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It was several years after the pandemic started, the shrinking virus was well known, and so is shrunken slavery, but there were no shrinking centers, and getting your hands over a shrinking virus was nearly impossible, not to mention all future shrinking tech like pills / drugs which wasn’t even exist.

Shelly was a very charismatic person, she had a blog, a podcast, and many followers.

She teaches about lifestyle, and there was a subject she kept raising up.

“I envy all the men out there, they have a ticket out of the mice race. They can just shrink and become slaves, freeing themselves from all the annoying modern worries and problems. if I could - I would have done it in a heartbeat”.

She kept convincing men to shrink willingly and give themselves as slaves, in fact - if you had even the slightest foot fetish, she would eventually convince you to become a shrunken foot slave, she was a natural.

“We work to make more money, and eventually use that money to survive in order to make more money, why? We live in a mice race, chasing others dreams, working for others, it must change.

Men can shrink and leave us aline in the race, why can't women shrink too? That’s because the shrinking virus was engineered by men, they want us to keep working and make money while they enjoy their lives as shrunken slaves” and it went on and on, any cliche you could think of - but it worked, it gave people the feeling that slavery isn’t a bad thing.

You’ve been following her for a while, and after you got fired from your job, you realized that everything she says is the ultimate truth. Why do you suffer in this life? Why find another job and continue running inside the mice race, you have the ticket out, so you sent her a message.

“Hi Shelly, I’m a big fan, and I’ve decided that I also want out of the mice race, can you help me? 🙇‍♂️ “

“Hi there Jim 👋🏻

I’m glad you are finally awake ❤️ , and of course I can help, come to my place tomorrow at 11am I have a free slot, bring anything valuable you want me to keep for you 🙏🏻”.

“Thank you so much Shelly 🙏🏻🙇‍♂️”

You packed everything, you left a letter to your sister - explaining that the apartment and everything in it is now hers, you thought of telling it to her but you were worried she might talk you out of it, so you thought it’s best to just leave a letter.

You also closed your social media accounts, and packed a small bag with photos and sentimental stuff, you couldn’t sleep thinking about tomorrow, and when the time came - you started traveling to her place with public transportation.

As you got to her city, you saw a rose stand and you thought it’s a nice gesture so you bought one.

You finally got to her place and knocked the door, she came and opened it, you got excited and overwhelmed.

“H..hi Shelly!… this… this is for you” you handed over the rose.

“Oh that’s so sweet of you”, she smelled it, “you are so cute, come in”

She had an amazing house, expensive furniture, and a huge TV. Looks like Shelly is mega rich.

You walked in some kind of an office, she gestured over a chair.

“Ok, so you’ve decided that you want to shrink and depart from your exhausting life, am I correct?” She asked with a smile.

“Yes, you could say that”

“Fantastic, I envy you so much, wish I had that choice as well”, she said and you smiled, you were happy to hear you are so privileged.

“So the process is rather quick, I’m gonna need you to sign some documents first, fill your details and all, nothing serious”, she got a contract out of the drawer and placed it on the table.

You quickly filled your details and signed, you haven’t paid much attention to the details, you trusted Shelly completely.

“Awesome, so are you ready to shrink? You need to lay here and I’ll bring you a glass of water mixed with the virus”

“Of course, thank you for doing it Shelly”, you said again in gratitude, you went to lay at the spot she pointed at, and she handed you a glass of water, “cheers”, you said and drank it whole.

You closed your eyes and felt a weird sensation of falling down.

“You can open your eyes now sweetie”, Shelly's voice boomed loudly. You felt her voice in your chest and bones, you opened your eyes and everything was blurry, then her hand reached and picked you up, she placed you on the floor. You could see her silhouette sitting down on the floor as well.

“So I’ll explain what’s happening now ok?”

You slowly stood up and nodded.

“You are no longer a free man, you are a shrunken slave, a property, just like the rose you gave me, understand?”

You excitedly nodded, looking around, thinking how cool it is to be so small.

“You signed off everything you owned to me, it means your bank accounts, house - if you had one, and anything else”

“Oh, I’m sorry but I was sure I left everything for my sister, I even left a letter explaining-“

“No, it’s all mine”, she stated in the middle of your sentence.

“O…Ok…” you started feeling very uncomfortable.

She stretched her leg, placing her sole in front of you.

“Now slave, in the next days I’m going to tame you, and then I will make a public auction in my women-only blog, highest bid will be your owner”

You gulped, it felt wrong, it wasn’t what you imagined, her explanations were so cold and strict.

“Now on your knees and kiss my sole, thank me for delivering you from the mice race”

You looked at her sole, it was dirty, covered with black stains.

“Umm Shelly? Your foot is a bit dirty, maybe-“

“Silence!” She ordered, “slaves don’t talk, ON YOUR KNEES”, you didn’t dare disobey, you got on your knees and shoved your face in her foot dirt, giving it a kiss.

“Good boy, now let’s see what valuables you brought”, she reached her hand to your bag while you kissed her sole.

She started taking things out, she looked disappointed, “you are so pathetic, your valuables are lame photos?”

“It’s.. it’s my family, I thought I could keep-“ *RRRIIPPP*

She ripped the photos apart with her hands, throwing it like confetti on the ground.

“You don’t have a family, nor past - all you have are my feet, say it”

Tears started forming in your eyes, “all… all I have are your feet”, you stuttered, then started sobbing.

“Now lick my feet clean slave, and if I hear you cough or gag - I’ll crush a limb with my toes”

You opened your eyes in terror, she was so cruel, you couldn’t believe you adored her, thinking she was your hero before you came here.

You slowly got your tongue out and bowed over her foot, giving small quick licks, fighting the urge to cough, it was disgusting, humiliating, it was terrifying to think that this is how your life is going to look like.

She called someone over the phone, “Hey Sima, got another one, will send you his ID and everything, be sure to transfer everything to my account today ok? Sounds like he has a sister or something who might claim the apartment, so take care of everything today.”

After a short pause she said, “yes, he is licking my feet right now, it’s a pathetic one, he gave me a rose”, after another pause she started laughing, “romantic?? Give me a break… he will be at the auction next week, I’ll double your bid as a gift so you might have him… bye girl, don’t forget - I want everything”, she hung up.

“Lick faster, stronger, and get your pathetic tiny head between the toes”, you obeyed and she let out a satisfied quiet moan, “good boy, you are going to become a fine obedient shrunken foot slave”.

You gulped an ounce of dirt mixed with her foot sweat, and desperately continued to lick, accepting your terrible new life as a shrunken foot slave, a life you were mislead to choose willingly.

You were one of many, Shelly was in fact the first professional enslaver, her book “how to enslave a tiny man” became some sort of a bible for future independent enslavers.



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