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Kim continued working on her onlyfans page and kept checking Instagram for likes and comments while you sat on her desk waiting. You felt sick thinking about what she told you earlier, actually killing someone… who cares if he asks for it, it’s crazy.

Few hours passed and someone rang the doorbell, Kim got up and checked it out. She returned with a box, she excitedly sat down in front of the desk and started opening it.

“Oh my god, are you ok? How did you survive the journey packed up like that?” She gasped checking the interior of the box, then you saw her grabbing someone from inside and picking him up.

“Wow, you are more beautiful than the photos”, he said.

“Haha, thanks”, she placed him down on the desk, you looked at him, he seemed like a regular person, why would he want to die like that?

“I had an oxygen balloon, food and water inside, it’s VIP shipping so it was ok, no worries my goddess”

She chuckled, “goddess? No one ever called me that” she blushed.

“Oh but you definitely are, it would be an honor to be crushed by your beautiful feet”

“Yeah, about that, I just wanted to make sure you understand…

You will die, it’s not a joke, are you sure you are ok with it?”

You watched carefully, you were anxious to hear his reply.

“Yes goddess, of course, don’t worry about it, I give my consent to die beneath you”

Kim shrugged, “if that’s what you want… I’ll go get dressed, and by the way this is my photographer he will film it”, she pointed at you, then left for the shower.

He waved at you, you approached closer.

“Excuse me, I’m Matt, what’s your name?”

“Hi Matt, I’m Paul”, you shook hands.

“Paul, I have to understand why would you do that, why would you suicide?” You tried to be direct, in case you don’t have much time.

“This is how I want to die”, he told you bluntly.

“Is there any way I can convince you not to do it?” You asked, looking at him in a confused face, you couldn’t accept that it’s real.

“Listen man, you want to hear my story? Maybe then you’ll understand”

“Of course, I’m all ears”, you sat down.

“I have no family, I was never in a healthy relationship, I have no friends, no goals, got fired from my job a few months ago, the money I gave to your goddess-“

“She is not my goddess, sorry to interrupt, she’s my girlfriend”

“Oh, well the money I sent her I got from inheritance, understand - I’m useless, and on top of all of that, I got diagnosed with ALS last month”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry”, you felt so bad for him.

“I always loved feet, always had a giantess fetish, I prefer going out like this and not lonely in some hospital”

You were shocked, you got up and hugged him, “I’m so sorry man, I don’t know what to say”, tears started forming in your eyes, you’ve never met someone with such a sad life.

“That’s ok. Just please record it the best way you can, I want to be a star in her onlyfans page, I want to give pleasure to all who are like me out there”

“I.. I promise I’ll do my best, even if I don’t agree with you I’ll do this for you”

Then Kim entered the room.

“Ok so I brought those sandals, I have a vision:

You will lay in my sandal, Matt will take a few pictures with my foot arched above you, and then we will take a video as I slowly flatten my foot on top of you, perhaps making a countdown or something, it will be cool”

It’s anything but cool, you thought to yourself, poor guy, she is actually staging his death so casually like he’s not even a living thing.

“Sounds amazing goddess. You are a genius”, he said and bowed, it sickened you.

“What do you think Matt?” She asked you, she was smiling, looks like she’s excited towards this.

“As long as he’s ok with it.. (I guess)..” you said quietly.

“Perfect, ok let’s set it up”

She picked you both, placed you on the floor next to her, then she dropped poor Paul inside her sandal, she pressed her toes down so the arch of her foot was vertical.

You could see that Paul was laying there with a huge boner, Jesus Christ, you started taking photos, walking around, taking a lot of photos, in some of them you could see his smile and excitement as he watched her sole.

“Ok I think I’m ready”, Kim's voice boomed from above, you changed the camera mode to video and started filming, walking back to catch a good angle at Paul.

“5…”, Kim said playfully, lowered and raised her foot slowly, “4…”

“WAIT! NO NO NO, STOP!” It looked like Paul was having a panic attack, he raised his hands and waved them.


Oh no, she can’t hear him, you had to do something but you were scared of being squashed as well.



You ran to him but stopped a few milimeters away, then looked up “KIM WAIT! DONT DO IT!!”

Paul started getting up quickly, he tried to step out


Kim brutally flattened her foot, Paul was crushed, his remains splattered all over, flying over you and the camera, you were shocked, then fell to your knees with blank eyes, you brain couldn’t even process the horrible thing you’ve witnessed.

Kim had chills, “wow, oh my god”, she said in excitement.

“Fuck, it felt so good, did you get that on camera?? Wow”

You just mumbled nonsense, watching as she raises her foot, you saw a pulverised bloody pulp that was a few moments ago a scared living person.

“Damn, he got crushed like some cockroach, I actually felt his bones turning to dust, what a power rush”, she kept talking in excitement, like she had some adrenaline spike, “I can’t believe I did it, wow”

“K..Kim, he.. he regretted at the last moment, it was horrible”, you said but in a regular tone, she couldn’t hear you.

She got her foot up and started wiping him off with a wet towel, like he was some random dirt she stepped on, she even made a disgusted face.

You repeated it again, shouting at her.

“What’s that? He had second thoughts?” She bent down with a smile, her face suggested she wants to hear more about it.

“He screamed for you to stop, he even tried to get away”

“I thought I heard something”, she said casually, like what you just said isn’t horrible, “sucks to be him I guess”, she shrugged and raised up again, throwing the wet towel with his remains to the trash bin.

You started shaking, sobbing quietly, she’s a monster.

She grabbed her phone, downloading what you filmed from the tiny camera, she watched it with an open smiling mouth, zooming in.

“He had a boner! Oh god that’s hilarious”

You looked at her, you couldn’t believe you once loved her, she was patiently watching the video making commentary.

“The countdown was brilliant, I think that’s what scared him, oh look he’s waving his hands like it could help, so funny”, she kept examining it, “damn he looks terrified! Omg he’s getting up! yeah I actually felt him getting up that’s why I immediately flattened my foot before he could escape, I didn’t finish my countdown”

“You what… you did what??!!”

She giggled, “I couldn’t miss the chance, he could ruin the video, that way it’s perfect - it feels so real, oh damn, the blood on the lense, wow!” She paused to examine the ending scene.

“You did an excellent job! This video is simply amazing! I have to watch it in slow motion, I can’t believe this poor guy has given me all his money for this, SPLASH!!” She started laughing, “it’s so brutal! He’s being flattened like jelly!”

“STOP! JUST FUCKING STOP! YOU SICK FUCK!” You started screaming at her, “YOU ARE A FUCKING MONSTER YOU JUST MURDERED THIS POOR MAN WHO FUCKING ADORED YOU!!!” You started crying, “the least you could do is not bragging about it!”

“Oh no we are not doing this, you don’t get to ruin this amazing moment, you are going in timeout”

“THE HELL I DO! Get me to the shrinking center RIGHT NOW! I’m not staying here a minute more! And I’m breaking up with you!” She bent down and picked you up.

“Oh shut the hell up, pathetic bug”, she threw you inside her drawer and closed it, then you heard her muffled voice behind the wood, “you’ll never feel what it’s like to end a life with a sweaty sole, I’m literally a god, and you are nothing, so you better know your place”

You gulped in fear inside complete darkness, how could you be so stupid to burst at her like this, you were so angry you couldn’t think straight, you teared a paper she had in her drawer and started cleaning yourself from Paul remains, meanwhile you heard Kim cheering and giggling, she probably posted the horrible video.


End of part 4




AMAZING! Cant wait to see where this is going! She turns out truly evil and cruel!


That’s the peak of the story 🙂 Very happy you liked it. The next part is closing the story