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It was just another day, on your way home you saw a sweet looking girl stuck near her car, she looked helpless, seemed like she had a flat tire, you felt sorry for her and decided to stop and help.

“Hey, you know how to switch a tire?” She immediately asked in a helpless tone.

“Of course”, you immediately got your tools out of the car and started working on it, poor girl - no one helps the likes of her anymore, everyone is afraid to be shrunken and kidnapped, but you always gave people a chance.

You switched the tire and got up, smiling to her, “wow, you are my hero”, she said with a big smile, “can I offer you something in return? I feel like I have to”

“Haha”, you scratched your head, she looked amazing, “how about a date? Do you think it’s ok?”

She giggled, “give me your phone”, she grabbed it and added herself as a contact, then gave it back to you, you started walking to your car.

“Wait, you are probably thirsty, it’s a hot day”, she handed over a bottle, smiling, “have some water before you go”.

“Ah, thanks”, you took a few sips and handed it back, then turned back to your car.

“Ah just another thing, I have a weird yellow indicator light in my dashboard, I feel silly to ask but maybe you can help?? Please???”

“Hmm sure, I can take a look”, you entered the car and you couldn’t see any yellow indicator was on, then you started having a headache and had a blur sight, her car felt like it’s getting bigger and bigger and you passed out.


You slowly woke up inside a cage, almost exactly the size of your body, everything was blurry, you started examining your environment and quickly realized you had been shrunken, it was some kind of a salon, your cage was placed on the floor next to some white fabric.

You tried to push the cage’s door, looking for ways to get out.

Then a colossal foot landed next to your cage, you looked up and noticed it’s the girl you helped earlier, just a hundred times bigger.

“Hi, welcome”, she said casually, and sat down in front of your cage, she looked bored, without the charming smile she had earlier when you changed her tire.

“Have… have you shrunken me down? Why? I helped you, I don’t understand, are you an enslaver?” You mumbled confused, trying to deny the reality of the situation.

“Nothing personal, just business, I feel bad for you to be honest, I think you are a good man”

“So why? Please let me go, I won’t tell anyone”

“Sorry”, she reached her hand and opened your cage, “step out please”, you were scared, she was barefoot and you had a bad feeling about this, but slowly walked out of the cage.

She threw a collar next to you, “now put it on, and please don’t try to protest ok? I really don’t want to brutally force you to do it, you were kinda cute today”

Shaken, you bent down and held the collar, placing it over your neck, it locked.

She dragged her feet in front of you, “ok now, on your knees, start licking my foot sweat”

“No, why?? Why are you doing this, please, let’s talk about it!”

She sighed, then pulled a small remote out of her pocket, she stayed with a bored face and pressed on it.

You got an electric shock from the collar, it made you fall to your knees, it was unbelievably painful, you screamed.

“Don’t protest, just do it, I need you tamed by Monday”


“Yeah, a horrible client, some rich brat, I don’t envy you”, she got her sole closer to you.

“No no no, wait, I’ll pay you, I’ll give you everything, I won’t tell anyone I promise”

She sighed again, and pressed the remote controller.

The pain sent you on your back, you were twitching and squirming, trying to scream for help, she continued pressing it for long seconds until she stopped.

You started heavily breathing, then started to cry.

She continued watching you with a bored face, “just do it already”, she said in an irritated voice, like you are wasting her time.

You slowly got on your knees with tears in your eyes, got your tongue out and started licking her sole, her sweat was salty, gravy, simply disgusting, you couldn’t believe that you were doing it.

“Good”, she said, finally having half a smile, “now I’m going to explain some basics to you, kiss my foot if you understand, and don’t stop licking, understand?”

You desperately stopped licking for a moment and gave her foot a kiss, then continued with the licks, swallowing the horrible sweat.

“Rule number one - you never talk to your owner unless she asks you to, and even then you refer to her by ‘goddess’ only, understand?”

You kissed her foot again, tears kept flowing out of your eyes.

“Rule number two - always on your knees in front of your owner, standing up or sitting down is disrespectful”

She paused, checking out her phone, she probably wrote it down there

“Rule number three - you do ANYTHING your owner tells you to do, even if she asks you to die for her, you do not hesitate, you never protest or beg her to do anything, you OBEY, understand?”

You paused, you didn’t want to accept it, it’s just horrible, you looked at a dead skin cluster at her sole that was just in front of your face, you couldn’t imagine a life of slavery like that.

She sighed again, and an electric shock was emitted from your collar, you sobbed loudly and gave her foot a kiss, approving you understood the rules.

She then raised her foot a little and placed her toes in front of you.

“Good, now let’s get you through on how being a good foot slave, you have 3 different sources of food at your disposal, let’s go through them”.

“Miss, please, you can’t do this”, you tried to plead again but she ignored it.

“First - toe jam, check between my toes, you see this grime? Shove your head in and eat it”

It looked terribly disgusting, you paused, then you heard her sigh and you quickly shoved your head inside, before she could press the remote, biting and licking the putrid grime, trying not to puke, straining to swallow it.

“Good, now foot sweat you already tasted so we skip it, let’s go over the most important one - foot’s dead skin”

She placed her foot vertically again, she pointed at a dead skin cluster at the side of her sole, “this dry dead skin is what you should look after, and actually after a while you’ll even find it tasty - trust me”, she finally smiled, acting like you were friends.

You bowed your head back down and reached the cluster with your face, trying to rip it off with your teeth.

“It doesn’t work like that, you have to lick it carefully first, get it wet, it takes some time”

You closed your eyes and started licking the hard surface with a disgusted face. Lick after lick you’ve waited for her next order.

“Good, now try again to rip it off with your teeth”, she said after maybe a minute of licking.

You obeyed, trying to cut the first layer with your teeth and it started to rip off, then you let it fall on the ground.

“No, you don’t get the floor dirty - eat it”, she pointed down.

You paused, you saw her tightening the grip of the remote controller and immediately lowered your head down the floor, biting and chewing the piece of dead skin, eventually swallowing it, at least it was better than the toe jam.

“That’s great, we covered everything, now just treat my feet while I relax, ok? Welcome to your new life and I hope you’ll be able to enjoy it”, she paused for a moment, “although I highly doubt it, to be honest your future owner is one of the most spoiled annoying clients I have.

Eh, you are going to be so miserable, I’m really sorry for you”.

You looked at her with teary eyes, you wanted to beg her not to do this, but you didn’t want to get electrified again, defeatedly you bowed your head back to her foot and started licking it, swallowing sweat and dead skin just like she instructed you earlier.

Then you heard a *CLICK*, looked to the side and saw her iPhone lenses getting away, and then a “whoosh” sound of a WhatsApp message being sent, “just showing the client her new purchase, nothing serious, continue”, you gulped an ounce of sweat and went back to work.


You served her the whole weekend, haven’t protested even once, you did whatever she told you to, you were defeated, desperate and 100% obedient.

Monday morning someone came, a young brat wearing expensive brands, Prada shoes and a Louie Viton handbag, you were on the salon’s table in your tiny cage, she examined you closely, flicked the bars with her finger and you jumped back in fear.

“Hmm”, she said, then raised her sunglasses and looked at your enslaver, “he’s tamed, right?”

“Of course, totally obedient, he licked my feet the entire weekend”

“Just making sure, the last one tried to beg me once, I don’t like it”

“I’m sorry about it, but you know how this is, they are human after all”

“Hmph”, the rich brat scoffed, taking another look at you, “here is your payment, in cash”, she pushed her hand inside the handbag and took a pile of bills strapped with a rubber and handed it over.

“Thank you miss, I’m sure you’ll enjoy him”

“We will see”, she grabbed the cage with you inside and walked out, you were terrified, shaking in fear as she walked to sit inside her limousine, even without the collar on your neck, you knew you would not dare not to obey this brat, and your new life as a pathetic foot slave just began.


This short story is about the professional shrinkies enslavers industry, and how cruel and efficient they are. It’s a job that pays amazingly well, so many young women with no sense of morality or conscience made it their own independent business.



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