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During her vacation Clementine tortured you, even when you gave everything to make her satisfy she found an excuse to electrify you with the collar and barked at you to work harder.

Your tongue went numb, you couldn’t even feel the taste of her foot sweat anymore, every muscle in your body was burning in pain but you had no choice but to continue massaging and licking her feet while she relaxed herself from her daily routine.

You stopped talking, you entered a state where you are just following her orders the best you could, you tried to disconnect yourself from the situation in order to survive, disconnecting your mind from your body just so your body can somehow keep going through this endless torment, you thought that at some point Clementine would just lose interest but that moment never came.

On the last day of her vacation Clementine held her sneaker in front of you, “you are not going back inside your cage, this is your new home now”, she got it closer to you, then paused for a moment, “understand?” She demanded an answer.

“Yes goddess”, you defeatedly replied, and she picked you up and threw you inside her old overused shoe. She bought new sneakers here in Greece and she had no use for the old ones anymore, or maybe there was a use - a new home for you. She packed her stuff with you inside the sneaker and took off, flying back home.


Since that vacation nothing was the same anymore, Clementine inner desires broke loose, she humiliated you to ashes, forcing you to lick her feet non-stop.

Back at the office, she would electrify you for no reason just because she got mad at work, the days when she lost cases were the worst - she threw all of her frustration at you, electrified you while you licked her feet like you were some stress toy.

Days became weeks, weeks became months, and months accumulated up to more than a year of endless torment.

It was the holidays again, and you dared not say anything to Clementine, you knew she would get mad if you asked about your sentence, so you just kept being an obedient slave, helplessly trying to show her that you are “rehabilitated”, whatever that means anymore, you didn’t even know.


One day, after who knows how long, she won an important case and celebrated, she came home drunk with a smug smile, she started pushing her foot inside the sneaker you were in, “hey, kiss my toes SLAVE”, you immediately obeyed, her toes smelled like alcohol, in all your time together you never saw her drunk, she was never drinking, you figured it probably was a very important case if she allows herself to celebrate like that.

After a few minutes of kissing and licking her toes, she pulled her foot and picked you up, holding you in front of her face, “Hey Mathieu, how are you doing?” she asked and then burped in your face, it was disgusting and the stink of alcohol was extremely intense, she kept looking at you with glassy drunken eyes.

“I’m… I’m ok, thank you goddess”, you replied with your head down, she started drunkenly giggling, “ok? give me a break, look at you”, she started laughing, then threw you at the salon’s table, you hit the wood hard.

“You are pathetic, a helpless little slave”, she started humiliating you while you desperately got on all fours, shaking in pain, “you are nothing, all you have are my feet, and you tell me you are ok?” She kept laughing cruelly.

“Goddess please”, you begged and coughed, you quickly raised your head just to make sure she’s not holding the collar’s remote, luckily she hasn’t, you hugged your ribs and continued coughing.

“You know, in just 15 days you are going to be here for 2 years”, she said with a big smile, you opened your eyes in shock, you had no idea it’s been so long, “are you excited to be free?”

You stood up, a smile started forming on your face, “what?.. really goddess?..”

“That’s your sentence, no? 2 years”, she said while looking at you.

“Well.. yes goddess, yes, you are right”, you said in a shaking voice, you couldn’t admit it but you actually lost all hope to ever be free so you stopped even thinking about it.

“If you chose jail, how long would it be?” She asked with a smile.

“It should’ve been 5 years goddess”, you answered.

“Hmm”, she held her chin, thinking, “5 years sounds a lot more reasonable though, don’t you think? Maybe the judge was right” She scrunched her toes playfully, her drunken smile grew wider.

You gulped in fear, “goddess… I.. I didn’t do anything, you know I’m innocent”, you mumbled in fear.

“Well of course I know you’re innocent, they caught the real burglars 3 weeks after your sentence”, she said while scratching the back of her head and yawning, like what she just said wasn’t interesting.

You jumped in surprise, “they what? Caught? So why.. Why am I still being punished? Why did no one set me free when they were caught?”

She started laughing, “it doesn’t work like that, you should have made a petition for redemption, it’s a legal process, a complicated one, don’t be ridiculous”

“But.. I’d no idea they caught the real criminals”, tears started filling your eyes as you realized you were being tortured here for so long when it was clear you are innocent.

Her foot was shoved into your face, “well, it doesn’t matter, and besides, who would have licked my feet all this time if you were free?” She drunkenly laughed as she kept smearing her sole in your face, you got your tongue out and started licking desperately because you knew it’s the only way to make her stop.

She stopped smearing her foot and just relaxed it, letting you lick it, “so I’ve decided”, she suddenly announced, “I’m extending your sentence to 5 years”, she laughed and grabbed her phone like it’s a toy, you quickly ran to the side of her feet.

“Clementine please! You just said the real criminals have been caught! I shouldn’t even be here! You are drunk, please don’t change my sentence now!” You screamed and cried, falling to your knees and begging her to stop.

Smiling, she kept tapping her phone, probably submitting the change, burping and snoring laughters casually, she ignored your pleadings, “it’s done”, she said and giggled, “5 years, it’s settled, good luck Mathieu!”.

“NO!!!” You screamed in anger, pointing at her, “You… you fucking lying bitch!! You’ve been using me all this time!!” You were furious, burning in anger.

She looked at you smiling, your anger amused her, she made a fake surprised gasp placing a hand over her mouth, “are you calling me a liar?” She asked and giggled.

“This shrunken custody is bullshit! You were enslaving me from the beginning! You never had any intention to release me, you fucking… psychopath!” You grabbed your head and started crying, sobbing in despair, realizing there’s nothing you can do about it.

She covered her mouth and started laughing loudly, “what did you expect? I mean, you were so cute, naive and helpless, you literally asked for it, my feet were tickling just by shaking your hand for the first time”

You were shocked, you had no idea it was something she thought about when you first met.

“And the way you looked at me, oh god, like a lost puppy, it was gorgeous, it’s like ‘foot slave’ was written on your forehead”

“No.. stop, stop talking”, you cried, covering your face with your hands.

“I mean, your case was a joke, the cops didn’t even read your rights, they had nothing, I could prove your innocence before breakfast”, her laughter grew louder and she clapped her hands, like being remembered in something nostalgic and funny.

“Why, why did you do it, I don’t understand”, you squeezed your hands to a punch, you’ve never been so mad in your life.

“Why? Because it was hilarious, you tried so hard to please me, oh god, the way you got all your muscles numb from massaging my feet, and when I told you it’s not enough, you should’ve seen your face”, she paused for a laugh, snorted drunkenly, “you kept pushing yourself to satisfy me and it was so satisfying to see your face when I told you it’s not enough, so pathetic, so helpless, I’ve never had so much fun in my life like I had in the last 2 years, thank you for that”.

You were shaking, furious, sad, all feelings were mixed together, you just sat on your knees, holding your head in complete despair, you couldn’t even cry anymore, your life is ruined for what exactly? For Clementine’s lols?

“Well get back to lick my feet, my foot sweat isn’t going anywhere”, she commanded playfully.

“No”, you refused with a strict face, grinding your teeth in anger.

“What’s that?” She asked with a confused face.

“I said no, fuck you and your disgusting feet”, you gave her third finger, waving it in anger.

“Oh that’s cute”, she reached her hand inside her purse and got the familiar remote out.

Your eyes opened up in fear, “no no, wai-“BZZZZZZ

The electric shock sent you to your knees immediately, she didn’t stop this time, she continued pressing on it with a smile, you twisted and twitched, your whole body was quivering, while being electrified she placed her foot on top of you, smearing you into the table.

“Grrr oh my god the shock is tickling!”, she snorted with a drunken laugh and smeared you while you were being electrified, your body just couldn’t take it anymore, you felt like you were dying, your eyes closed and you passed out.


End of part 8




Questions for the readers (will create a poll later): 1) Do you like it when a story has more than one image? Can you relate and understand which image refer to each part of the story? 2) What do you think about the collage, the tiny added to the second picture, do you like it or think it disturbs the imagination