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Clementine went out of the shower and detached your cage from her purse, she went outside and poured you out of the cage, making you fall on your back on a tanning chair outside.

[pic 1]

Without saying much both her feet landed next to you, she wore sunglasses and looked at you with anticipation, she didn’t need to command anything, you knew exactly what to do, you got up and threw yourself at her feet, quickly started licking the soft surface, you were nervous until you heard Clementine’s familiar sigh, that’s how you knew she’s satisfied even if she doesn’t admit it.

“Work harder, it’s my vacation, I want you to work at my feet today until you pass out”, she commanded with pleasure, you hoped it’s just a metaphor, but you continued licking her sole like you knew best.

It was hot, and the sun was just as unforgiving as Clementine, fresh foot sweat started forming on her feet and you had to lick it off, you tried your best to maintain the pace but it was too hot for you to keep up.

You knew it’s below standard but you kept going, pushing your face between her toes and trying to lick whatever you can, smearing your face in her foot sweat, covering yourself in her stench.

“I really don’t understand”, she started talking, “you know I have full control over the length of your sentence, and yet you do so little to keep me satisfied”.

“Clementine I swear, I’m giving your feet all I got”, you begged.

“Not nearly enough, perhaps another year as a pathetic foot slave would set your straight”, she said, playing with your freedom like it’s a game.

“Please”, you mumbled and shoved your face to another gap between her toes, almost drowning in her foot sweat you started gagging and gulping it.

“Maybe 2, or even 5 more years, perhaps even 10, why don’t you lick my feet until you die of old age”

“Please Clementine, my life is not a game, I’m not a toy, I’m doing all I can to make you happy”, you started crying as you continued smearing your tongue beneath her toes, swallowing a lot of foot sweat.

“Besides, what will you do with your pathetic life if I let you go? The police will probably capture you again, such a waste”, she sighed and let you keep licking, she grabbed her iPhone and started browsing it, you were glad she’s finally being distracted and will stop humiliating you for a moment.

Your own sweat started mixing in her foot sweat, it was hard physical labor but you kept pushing yourself, you couldn’t even imagine a reality where your sentence is being extended, you must impress her, you must… continue… but the sun was too hot, you started losing consciousness, you tried to fight it and continue licking but you just fell down with your tongue out on the hot chair’s fabric and passed out.


When you woke up, you felt something around your neck, you immediately touched it and realized it’s some kind of a collar, then you noticed it has a string going out of it, you followed it and saw a toe ring hung on a stand, you looked around searching for Clementine but she was nowhere, it was still midday and your throat was sore and dry from all of the disgusting sweat that was pouring through it, with nothing better to do you just sat down and waited.

The room’s door opened and Clementine walked in, soaked in sweat, she was wearing her old snickers, she quickly kicked them away, “oh I see you woke up”, she picked you up with a sweaty hand and walked outside to the same tanning chair as before, “now let’s try again”, she said as she placed you on the table and placed the toe ring on her second toe, you were confused, looking around.

[Pic 2]

“Clementine, I don’t under-“BZZZZ

An intense electric shock sent you to your knees, the pain was unbelievable, you started coughing and tried to remove the collar, Clementine was looking at you with an indifferent gaze, holding a small remote like it was a toy, you figured that’s what electrified you through the collar.

“Tongue out, lick”, she commanded with an arrogant look.

“But.. but I do”, you looked down, still feeling the pain over your neck, “I’m doing everything you ask of-“BZZZZ

Another electric shock sent you crawling, you tried to scream for her to stop, you didn’t understand this, you didn’t understand any of it.

You are doing everything she tells you to do, you literally licked and treated her feet in the sun so long you passed out, ever since you were shrunk you’ve been nothing but obedient, no matter how degrading and how humiliating Clementine was - you were always following her orders the best way you could.

Yet she treats you like an unruly slave, like you are being rebellious, she placed an electric collar on your neck like you are a stray disobedient dog who needed to be educated, but you were nothing like that, all you wanted is for her to be satisfied.

So you crawled to her sole and started kissing it miserably, anything just so the electric shocks would stop, you smeared your face into her disgusting foot sweat and kissed it, silently begging her to stop it.


Another electric shock, you thought you were about to pass out or even die, “I said LICK, if I wanted to feel your pathetic kisses I would’ve asked for it”, she was mean, crueler than ever before, you got your tongue out and made a pathetic lick, you could barely move, your neck was burning in pain, your entire body felt numb, the smell of her putrid sweat was mixed with the smell of your burned skin, you continued licking over and over again while crying.

“I’ve decided to extend your sentence by another year, I sent the order when you were sleeping like lazy trash”, she said in a cold dissatisfied tone, “you will learn to obey, I’m done being nice to you”, you wanted to say something so much but you kept licking, afraid to give her another excuse to shock you again, you couldn’t explain why this is happening to you, she knows you are innocent, she knows you don’t deserve this whole punishment, and she must know you are giving her everything you got - so why? Why be so cruel, you thought while licking her vile foot sweat, swallowing it ounce by ounce.

After what felt like forever she finally pulled her feet away, dragging you by your neck but then she removed the toe ring and threw it next to you, she looked down at you with a smug, arrogant look, like you were less than foot dirt.

“Did you understand what I just said, Mathieu? Another whole year as my pathetic foot SLAVE”, she emphasized the word knowing it hurts you, “one way or another you’ll be rehabilitated”.

“Ye..yes Clementine”, you answered while shaking, “but.. but why.. I’m doing everything I can…”, you started crying miserably again.

“Not nearly enough”, she scoffed, “and your sentence will just keep growing if you don’t understand your place”

You bowed all the way down, touching the surface of the table with your forehead, “I know my place”, you pleaded, shaking, not knowing what else to do anymore, “I’m your slave, you own me, and I’ll do whatever you say, please Clementine…” a complete defeated gesture.

She paused for a moment, a mocking smile started forming on her face, then she clicked the small remote in her hand again.


You fell down, you couldn’t take that immense pain anymore.

“No more Clementine, I’ve been too gentle with you, it’s goddess, only goddess from now on, refer to me by any other name and you get shocked”, she placed her feet back on the table, crossed on top of each other, laying back victorious.

“Y..yes goddess…” you mumbled, you would do anything right now, anything just to make the pain stop.

“Good slave, now you may kiss my feet”, she commanded, you crawled to her toes and started kissing.

From being a nice caring attorney you loved, Clementine became simply a cruel monster, you couldn’t understand how this cruelty would rehabilitate you, she’s just breaking you completely and you could swear she takes pleasure in it.

You couldn’t do much now, you can only follow her orders, be as obedient as possible and hope that things will somehow get better.


End of part 7



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