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Years have passed, and almost every day looked the same, Sofia worked you around the clock treating her feet, when she left for arrangements or a vacation she left you some sweat and dead skin powder in your cage, so you never left her house during all those years, you tried to keep track of the date but you knew you probably missed some days or even weeks, it was really hard to maintain sanity in this situation.

One day while licking between Sofia’s toes you realized you actually forgot your own name, you tried clinging into anything you remember before being enslaved by her but you couldn’t remember any other face than Sofia’s, she was your everything, and her feet were your only focus in your entire life, sometimes months went by without you saying a word, all you could think about was the state of her feet and what dead skin clusters still needs to be taken care of.

You knew every crack and every mark on every inch of both her feet by heart, you knew it better than you knew the palm of your hand, you knew the sensitive spots, you knew the ones that tend to become dry and accumulate dead skin, everything, even your dreams were about Sofia’s feet.

It’s like you traded everything you knew, and every skill you ever had in exchange for being good at treating Sofia’s feet. You always noticed her mood and adjusted your treatment properly, you knew when to kiss her soles, when to lick them and when she just wants her dead skin removed, she never even had to ask anymore, you were the highest level of expertise in being her foot slave.

One day, after who knows how many months or even years of silence from her side, she talked to you, “hey, happy decade of slavery tiny” she said casually while checking her phone and giggle, “it’s actually been ten years since you first treated my feet, wow, times fly by so fast”, her giggle turned into laughing.

You didn’t know how to react, you kind of forgot how to communicate properly, so you went back to licking her sole and listened.

“And during all this time you never asked for water or anything else actually, I’m so proud of myself for finding you.

It’s like you were born to be my foot slave, it was always your destiny, right?”, she said and you kept licking.

She bent closer, “don’t you have anything to say?”

You stopped licking and walked backwards, you stared at her and she was looking at you with her godly gorgeous smile, it’s like she hasn't aged a day, still beautiful like the day you first met her.

“My debt”, you clumsily said, surprised by your own voice, “when can I be free?” You asked.

“What? Your debt? Oh wow, let’s check what’s about it”, she placed her glass down and turned to her laptop, as she entered the folder you saw her scrolling through more than a hundred files.

Every file represented another month of endless slavery at her feet, she entered the most recent one.

You watched it and realized you forgot how to read, it looked like nothing to you, you tried to read the numbers but you just couldn’t comprehend it.

“Can you please read it to me?” You asked her, slowly your cognitive senses returned the more you talked out loud.

“Hmm ok so your salary is still 2,000€

Cage accommodation: -1,200€

Cage maintenance: -500€

Foot sweat: -550€

Dead skin: -600€

Toe Jam: -500€

Your net salary is -1,350€”

You stood there, trying to digest what you’ve just heard.

“I don’t understand”, you said.

“Well honey, there was inflation, you know the prices don't stay the same for so long”, she raised her cup of coffee and sipped from it, then smiled at you again.

“But I’m working so hard, how come I’m not making any money, I’m giving your feet all I got”, her explanation was too casual and you were confused by the situation, still digesting the meaning of it.

“What can I say? You are right, I even stopped giving you fines years ago, but my foot sweat is just so expensive these days” she started laughing at her own joke, “and my feet’s dead skin you eat? It’s literally more expensive than gold now” she bursts into tears of laughter, wiping them off with her knuckles.

“So what do I do? How can I be free again”, you naively asked, still not fully digesting your dire situation.

“Hmm let’s see, your current debt is 57,483€.

So I don’t think you’re going anywhere anytime soon”, another sip, and half a smile.

“But it’s much more than my original debt”, you started desperately crying.

She calmly sipped from her coffee again, “very unfortunate, but there’s not much I can do for you, life got pretty expensive here in Europe, in my opinion you are kind of lucky you know?

You have a place to stay, food around the clock, and a very nice hostess, I hope you appreciate it”, she turned back to her laptop and closed the folder.

You sat down and held your head, all hopes were gone, you served her 10 years for nothing, and you will stay her foot slave for the rest of your life.

Once you accepted and fully digested it, you realized you can ask her for water or proper food and just add it to your debt, you’ll never cover it anyway.

“Sofia, so can I please have some water then, even just a sip? I've been fantasizing about it for years”.

“Mmm… the price of a bottle tap filled with water for you now will be 150,000€”

You knew it didn’t matter, “it’s fine by me”, you defeatedly said.

“But it’s not fine by me, you already owe me 57k€, can’t have someone owing me 200k€ living here and having all the other expensive benefits just like that, don’t push it”, she answered firmly, like any of it made sense.

You sat down and started crying again.

“Oh honey”, she made a fake empathic face, “don’t cry, I’ll give you a raise to 3,700€ starting next month ok? You truly deserve it”

“Just please tell me what my net salary will be”, you sniffed while crying, trying to calm yourself down.

“Considering last month it will be 350€! You never made that much in a month before!”, she said with a cheery voice and a wide opened smiling mouth.

You stopped crying and stood up, looking at her with hope, “really Sofia? And how long does it mean I need to work for you?”

“Well let’s see”, she entered a calculator app, “it’s 164 more months, which means just 13.5 more years, sounds good doesn't it?” Her familiar smile turned to you again.

“It means I’ll be your foot slave for half of my life”, you answered in shock and she laughed.

“Sounds good to me”, she said and popped her feet in front of you again, taking another sip, “let’s hope foot sweat prices won’t rise up again”, she said quietly  with a mischievous smile, knowing that no matter how hard and how long you’ll serve her, you’ll never be free again, in her eyes you are already her personal property, it amused her that you still see yourself as an employee, just a part of her entertainment.

You approached the feet that were your entire life for the last decade and started kissing her toes, as you knew she likes that in the morning.

You made an extra effort, thanking her for this generous raise, somehow you even felt that she’s kind to you by doing this, that she’s sincerely trying to help you finish paying your debt, years of slavery made you lost most of your humanity and your senses of judgement.

She giggled as she turned back to her laptop to start working, placing her cup of coffee on the desk.

“You are just the perfect slave, keep working like that and I might even give you a bonus”, she said while tapping her keyboard.

Her words motivated you further and you started licking more passionately between her toes, swallowing her toe jam like a starved animal. You kept thinking that you are lucky to have her by your side.

Sofia let out a giggle as she felt you strain so hard and her mischievous smile grew bigger, she decided to stop working for a moment and enjoy feeling your efforts, she laid back, grabbed her cup of coffee again and enjoyed the beautiful view outside the window, thinking how amazing her life is and was proud of herself for how efficiently she deleted your personality and exchanged it with such a perfect foot slave./gbt222/art/Overcharged-the-best-Giantess-stor

Years have passed, and almost every day looked the same, Sofia worked you around the clock treating her feet, when she left for arrangements or a vacation she left you some sweat and dead skin powder in your cage, so you never left her house during all those years, you tried to keep track of the date but you knew you probably missed some days or even weeks, it was really hard to maintain sanity in this situation.

One day while licking between Sofia’s toes you realized you actually forgot your own name, you tried clinging into anything you remember before being enslaved by her but you couldn’t remember any other face than Sofia’s, she was your everything, and her feet were your only focus in your entire life, sometimes months went by without you saying a word, all you could think about was the state of her feet and what dead skin clusters still needs to be taken care of.

You knew every crack and every mark on every inch of both her feet by heart, you knew it better than you knew the palm of your hand, you knew the sensitive spots, you knew the ones that tend to become dry and accumulate dead skin, everything, even your dreams were about Sofia’s feet.

It’s like you traded everything you knew, and every skill you ever had in exchange for being good at treating Sofia’s feet. You always noticed her mood and adjusted your treatment properly, you knew when to kiss her soles, when to lick them and when she just wants her dead skin removed, she never even had to ask anymore, you were the highest level of expertise in being her foot slave.

One day, after who knows how many months or even years of silence from her side, she talked to you, “hey, happy decade of slavery tiny” she said casually while checking her phone and giggle, “it’s actually been ten years since you first treated my feet, wow, times fly by so fast”, her giggle turned into laughing.

You didn’t know how to react, you kind of forgot how to communicate properly, so you went back to licking her sole and listened.

“And during all this time you never asked for water or anything else actually, I’m so proud of myself for finding you.

It’s like you were born to be my foot slave, it was always your destiny, right?”, she said and you kept licking.

She bent closer, “don’t you have anything to say?”

You stopped licking and walked backwards, you stared at her and she was looking at you with her godly gorgeous smile, it’s like she hasn't aged a day, still beautiful like the day you first met her.

“My debt”, you clumsily said, surprised by your own voice, “when can I be free?” You asked.

“What? Your debt? Oh wow, let’s check what’s about it”, she placed her glass down and turned to her laptop, as she entered the folder you saw her scrolling through more than a hundred files.

Every file represented another month of endless slavery at her feet, she entered the most recent one.

You watched it and realized you forgot how to read, it looked like nothing to you, you tried to read the numbers but you just couldn’t comprehend it.

“Can you please read it to me?” You asked her, slowly your cognitive senses returned the more you talked out loud.

“Hmm ok so your salary is still 2,000€

Cage accommodation: -1,200€

Cage maintenance: -500€

Foot sweat: -550€

Dead skin: -600€

Toe Jam: -500€

Your net salary is -1,350€”

You stood there, trying to digest what you’ve just heard.

“I don’t understand”, you said.

“Well honey, there was inflation, you know the prices don't stay the same for so long”, she raised her cup of coffee and sipped from it, then smiled at you again.

“But I’m working so hard, how come I’m not making any money, I’m giving your feet all I got”, her explanation was too casual and you were confused by the situation, still digesting the meaning of it.

“What can I say? You are right, I even stopped giving you fines years ago, but my foot sweat is just so expensive these days” she started laughing at her own joke, “and my feet’s dead skin you eat? It’s literally more expensive than gold now” she bursts into tears of laughter, wiping them off with her knuckles.

“So what do I do? How can I be free again”, you naively asked, still not fully digesting your dire situation.

“Hmm let’s see, your current debt is 57,483€.

So I don’t think you’re going anywhere anytime soon”, another sip, and half a smile.

“But it’s much more than my original debt”, you started desperately crying.

She calmly sipped from her coffee again, “very unfortunate, but there’s not much I can do for you, life got pretty expensive here in Europe, in my opinion you are kind of lucky you know?

You have a place to stay, food around the clock, and a very nice hostess, I hope you appreciate it”, she turned back to her laptop and closed the folder.

You sat down and held your head, all hopes were gone, you served her 10 years for nothing, and you will stay her foot slave for the rest of your life.

Once you accepted and fully digested it, you realized you can ask her for water or proper food and just add it to your debt, you’ll never cover it anyway.

“Sofia, so can I please have some water then, even just a sip? I've been fantasizing about it for years”.

“Mmm… the price of a bottle tap filled with water for you now will be 150,000€”

You knew it didn’t matter, “it’s fine by me”, you defeatedly said.

“But it’s not fine by me, you already owe me 57k€, can’t have someone owing me 200k€ living here and having all the other expensive benefits just like that, don’t push it”, she answered firmly, like any of it made sense.

You sat down and started crying again.

“Oh honey”, she made a fake empathic face, “don’t cry, I’ll give you a raise to 3,700€ starting next month ok? You truly deserve it”

“Just please tell me what my net salary will be”, you sniffed while crying, trying to calm yourself down.

“Considering last month it will be 350€! You never made that much in a month before!”, she said with a cheery voice and a wide opened smiling mouth.

You stopped crying and stood up, looking at her with hope, “really Sofia? And how long does it mean I need to work for you?”

“Well let’s see”, she entered a calculator app, “it’s 164 more months, which means just 13.5 more years, sounds good doesn't it?” Her familiar smile turned to you again.

“It means I’ll be your foot slave for half of my life”, you answered in shock and she laughed.

“Sounds good to me”, she said and popped her feet in front of you again, taking another sip, “let’s hope foot sweat prices won’t rise up again”, she said quietly  with a mischievous smile, knowing that no matter how hard and how long you’ll serve her, you’ll never be free again, in her eyes you are already her personal property, it amused her that you still see yourself as an employee, just a part of her entertainment.

You approached the feet that were your entire life for the last decade and started kissing her toes, as you knew she likes that in the morning.

You made an extra effort, thanking her for this generous raise, somehow you even felt that she’s kind to you by doing this, that she’s sincerely trying to help you finish paying your debt, years of slavery made you lost most of your humanity and your senses of judgement.

She giggled as she turned back to her laptop to start working, placing her cup of coffee on the desk.

“You are just the perfect slave, keep working like that and I might even give you a bonus”, she said while tapping her keyboard.

Her words motivated you further and you started licking more passionately between her toes, swallowing her toe jam like a starved animal. You kept thinking that you are lucky to have her by your side.

Sofia let out a giggle as she felt you strain so hard and her mischievous smile grew bigger, she decided to stop working for a moment and enjoy feeling your efforts, she laid back, grabbed her cup of coffee again and enjoyed the beautiful view outside the window, thinking how amazing her life is and was proud of herself for how efficiently she deleted your personality and exchanged it with such a perfect foot slave.



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