrinking virus

Very hard to attain, it’s an engineered shrinking virus that was created in a lab, it can overcome the vaccine protection and sometimes even make the cure useless.

Holding mutated shrinking virus counts as dangerous and highly illegal, but no one really forced those laws properly.

Think of it like modern Canabis, they go after the manufacturers but pretty much ignores the consumers.


That’s all for now, would like to hear your thoughts, and if you want more explanatory posts like that in the future.

Enjoy your weekend.


Added a collage I made for attention 😀



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