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Hey, I know it’s been a very long time since part 4, I highly suggest that before you continue reading - take a look back at parts 1-4 to be reminded about the details which are important here (I read them all twice before I continued writing). There’s been a lot of stories since then, so I’m sure it’s hard to remember the details for you as well.


“Wake up! We are late!”

You woke up inside a cage, you rubbed your eyes and looked at the window, it was still dark and you were confused.

“Dana is outside, she will drive you to the first customer, don’t forget! Work with passion today! It’s a long day ahead”

“W..what? What time is it? Am I in a.. cage?”

“It’s 4:30 the first customer is in half an hour we must go”, she paused for a moment, “it was the hamster cage the kids had, found it in the basement and cleaned it, I thought it will be more comfortable for you and easier to drive you around that way”, she explained as she organized and got dressed.

She quickly picked up the cage with you inside and went out, near the gate Dana was standing, Noa’s cousin, “hey, sorry, it was hard to wake up so early, here he is”, she handed over the cage to Dana who nodded at you with a smile, “I sent you list of customers with their addresses, it’s a long day but don’t worry you wouldn’t find a summer job more profitable”

“Of course, thanks, I’ll get him there, text me if there’s anything else I should know”

“He will tell you, I’m going back to sleep, just ask the customers if they enjoyed the session and encourage him to work harder, you’ll be ok”

Dana nodded and went to the car with you, you could see Noa was stretching and yawning, walking back to the house, you were wondering if she took another day off.

You examined the bars and the cage interior, it was somewhat demeaning being inside something like that, you tried to get some sleep until you arrived at the first customer.


“Ok we are here”, Dana picked up the cage and brought you to the first customer.

The client was nice, wanted a pedicure around her nails before going to work, you did a good job and she was happy.

And the day went on, hour after hour, more and more clients, you lost track of it, so many different kinds of feet, it was amazing how different they are, some had long toes, some had soft soles, some had so much dead skin it was like they had a shoe for a sole, but at least they all washed their feet before the treatment, and also treated you with minimal respect.

Dana yawned loudly, “finally, the last customer, what an exhausting day Huh?”

“Yeah… tell me about it, what time is it? I think I’m about to faint”

She peeked at her hand watch, “wow, it’s almost 9pm already, we are working for… almost 16 hours, is that even legal?”

“Oh my god… I don’t understand what Noa is thinking, I’ll die if we continue like that”

“I guess it’s just so much money to give up on, and many customers left you tips today, you should be happy… I think”

You slowly nodded

“So you actually lick their feet? Isn’t that disgusting?” She made a disgusted face.

“It is.. I’m still getting used to it, but it’s a horrible job”

She nodded as well, “ok we are here, last customer, yay”, she grabbed the cage and knocked on the door.

A middle aged woman opened it, she thanked Dana and took the cage inside, without saying much she placed you on the floor and opened it, she sat down with her sofa at her back, then slowly stretched her legs so her feet were in front of you.

To say her feet are dirty would be an understatement, they were covered in dirt, it’s like she walked barefoot outside.

She opened your cage with a satisfied smug face.

“I’m sorry miss, but you should wash your feet before the treatment”

“I don’t think so”, she said, still smirking at you.

“Miss, it’s inappropriate, please wash your feet so I can treat you properly”, you tried to stay respectful and professional, but her attitude gave you chills.

“I’m not going to do that, I’ll just pay the fine, start licking slave, I want it spotless”

You gulped, technically she can do that, Noa didn’t say anything about it’s not being possible, she just wrote that it’s a fine of 70$, which practically means this woman just sees it as “pay 70$ extra for dirty feet”, you are fucked.

She bent closer and brought her hand behind you, “should I force you to do it you filthy slave?”

“No! No… ok I’ll do it, Ugh..” you slowly approached the dirty sole, the smell was awful, you got your tongue out and gave it a lick, then coughing out dirt.

“Lick harder you pathetic little worm”

A fucking psychopath, just at the end of the day, you were too exhausted for this shit.

“On your knees! Shove your tongue on it!” She ordered with a smile.

You made another lick, and another lick, swallowing the horrible dirt that stuck to her sole, gagging and straining to continue, she looked at you in satisfaction, then she started to moan quietly, you couldn’t believe this was happening…

“Harder, lick harder you piece of shit, this dirt on my sole worth more than you do”, she said while moaning, then started to slip off her underwear, you were too scared to stop and look, you tried to lick harder and harder, adrenaline kicked in and you forgot all about your exhaustion.

She started masturbating while you licked between her toes, “shove your face in, you are pathetic!” She shouted and you obeyed, then she let out a loud moan, she came, you pulled your head out and she scrunched her toes - your arm was still between them - *CRACK* she broke it and you screamed in pain.

“Ahhhh…. Oh my god… did I just crush you?” She giggled in a tired voice, a huge smile on her face, looks like she wasn’t sexually satisfied in a long time.

“My arm! You broke my arm!” You fell on your back and started squirming over the floor.

“Oops, I better call your owner to come and pick you up”, she stood up, fixed her underwear and went to call Dana.

You kept squirming on the ground, almost fainting from the pain, then Dana walked in. She ran towards you and slowly picked you up, “oh my god what did you do to him!”

“So sorry, I just scrunched my toes”, she was a little embarrassed, “don’t worry - I will compensate you”, she opened a closet in her room, started counting 100$ bills, “he was amazing, I’ll give you a handsome tip”, she handed over to Dana a big pile of cash, Dana opened her eyes in surprise.

“O..ok, thanks I guess, I better take him to the hospital”

The sadistic woman waved for goodbye as Dana made a lite run to her car, trying to gently put you in the cage, “so sorry it happened to you, we will be in the hospital in 10 minutes”

She drove and made a call.

“Hey Noa, Jim broke his arm at the last customer I’m driving him to the hospital”.

“Oh my god, how did it happen?” Noa sounded panicked.

“She scrunched her toes or something over his arm”

“Oh no… how will he work tomorrow, we have the same amount of customers booked and it’s so late now, fuck”

You couldn’t believe that this is her response, she cared about the work and not about the fact that you are with a broken arm on your way to the hospital.

“Keep me updated Dana”, Noa said after a pause.

Dana sighed, “ok bye now”, she hung up.

She looked at you at a red traffic light, “Noa is really into it ah? I’m sorry you heard it, it’s not cool” She made a merciful face as she realized that you are in so much pain you can’t even answer, “I’ll try to talk with her about it, I think she’s just nervous about your financial situation and all that…”

As you got to the hospital, the doctor looked at Dana with a strange face, “shouldn’t you take him to a vet or something? I’m not sure I can help” she suggested with a puzzled face, looking at the cage.

“Please, just a fixation or something, he is in pain”.

The doctor sighed, she took the cage from Dana and started examining your arm, then she made a fixation with a plaster, tying wooden toothpicks with rubber.

She gave you some sedating drugs.

She placed you back in the cage and went out to Dana again.

“Look, I had to improvise something, I won’t charge you for it, just pay 150$ for the time slot.

He needs to rest, let his arm heal”

“Thank you doctor”, Dana drove to your home while you slept in your cage.


“Ugh, it’s terrible”, you heard Noa’s voice, it woke you up, she examined you inside the cage.

Then she counted some bills and handed over to Dana, “at least her compensation was reasonable”, she mumbled, hugged for goodbye, “I will talk with you about tomorrow, I’m not sure he’ll be able to work outside the house”

Dana was surprised, “oh, I thought it’s obvious, the doctor said he must rest”

“Hmm, I’m not sure we can afford that, we have an amazing momentum we can’t miss, the reviews from today were amazing, more and more women want to book”

“But.. Noa, he broke his arm… are you being serious?” Even Dana was horrified with her behaviour.

“Yeah ok, anyway, thanks for today you did a good job”, she closed the door and walked in with you.

You miserably stood up, looked at her cold expression as she walked inside the bedroom, she looked pissed.

“N..Noa, it has to stop… I can’t do this, I’m sorry”, you said in a miserable tone.

Noa sighed, “Jim, we made almost 4,000$ today, that’s almost what we both made in a month, think about the family”, she explained in a tired tone.

“I almost died, it could have easily been my head that was crushed, and her feet were filled with dirt, she was sadistic, we must do someth-”

“You’ll have to be more careful in the future, we can’t afford more accidents like that”

“Noa, you are not listening to me, forget about the money for a moment and lis-“

“Ugh, please be quiet”, she placed you over a desk next to the bed, still inside your cage, “I have to think what are we going to do with tomorrow’s customers, it’s a mess”.

You gulped and lowered your head down, you felt like she’s not seeing you as a human anymore, just a tool and an easy way to make money.

She sat on her laptop and started typing, probably sending apologetic messages for tomorrow’s clients, you laid back in despair, watching your bedroom ceiling behind the bars and slowly fell asleep.


End of part 5

Small update - I’ve decided to make “New Job” a long term project, an episode per week or so.



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